The Best Legion Arms In Lies Of P


  • Legion Arms in Lies Of P provide various utilities, ranging from setting enemies on fire to long-range projectiles.
  • Some Legion Arms, like Fulminis and Flamberge, are more useful against regular enemies rather than bosses.
  • Pandemonium is considered the best non-upgraded Legion Arm, while Falcon Eye, despite its weak start, becomes one of the best when fully upgraded.



Legion Arms are one of the many tools you will have at your disposal during your time in Lies Of P. Their abilities range from being able to set foes on fire to providing you with a long-range projectile. However, while all the Legion Arms provide some utility, there are definitely a few that stand out as being particularly useful.

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While we tried to judge every Legion Arm on its own merits, we will say that, at the end of the day, the largest deciding factor was how useful they are in boss fights. Being able to clear out a group of puppets is all well and good, but could have probably just done that with our sword.

8 Fulminis

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Fulminis

Hey, guess what, guys. Now, with the help of the all-might Fulminis, we can shock our enemies! Slowly. Very, very slowly. And all you need to do is stand at kissing distance. We’re not going to lie, we feel like we have missed something, as even once fully upgraded the Fulminis feels… bad.

With upgrades, the range does improve, and it will deliver a powerful blast once fully charged, but that takes forever and a half. We can’t imagine this Legion Arm ever being worth using in a tough boss battle. It just feels like this Legion Arm is painfully undertuned and desperately needs some buffs.

7 Flamberge

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Flamberge

This Legion Arm is pretty similar to the Fulminis. However, while these two arms are extremely similar on paper, we did find Flamberg to be much more useful. Against bosses, it is hard to implement, so it is primarily only good for dealing with groups of regular enemies.

However, you may find that against a few of the smaller bosses you can strategically pile on some flame damage with the Flamberge. We don’t really think it stacks up to the best Legion Arms in the game, but if having a flamethrower arm speaks to you, the fully upgraded version of the Flamberge is a Legion Arm you could make work.

6 Deus Ex Machina

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Deus Ex Machina

The Deus Ex Machina will allow you to place down mines that, once activated, will explode when an enemy is within a certain proximity. The amount of time they stay active is, unfortunately, piddly. As you upgrade them, they stay out longer and are more powerful.

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Here’s the thing, the Deus Ex Machina can be effective when dealing with normal enemies. It is a lot like the Flamberge that way. It is also pretty quick, so putting down the mine doesn’t leave you too vulnerable. However, when facing off against bosses, it is only moderately helpful, and it feels like some of the other Legion Arms are quite simply better.

5 Pandemonium

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Pandemonium

The Pandemonium is, in our opinion, the best of the elemental Legion Arms. Unlike the Flamberge or Fulminis, you aren’t locked into place. Instead, acid pools are placed on the ground, which will gradually poison anyone standing on them. This means that Pandemonium, even at its base level, can be useful. Especially if you have staggered an enemy as they stand in it.

Naturally, as it levels up, it becomes more and more powerful. You will have the ability to throw the poison puddles from a distance, and, once it is fully upgraded, those puddles will even explode. Pandemonium isn’t the best Legion Arm in the game, but it is probably the best non-upgraded Legion Arm.

4 Aegis

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Aegis

This is a very situational choice. For the most part, we don’t think this is a great Legion Arm. If you already have a weapon that has a decent guard stat, it just doesn’t feel like the Aegis does anything that special. The charge attack follow-up is okay, but there are better options for big damage (that we’ll be getting into).

However, what the Aegis Legion Arm does is allow players who want to use a light weapon to do so without sacrificing their defensive capabilities. Once Aegis is upgraded enough to allow you to Perfect Guard using it, it is basically a necessity for a speedy build, as having a shield will mean that your rapier’s terrible guard stat won’t drag you down.

3 Left Arm Of Steel

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Left Arm of Steel

Okay, yes, we see you there, shaking your head. Judging us. “The Left Arm of Steel is the worst Legion Arm,” you cry out. “It doesn’t do anything special at all,” you scream. Well, here’s the thing, almost all the Legion Arms are bad at first. But do you know what the Left Arm of Steel is? Light!

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And that’s enough to make it a strong choice for more than half of the game, when nearly all the Legion Arms are going to be junk, the Left Arm of Steel can decrease your load considerably. If all you have are partially upgraded arms that are kind of junk, then your best option is to shed the dead weight.

2 Puppet String

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Puppet String

We’re going to start off with a disclaimer here. Despite being second on this list, we think the Puppet String, in the right hands, is the most powerful Legion Arm in the game. Once fully leveled, it will allow you to close distance from the other side of a boss arena by pulling yourself toward an enemy—while also delivering a devastating follow-up attack.

On top of that, you can also use the Puppet String as a grappling hook to yank smaller enemies out of position and help separate them from their pals. It is also a great way to undermine traps.

1 Falcon Eyes

Lies Of P, Legion Arms, Falcon Eyes

The Falcon Eye is such an odd duck of a weapon. It starts off so very, very useless. Now, we know that most, if not all, the Legion Arms are relatively weak before they are upgraded, but the Falcon Eye is weakest among the weak in the beginning. The time it takes you to fire a single bullet is just excruciatingly long.

Good luck using the base-level Falcon Eye for anything other than shooting an unaware enemy. However, once it is fully upgraded, it instantly becomes an invaluable tool, as you can fire it out of a dash, and then immediately follow that first shot with a second if you so choose. Being able to fire off quick, powerful blasts from your Legion Arm is just too good to beat. You’d never believe it based on how bad it is to start, but the Falcon Eye is easily among the best Legion Arms in the game.

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