Pokemon Legends: za It remained one of the most anticipated games of Nintendo from 2025. The sequel to 2022 Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Pokemon Legends: za Try to rely on the single game mechanics of that game to create a definitive new Pokemon game. It also seems to be a last big Hurray for the Pokemon Franchise on Nintendo Switch before Nintendo Switch 2 is ready to go.
More exciting, Pokemon Legends: za It is destined to report the players in the Kalos region, an area that has not been explored in any of the main line games since 2013 Pokemon X and Y. Fans of the sixth generation of Mainline Pokemon It should be ready to fill the city of Lumiose, since the game puts that city in the narrative spotlight. This new title will probably be an advantage for the Nintendo switch, but it could also miracles if it works in tandem with another popular Pokemon title.

The topic in favor and against the legends of Pokemon: za keeping the original appetizers of Gen 6
Pokemon Legends: Za has not yet officially revealed its appetizers, but the prevalent voice that the Pokemon Kalos will return has several pros and cons.
Pokemon Legends: Za could take into account Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go Still Champions Mega Evolions
Pokemon Legends: za Making a return to the Kalos region will make miracles for the always popular mobile game Pokemon Go. This is thanks largely to Pokemon Go be one of the only modern Pokemon Titles that still mega Evolution champions. The mega mechanics of evolution appeared for the first time in the original Kalos -based items, Pokemon X and YBut subsequent voices have entirely eliminated mega evolutions in favor of new forms and characteristics.
Pokemon GoHowever, he continued to implement mega evolutions as an important part of his gameplay. Unlike Pokemon X and Ywhere mega evolutions come thanks to a mega stone, the pokemon can evolve in these forms in Pokemon Go Once enough mega energy has been loaded. Once they evolve, they can maintain their mega shape for eight hours of the real world, while Pokemon X and Y Only Mega has evolved Pokemon briefly during the battles.
Pokemon Legends the new za megas could turn it into pokemon go
Clearly, Pokemon Legends: za has a great Crossover opportunity with Pokemon Go Thanks to Mega Evolions. The initial trailer for Pokemon Legends: za It clarifies that the mega evolutions will play in the new game, which is expected from a game that takes place in the region that introduced them. With this new game trying to relaunch mega evolutions, Pokemon Go it could take advantage of it.
After all, this new main item will most likely introduce several new mint mega evolutions for Pokemon who have never received these forms in the past. As, Pokemon Go It could take advantage of it and immediately add many of these new mega evolutions to its current list. This would be a great promotional opportunity for Pokemon Go to build on the clamor of Legends: za also helping its current implementation of these forms.
Clearly, Pokemon Legends: za has a great Crossover opportunity with Pokemon Go Thanks to Mega Evolions.
Pokemon Legends: Za could influence the Kalos tour of next year
Pokemon Legends: zaThe release could also influence the future of Pokemon GoEspecially with the recurring tours events that come close to each day of Pokemon and celebrates each one Pokemon region. Although 2025 will be the year of the Unova tour, 2026 will be the beginning of the Kalos tour. While Pokemon Legends: Za 'The 2025 release window could drive a wedge in some of Pokemon GoThe plans, a year -end version would reasonably put it close to the Kalos tour of the mobile game, creating a great promotional opportunity for the two titles.
2025 promises to be an exciting year for PokemonSince this new game should help to close Nintendo Switch's life on a high note. His exciting return to Kalos bodes well for other sectors of the Pokemon franchise, above all Pokemon Gowhich should bind well with Legends: zaReintroduction of mega evolutions. There is a great Cross-Seller opportunity at stake here, and hopefully, the Pokemon company will not let it slip.