What a player would have received for Christmas

  • Christmas 1879

    Christmas 1879

    While this hub is filled with pieces that celebrate the diverse gaming landscape, they largely talk about systems like the Dreamcast, Xbox 360, or Super Nintendo. In other words, they're all focused on modern games.*spit* And more classic gaming successes? Don't worry, Joe Parlock, our resident hardcore gamer, is here to tell you about a busy year True retro classics!

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 1879

  • Christmas 1994

    A Warcraft Orc and Samus from Super Metroid with a 1994 banner at the top, various game consoles at the bottom and a Christmas tree in the middle.

    To this day, the 16-bit era is seen as a major milestone in the gaming world. This makes 1994 a pretty big year, as it was when the 16-bit generation was working at all levels. Follow editor Andrew King as he gives you a taste of all the glorious games you may have been gifted this monumental Christmas for gamers.

    What players got for Christmas in 1994

  • Christmas 1995

    a Christmas collage with gifts from gamers from 1995: a PS1, a Sega Saturn and the cast of Donkey Kong Country 2.

    1995 was a year of transition, which meant new consoles and next-gen gems. TheGamer's expert specialist, Matt Arnold, will walk you through what gold may have glittered under the tree in a gamer's home this Christmas.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 1995

  • Christmas 2000

    Link from Majora's Mask with a GameCube and PS2 for What a Gamer Would Get for Christmas in 2000, with the year 2000 written in scrapbook magazine letters.

    Want to shred at the skate park with your egg-shaped friend while talking total gibberish? Well, then the year 2000 had games for you. There are so many iconic pieces of video game history released this year, and staff writer extraordinaire, Gabrielle Castania, is here to walk you through them all.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2000

  • Christmas 2001

    Christmas 2001 template with Smash Melee

    From the release of Nintendo's boxiest console to some of the best games of the sixth generation, 2001 was one hell of a year. TheGamer's Always the cheerful Stacey Henley will take you through this monumental year and tell you all about the titles gamers could expect to unwrap that Christmas.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2001

  • Christmas 2007

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2007

    Join TheGamer's Jade King as she takes us through Christmas 2007. Prepare to return to the dawn of the seventh generation and witness the tingling of excitement vicariously through her eyes.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2007

  • Christmas 2009

    What players got for Christmas in 2009

    Follow TheGamer's indie stalwart Ben Sledge as he takes you through Christmas 2009, a time before indie games existed outside of the seedy corners of the PC market. What 2009 lacked in terms of indie and artistic games, it made up for in shooters. And it's been a hell of a year for them. Curious? Then take this waltz back into memory later, in first-person perspective of course.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2009

  • Christmas 2016

    A 2016 Christmas banner featuring Nathan Drake from Uncharted 4, Emily Caldwin from Dishonored 2 and a Christmas tree on a green background.

    From top-tier stealth titles to stunning FPS titles, 2016 is a strong year in the modern era of gaming. TheGamer's expert editor, Andrew King, gave us a wonderful account of this amazing year and gave us an idea of ​​what a doe-eyed gamer could expect to receive from Santa Claus that Christmas.

    What a player would have received for Christmas in 2016

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