When a new breed is introduced World of WarcraftSo also the attractive possibility that becomes playable. With the exception of the battle for the flow of allied breeds of Azeroth, the new playable games are few and far from each other. They tend to alternate or accompany new classes and integrating them well within the consolidated tradition of the game is not a simple undertaking.
Given its importance, the event of a new playable match must be nailed on the head, offering a captivating and unique experience for the players with whom Jive. Each new playable must satisfy several criteria, which is their reason to join the struggle for Azeroth, their physical animations and the fantasy dive they bring. Fortunately for World of WarcraftThere are already long -standing races in the game that adapt to all these criteria.

World of Warcraft City level List
The cities of World of Warcraft are where players spend most of their time every expansion, so the vouchers are never forgotten.
The Wily Sethrak by Zandalar
The Sethrak are a serpentine race originally from the desert sands of Vol'Dun, on the island of Zandalar. While the trolls only bandits and desperate manage to live here, the Sethrak thrives. These people similar to Cobra are excellent enchants and shamans, who have a particular affinity with the magic of lightning. They are also skilled warriors and thieves, who cover the blades with poison from their own zanne. The long and proud Sethrak could convince in a convincing way to be up to most classes, except perhaps for paladins and druids.
Several Sethrak enrolled the help of strangers during the battle for the Azeroth campaign to help them in a civil war. The opponent's part tried to unleash a monstrosity of Eldritch known as Mitrax, so both the alliance and the horde have helped the noble Sethrak to protect their home and save their wild patron god, Septrasiss. This means that these reptilians could join both factions and clearly have an interest acquired in helping to save the world.
The lost breed of Draenor degli Umanidi
Botans are a race of life forms of human plants, completely wise and capable of fighting and magical ability. They come from the Draenor's Christmas world, but have a mainly hostile vision towards orcs and other mortal breeds. They seem to operate under the objectives of the planet's Primal Hivemind, but still have their agency. If there has ever been a darkness that threatened all life in the universe, like emptiness, they could be done in a way to help Azeroth's heroes.
Betan warriors have a powerful grip on all types of magic of nature, and this could have fascinating aesthetic applications. The personalization options for a creature made of plants would be unlimited, including any Druid forms in which it could change. The botanes are absolutely foreign to those of Azeroth, but the pure uniqueness and potential they would provide since a new playable breed would be worth it.
The honorable warriors of the waters of Azeroth
Ankoan, or their fresh water cousins, the jinyu, are a race of semi-aquatic people similar to fish. They had close relationships with the alliance in the mists of Pandaria and fight for Azeroth, and they are qualified warriors who appreciate honor and courage. They are also versatile, able to fight inside and out of the water with swords, truments and various types of magic. If the game had ever taken a turning point towards more nautical or marine perspectives in a future expansion, the Ankoan would make an excellent choice.
These amphibian craftsmen would make precious allies to anyone and, given their acute sense of justice, they would have taken the opportunity to help Azeroth in the Worldsoul saga. They are wary of strangers, however. So the stakes should be tall to happily integrate. Of course, their innate racial skills could include water breathing and greater swimming speed and their customizations could imitate the parts of the real creatures, from the thorns of the lion fish to the pointed harpsies and all the colors of an Angoscian.
The only survivor of the Worldcraft vacuum
No other playable race would be so prescient for World of WarcraftThe future is like ethereal. These mysterious people were at stake from the fire crusader, but little is known about them. But as the Worldsoul saga of the expansions progresses, they will serve for a vital purpose. While they mainly act as traders or selfish collectors, Ethereals actually have a tragic history. The reason why they appear as body beings of magic vaguely linked by bandages is because it is exactly what they are.
A scarce millennium, Eterei were a people like all the others, who thrived in their desert world of K'aresh. But when the Lord of the emptiness known as Dimensius tried to consume the planet, his people found a way to cling to life. Dimensius has flooded the world with storms so powerful of emptiness and arcane that has actually transformed its people into pure energy. The ethereal were forced to tie their fragile essences to the fragments of clothing to remain alive and fled to the Nether hairpin. They would make excellent allies in the fight against emptiness, as the consequences of his hunger know too well.
There is still room for other anthro races
World of Warcraft It already has a list of “Beastfolk” or races that are essentially anthropomorphic versions of the animals. Worgen, Tauren, Vulpera, Pandaren and Dractthyr have set a precedent for this type of breeds, so one or two more likely would not be bad. The Velbolgs are a ursal breed of shamans who inhabit a wide range of continents of Azeroth. These people similar to the bear could make a fascinating addition, allowing players to explore their complex cultures and values.
Tuskarr has long been a painful desire for many Oh Players from their debut in Wrath of the Lich King. These tristile anthropomorphic are part of a shamanic culture of the physherfolk storytelling that deeply appreciate the family and nature. Their jovial and fat behavior would make them similar to Pandaren, but instead pay homage to Inuit in real life, iñupiat and similar cultures. World of Warcraft He has long used imaginary races inspired by real cultures and making them playable offers more intimate opportunities to appreciate them.