What was the last game released on the SNES?

With Nintendo's foray into the home console market with the NES, the company proved that there was interest in gaming beyond the arcades. Home consoles were viable, even if they weren't as powerful. THE SNES followed up on that game, continuing some of Nintendo's groundbreaking series.


How many games were made for the Nintendo DS?

The DS is one of Nintendo's best-selling consoles, but how many games have been made for it?

Much of the SNES library was also supported by other developers and publishers, such as Square Enix and Konami. The SNES still has a game library that is world-renowned in terms of variety. But how many games make up the entire console library? Let's take a look.

How many games were released on the SNES?

The SNES became the basis for many gaming series and conventions, many of which still exist today. Metroidvania, Square Enix's massive catalog of JRPGsplatformers and so on. It's a treasure trove of genres and ideas that defined gaming then and now.

And this isn't exactly surprising when you see the number of games on the console. Over approximately 1,700give or take some based on region-exclusive entries and the like. Sure, they're not all the remembered masterpieces, but they contained a shocking number of hits that people still talk about and refer to in modern games.

When was the last SNES game released?

The SNES was succeeded by the N64 in 1996, six years since its original launch. However, his support did not end there. Although it was discontinued in some regions at that time, in many others it continued with new games for a few more years. After all, adapting to 3D was a relatively slow process.

To that end, the final game launched on the SNES was Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 on September 1, 1999 exclusively in Japan. This was the last physical cartridge on the console.

The last actual game was Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut. It did not receive a dedicated cartridge and was only distributed via Nintendo Power Cartridge system, where the game would be placed in a blank cartridge to reduce costs. This was released on November 29, 2000. This marked almost ten years to the day since the Japanese launch of the SNES.

What were the launch titles for the SNES?

As the successor to the NES, the SNES had a big place to fill. And in the years since its launch, it's fair to say it has lived up to this legacy. But the launch titles wouldn't make you think so.

  • Japan – November 21, 1990
  • North America – August 23, 1991
  • Europe – June 1992 (UK and Ireland, 11 April 1992)

The SNES had something a staggered releaselaunched first in Japan, then in North America almost a year later, followed by Europe almost another year later. Yet despite all this, the number of games at launch in each region hasn't increased either.

Launching titles in Japan

Title launches in North America

Launching titles in Europe

The world of SuperMario

The world of SuperMario

The world of SuperMario





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Grade III

Super football



In Japan, only two games were available at launchwith these same two games also featured in North American and European launches, along with three other games bring the total to five. It wasn't a stellar start, though at least the games on offer, especially in North America, had some variety that really highlighted the vast array of games on the SNES.


How many games were made for the GameCube?

The GameCube gave us some of the most memorable games, but it had a surprisingly small library to match its prestige.

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