Tips And Tricks For Beginners In Ready Or Not

Quick Links

  • Practice In The Shooting Range
  • Prevent Flanks With Wedges

In Ready or Not, a gripping first-person shooter, you’re thrust into the shoes of SWAT police units navigating intense and hostile situations. Every move is a calculated risk, and every decision can be the thin line between success and failure.




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Slow and steady, quiet as a shadow, and always ready for action – you’ll want to be the ultimate tactician. As you embark on your journey, here are some essential beginner tips to help you stay one step ahead and ensure a successful mission. The only thing louder than gunfire is the sweet sound of a well-executed strategy. Let’s begin.

Slow And Steady

2 players in ready or not outside

Channel your inner sloth. Adopting a slow and steady approach can be the difference between success and failure. Rushing into situations without careful consideration can lead to disastrous outcomes.

Take your time to assess the environment, communicate with your team, and plan your moves strategically. This measured approach not only enhances your chances of survival but also contributes to the overall success of the mission.

Stay Quiet

players scanning a room in ready or not

Noise is not your friend. Maintaining silence is a critical aspect of your tactical approach. Avoid alerting enemies to your presence by adopting a slow walk by holding ‘shift’ and crouching when necessary.

Remember that enemies can hear your movements, and being detected prematurely can compromise your position.

By moving quietly and staying low, you increase your chances of surprising enemies and gaining the upper hand in engagements.

Practice In The Shooting Range

To sharpen your shooting skills and familiarize yourself with various weapons, head to the shooting range located in the back of the Los Suenos Police Department. Accessible through the main lobby, the shooting range provides a controlled environment for aim training.

Experiment with different firearms, hone your accuracy, and become proficient with the tools at your disposal. A well-trained SWAT officer is a formidable force, so invest time in perfecting your shooting abilities.

Have Suspects Surrender

surrendering suspect on the floor in ready or not

One effective way to handle volatile situations is by allowing suspects to surrender. Do this by utilizing non-lethal approaches, like shooting them with a beanbag gun or tasing them. Once the enemies stagger back, you can yell at them to surrender by tapping ‘F‘ on your keyboard.

Exercise caution, as some suspects may attempt to surprise attack you after pretending to surrender. Keep a close eye on them and restrain them promptly to avoid any unexpected turn of events.

Killing suspects is okay too. However, it’s important to note that doing so may result in receiving fewer points at the mission’s conclusion, affecting your overall score.

Lean Around Corners

leaning player in ready or not

Mastering the art of leaning around corners is a crucial skill in Ready or Not. Use the lean mechanic to peek around corners without exposing yourself fully. This allows you to gather valuable information about the situation and potential threats before committing to a full confrontation.

Use Long Tacticals

Loadout screen in Ready or Not showing the Mirrorgun highlighted

Incorporating long tacticals into your arsenal can significantly enhance your team’s effectiveness.

Tools such as the breaching shotgun and battering ram excel at quickly opening doors, providing swift entry points. The mirror gun allows you to survey areas without exposing yourself, making it a valuable asset for reconnaissance. When facing gunfire head-on, consider deploying the ballistic shield to shield yourself and provide cover for your team.

Prevent Flanks With Wedges

When facing the unpredictability of hostile environments, prevention is key. To avoid being caught off guard, make strategic use of door wedges.

To place them, equip the wedge by pressing ‘4‘, direct your cursor to the door’s corner, and then press the left mouse button.

Placing these wedges effectively can thwart potential flanking maneuvers by hostile forces. By securing entry points, you and your team can maintain control and minimize the risk of surprise attacks.


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