What Mai's gameplay trailer reveals about the character

Street fighter 6 has already entered Year 2 of its DLC. With M. Bison and Terry Bogard receiving varying levels of warm reception, the community is obviously looking forward to the game's next character. With Mai Shiranui just around the corner, Street fighter 6 fans should watch out for a few things.

Mai Shiranui joins Terry Bogard as the first pair of guest characters to join the group Street fighter. Just like Terry, Mai Shiranui hails from Fatal fury and made many appearances everywhere The king of fighters franchising. Although these are two classic fighting game franchises, there will definitely be a lot of people Street fighterit's a larger audience that may not be familiar with Mai.


The Street Fighter 6 producer hopes for more guest characters after Terry and Mai

The Street Fighter 6 maker is hoping for the opportunity to include more guest fighters after the Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui DLC in the Year 2 Pass.

Mai Shiranui brings Fatal Fury to Street Fighter 6 DLC

Mai Shiranui's Street Fighter 6 gameplay could burn brightly

Gameplay is often one of the most important ways to make guest characters stand out. Terry Bogard was certainly no different, from whom he drew inspiration Fatal furyto create an incredibly unique design. While Terry's vitality has often been questioned, the creativity of her moves has left many excited to see where Mai Shiranui could take the game next. Thankfully, the Mai Shiranui gameplay trailer answered many of those questions.

Unfortunately, Mai doesn't get to dive into the shadows like Terry does. However, Mai still references the lane switching mechanic, as one of her kicks sends enemies into the background for a short spin. Aside from that, many of his moves are true to his classic fighting style, with his fan throws creating plenty of opportunities for combo extensions. Most impressive of all, Street fighter 6 introduces Flame Stocks to her kit, which are a stackable resource that allows Mai to power up her special moves and Super Arts.

The Mai Shiranui DLC coincides with a huge event for fighting games

Considering it's so close, Mai Shiranui's release date is the first thing fans should be excited about. Mai is currently scheduled to release on February 5th and will come into the game alongside new content for players to sink their teeth into. While her default costume is based on her most iconic look, her Outfit 2 appears to be inspired by her redesign Fatal Fury: City of Wolves.

Fatal Fury: City of Wolves it will be released on April 21st, which is just under two months after Mai joined Street fighter 6. This makes for a pretty natural cross-promotion between the two, meaning fans might be interested in Mai Shiranui making some references to the upcoming title. While a new Fatal fury The game is one more reason to excite fans, due to Mai Shiranui's established bond with Street fighter will likely have even more traction upon its inclusion in its DLC.

Fatal Fury and Street Fighter 6 have a lot of history

Another important thing fans should expect is Street fighter 6 to take advantage of its shared continuity with Fatal fury. While Street fighter never hosted guest characters before Terry, lots of them Street fighterThe characters have made the leap into various crossovers. Among these crossover series, Capcom vs. SNK is one of the most iconic and undoubtedly the most important for Mai.

Capcom and SNK were once rival publishers who eventually became friendlier thanks in part to Capcom vs. SNK. Similar to Ryu and Chun-Li who are the faces of Street fighterTerry and Mai have long been the faces of SNK thanks to their roles in Fatal fury. When it came time for the crossover between the two iconic fighting game franchises, it was only fitting that their most iconic characters face off. Mai Shiranui quickly formed a fierce rivalry with Chun-Li, and has since been referenced in other crossovers.

Now that Mai will finally get her way Street fighter for the first time, this rivalry can be expected to continue. Of course, Mai might have a lot to say to Terry in World Tour once their paths cross, but her interactions with the World Warriors are a big part of this DLC's appeal. Barring a miracle from Rock Howard, it's a bit unlikely that another one will happen Fatal fury the character will be able to enter Street fighter 6 in the near future. Thankfully, Mai shouldn't have any trouble getting familiar with the rest of the game's cast.

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