Will My Hero Academia have a sequel?

This article contains spoilers from the My Hero Academia epilogue.

Key points

  • Horikoshi concluded My Hero Academia after 10 years.
  • He is already planning his next work, perhaps a horror story.
  • A sequel to My Hero Academia is possible, but not confirmed.

My academic world of heroes recently saw the release of its 42nd volume and with that the series officially came to an end. The author of the story decided to take it a step further by inserting an additional chapter as an epilogue to the entire series. My academic world of heroes chapter 431 came out with volume 42 of the series, and it's safe to say that it was a pretty exciting addition to the story.


My Hero Academia: Horikoshi reveals the 10 best heroes at the end of the series

Horikoshi finally reveals Japan's top 10 heroes. The ranking is shocking.

This chapter gave fans a look at all their favorite characters a few years into the future, and at the same time, built up some relationships, like the one between Deku and Ochako. My academic world of heroes is now officially concluded, according to the author's words, and at the same time, fans also know that he is planning a new story. This leads fans to believe that a sequel could be possible and that is exactly what is being discussed here.

Kohei Horikoshi announces his new job

  • Horikoshi finished My Hero Academia in 10 years
  • Horikoshi is already planning his next work

My Hero Academia author Horikoshi has been the talking point among MHA fans, and much of that is due to the release of the story's 42nd volume. The 38-page epilogue also certainly sparked some controversy, but overall, it was certainly well received by all fans. Obviously, the ending of My Hero Academia was never going to satisfy all fans. There are those who argue that there are too many loose ends in My Hero Academia, given the way the author left things, and others instead believe that this ending is sufficiently satisfying. All these fans want My Hero Academia to continue, especially because they have their own vision of the direction the story should go.

This is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes that day. –Izuku Midoriya

Then there are the fans who, despite their feelings about the ending, want it My academic world of heroes continue because it's a story that means a lot to them. All these fans collectively rejoiced when Horikoshi announced that he was already working on his next work. It should come as no surprise to any fan that Kohei Horikoshi, the author of My academic world of heroeswill continue to write manga. After all, Horikoshi is still very young and may go on to write one or two more series over the next two decades or so.

deku my academic hero mha 429

When My academic world of heroes In conclusion, it was made clear by the series editors that Horikoshi would return in the future. But, while fans already knew that the author would return, what they didn't know was with which work he would mark his return to manga. After all, given the way My academic world of heroes finished, there's definitely room for a sequel. At the same time, he would also like to try to design something new, which gives enough basis for both ideas to be true. Here's what Kohei Horikoshi recently said with the release of My academic world of heroes volume 42:

I want to start a new series as soon as possible! For my next series I'd like to just take on the role of artist, but Shueisha told me 'It's better if you do everything.' For now I'm completely busy working on MHA art exhibition and other related events. – Kohei Horikoshi

Is a My Hero Academia sequel possible?

The story of My Hero Academia can be expanded even further

Of course, the biggest thing fans are wondering is whether a My academic world of heroes the sequel is possible or not. To put it simply, the answer is both a yes and a no. My Hero Academia definitely has room for a sequel. If the author wants to draw it, they can easily go ahead and draw a sequel and it's safe to say that in this case the sequel wouldn't be as bad as the likes of Boruto. In the case of the latter, the series completely exonerated itself from the stories of the main characters and became something completely new. In My academic world of heroesfans know that the main characters are still quite young and have just started their journey as Pro Heroes.

Their complex relationships are still only developing, and My Hero Academia could do something great by actually continuing the story of these characters. Deku still has the ability to be a main character within him and still has a lot of room to grow.


My Hero Academia: Horikoshi reveals the new suit of the Pro Hero Deku

The epilogue reveals a lot in MHA. Fans can also see Deku's pro hero costume.

Fans know that even a post-League of Villains society is worth expanding on, and all of these things combine to create a phenomenal setting for a sequel story. However, just because there's room for a great sequel to exist doesn't mean it will happen. The fact is that the author of My Hero Academia has never expressed the intention of making a sequel to the story. If anything, based on his recent words, he essentially confirmed that My Hero Academia has now concluded successfully with the complete epilogue. At the same time, Horikoshi also clearly stated that he wanted to start a new manga. To be fair, a sequel manga can also be considered a new manga, but that is highly unlikely to be the case.

Considering all this, the answer to the question of whether there will be a sequel to My Hero Academia is no. Most likely the series will not continue any time soon and the author's attention is already on his next series, which will probably continue to run on Jump, if successful, for about 10 years, just like My Hero Academia. That said, it doesn't mean that My academic world of heroes you will never be able to get any additional content. There are always one-shots and miniseries, and fans should keep in mind that Horikoshi can easily expand events, just as he recently dropped the epilogue.

What is Horikoshi's next work?

Horikoshi wants to draw a horror story

my academia hero deku victory

As for Horikoshi's next work, fans won't have to think too much about it. He hasn't dropped any hints yet and all fans know is that he wants to start working on his next manga as soon as possible. The only additional clue fans know is that Horikoshi wants to write a horror series. He has previously shown his interest in this particular genre of writing and, clearly, My academic world of heroes it certainly had elements of it. The fact that MHA appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump definitely limited it a lot. It remains to be seen whether Horikoshi will continue in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine and, if so, what kind of manga he will come up with. At the very least, fans should expect horror elements to be part of the story, and no matter what direction the story takes, fans are bound to love it to the fullest.

My Hero Academia Volume 42 is now available in Japan! The English version of the volume will be released in 2025.

My academic world of heroes


Kohei Horikoshi

Number of episodes

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