The rare Fortnite film returns to the Item Shop four years later

Key points

  • The Big Flake Pack returns to the Fortnite Item Shop for the third time since December 2019, now part of the Zelfy Lockers Pack.
  • Its rarity has increased over time, making it highly sought after by players.
  • Fans can purchase Fortnite cosmetics via the web version of the Item Shop for convenience.

Fortnite has added Big Flake coverage to the in-game Item Shop for the third time since its release nearly five years ago. Fortnite it's a free-to-play game, meaning players can get the full experience without spending a single penny. However, players can purchase in-game currency Fortnite and acquire cosmetic items for your character to wear in any game mode. While the Item Shop initially contained only a handful of items for players interested in exchanging V-Bucks for cosmetics, it is now several pages long and usually contains more than 50 items at a time.

Since Fortnite Until recently Battle Pass was an exclusive, and players knew that it included items that would never return to the game; rarity has always been a big issue for many fans. As more and more cosmetics were released over the years, including in the Item Shop, some increased in rarity, which made them more coveted by players, even if they didn't particularly notice them when they were first released.


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This is exactly what happened with the Big Flake film. It was originally released on December 6, 2019, coinciding with the Winterfest event of Chapter 2, Season 1, but no one paid much attention to it at the time. He returned once in March 2020 and was never seen again until the Item Shop update at 00:00 GMT on December 6, 2024 (1,725 ​​days later). It will remain in the Item Shop for a total of 48 hours, giving players who want to get it before it leaves the Item Shop again a decent window of time to purchase it. The rare wrap is back as part of an Item Shop bundle for content creators, Zelfy's Locker Bundle, available until December 8 at 12am ET.

Items included in Zelfy's Locker Bundle

  • Cloaked Shadow Skin
  • The return of Shadow Wings is sparkling
  • Festive emotion
  • Crystal Carriage Glider
  • Dragon Ax Pickaxe
  • Big Flake casing

As the years went by the rarity of this band slowly increased, which made those who purchased it at the time happy that they did, as it increased the value of their account. Players who have been waiting for his return are celebrating because they finally have the opportunity to acquire him. However, players who were happy knowing they had a rare item in their Fortnite the inventory is not the same at all.

Thankfully, fans can now purchase it Fortnite cosmetics through the web version of the Item Shop. So, those who are unable to access their favorite platform for Fortnite during this period you can simply purchase the Big Flake film remotely from your browser.

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