Biggest Differences Between Super Mario RPG On Switch And SNES

The original Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars launched on the SNES back in 1996, and while it became a cult classic immediately, it became slightly overlooked compared to other games from the same generation. However, almost 30 years later, the game was remade for the Switch in 2023.



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The game looks completely different, but it was marketed as a close recreation of the original, so many who played the original might skip the remake. However, there are many smaller and bigger changes that make this the definitive way to play Mario RPG, so what are these changes?

9 Original Music Remade

Same Music, Sounds Better

super mario rpg music player screen

One of the most iconic elements of the original Super Mario RPG was its soundtrack, and even if you are not aware of it, it’s likely that you have heard some of the tracks featured in the game.

With the launch of the game on Switch, Yoko Shimomura’s soundtracks has been reproduced, so all the same tracks sound even better than they did in the original. If you are a fan of the music in the original launch of Super Mario RPG, then you at least owe it to yourself to hear how the iconic tracks sound on the Switch version.

8 Monster List

To Keep Track Of Weaknesses

super mario rpg monster list menu

A useful addition in the 2023 remake of Super Mario RPG is the monster list. The list is a very detailed bestiary, a staple of most RPGs, and ensures that you have access to all the information you would need about every creature in the game that you have encountered.

All the monsters in the game have their own strengths and weaknesses, and remembering all of these can be a hassle. So, instead of wasting a turn using Thought Peek with Mallow, you can instead just access the monster list so you can see how to exploit the weakness of each creature!

7 Quality-Of-Life Changes

Smoother Experience

super mario rpg mario looking at storage box

While the smaller quality of life changes that have been made with the 2023 launch of Super Mario RPG are not as showy as some of the bigger changes, they are worth highlighting as they make the experience of playing the game significantly smoother.

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For example, if you get more items than you can carry, the excess will be added to a storage box. When using Mario’s jump abilities, there is a counter to keep track of how many times you have landed. The UI of the game is now a lot clearer and easier to work with, and you now have the option to switch between party members mid-battle.

6 Chain Buffs

Keep Up The Damage

super mario rpg mario mallow fighting croco

One of the elements of Super Mario RPG that helps the game stand out from other turn-based RPGs is the timing mechanic, where you can get extra damage from attacks if you time a button press with each animation. An extra bonus was added to this mechanic, which further incentivizes you to try and achieve this bonus each time you attack.

Each party member has an assigned stat that will be buffed each time you chain an extra timing bonus with your attacks. During longer boss encounters, these buffs can make the battle a lot more efficient!

5 Post-Game Bosses

Post-Credits Treats

super mario rpg valentina at the start of the boss fight-1

There are plenty of side objectives when challenging Super Mario RPG, and these ensure that you have a lot to go back to after completing a standard playthrough, but Nintendo wanted to ensure that there are more tangible rewards that you can get from completing your first playthrough.

When starting the game after completing a run, there are now new versions of the same bosses you fought in your first run. These bosses have new moves and will prove to be an even tougher challenge that is perfect for those who want even more out of Super Mario RPG.

4 Triple Moves

Different Team-Comps, Different Buffs

mario mallow and geno doing their triple move super mario rpg

One of the more noticeable additions to Super Mario RPG is the triple moves. These flashy moves can be activated by filling up a gauge you add to by successfully chaining timed attacks. These moves will change depending on who is in your active party, so if you have a specific move you want to try, you will want to shift your party composition before the gauge is full.

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Each of these moves has a stunning new animation showing off the relationship between the three characters, and each of them is unique enough that there is a perfect situation to try each of them out.

3 Action Commands Made Easier

Perfect Timing Made Simpler

super mario rpg action command tutorial

Action commands were one of the best features that helped the original launch of Super Mario RPG stand out, but they were often quite challenging to pull off, since the correct timing on when to press the button was not always made obvious.

This has been remedied with the Switch remake, as it adds exclamation marks for the perfect time to press the button to get the buff. Another addition to action commands is the bonus damage you can do with certain attacks to the other enemies you weren’t aiming for if you get perfect timing.

2 Breezy Difficulty

Accessible Adventure

mallow looking sad super mario rpg

Turn-based RPGs are beloved and one of the oldest genres to still be so popular, but, despite this, there are a lot of gamers who avoid the genre because of how challenging they can be. While Super Mario RPG is not the trickiest game out there, there are some sections of the adventure that might be challenging to genre newcomers, or younger gamers.

This is why Breezy difficulty was added to the new version of Super Mario RPG, to make sure that, no matter what skill level you are at, you can complete the story,

1 New Look

Smooth Switch Presentation

Super Mario RPG Remake: Princess Peach Sitting In A Field Of Flowers

While it is the most obvious addition, it is worth highlighting the new look that Super Mario RPG has on the Switch. If you are accustomed to modern generation graphics, then this new look will be exactly what you need to make Super Mario RPG a more accessible adventure, but it is worth mentioning how well the original still holds up graphically.

Of course, it looks like a game of the era it came out in, but for those who love the stylized look of SNES games, Super Mario RPG is one of the best-looking games of that generation.

Next: Super Mario RPG Remake Review – A Shining Star Of An RPG

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