The best Wii games that used MotionPlus


  • Wii Motionplus has unlocked the true potential of the Wii, improving the interactivity of the gameplay.

  • Few titles have fully used advanced technology, but those who have created special experiences.

  • Games like Flingsmash and Wii Sports Resort have shown the precision of Wii MotionPlus.

While the Wii certainly took a dip with its innovative movement control gameplay, it was not until the MotionPlus Wii has released that many felt how the true potential of the system was reached. With movement checks one by one more accurate that have allowed a greater depth of interactivity of the gameplay, Wii Motionplus has opened the door to developers to further experiment with their titles.



The best games that use the movement sensor controls, classified

Food by the popularity of the Wii, the movement controls were implemented in many games, some of which were much better than others.

It is a bit surprising, therefore, that so few games on the Wii have actually used this advanced technology. This is particularly true when you look at the small grouping of titles developed with the Wii movement in mind, given how effectively they implemented the suburbs to create truly special and dynamic experiences.



A simple concept with reduced execution

The Blob yellow character is shot through various blocks and enemies in FlinSsash.

Flingsmash will not be remembered by historians as one of the titles not to be missed of the Wii, but this bizarre small puzzle platform still has enough charm and fun ideas to serve as a worthy distraction in a lazy afternoon. Basically, the game makes good use of the Wii MotionPlus while moving and breaking your little yellow patch on the screen.

Like many of the games that were developed with Wii Motionplus in mind, FlinSsash was actually bundled with technology. If I actually played the game instead of pushing it directly at the bottom of the shelf of video games, you would have been pleasantly surprised by the colored images and the intuitive checks of Flingsmash.


My personal golf manager

Improves with leadbetter

David Leadbetter made a golf swing in my personal golf coach.

For those of you who do not know who David Leadbetter is, he is one of the main golf instructors in the world who have taught several professionals over the decades on how to improve their game enough to win an important title. Do you want to know how much this guy does he take care of the instructions for golf? He has published eight different books that talk about the ideal golf swing. Yes. Otto.

My personal Golf coach aims to use the Wii Motion Plus (and the Wii Balance Board!) To create an immersive golf teaching Sim in the Leadbitter teachings mold. So, whether you hit the green every Saturday or that you have never collected a golf club before, my personal gold coach is not a terrible way to work on your game comfortably from your living room.


Gladiator anger

Are you not entertained?

Gladiator who blocks the dragon fire with their gladiator's anger shield.

Rage of the Gladiator is one of those precious WiiWare gems that has a great risk of getting lost over time given its relative arrest of the post -inaccessibility server. The game takes the punch-out gameplay formula and paints it with an ancient Roman coat, changing the boxing gloves for a sword and a shield.


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Come, I saw, Vici! Here are the best games set in ancient Rome.

The Wii movement is used for great influence while cutting yourself and makes its way through the defenses of the opponents. Few Wii games are better at emulating the thrill and danger of Swordplay than the gladiator's anger, and only for this reason, the WiiWare version of this game is worth it … if you can track it down.


Wii Play: Motion

Now you are playing with the movement

Wii Play: Motion Banner surrounded by various cartoons and objects.

The original Wii game was a fun packet of minigames which proved to be a huge success for Nintendo, largely due to the bundle game with a Wii remote control. Five years later, the Big N would have attempted to replicate this success with Wii Play: Motion – a new collection of minigames entirely based on the Wii MotionPlus which also came packaged with the advanced controller.

Wii played: did Motion set fire to the world in the same way as other games with Wii brand? No, but this does not mean that some of the minigames were not excellent examples of the ability of the MotionPlus Wii.


Red steel 2

One of the most underrated games of the Wii

The main character of Red Steel 2 standing in front of a city and a red sun.

Red Steel 2 is an extraordinary sequel to a completely insignificant original game that married together movement controls, substance and sublime in a way in which few Wii games can be compared. Whether you are brandishing your revolver or cutting the air with your katana, every action is precise and engaging in Red Steel 2.

Given the lack of quality games on the Wii that have been targeted exclusively towards an adult market, the execution of Red Steel 2 is all the more surprising. More than anything else, Red Steel 2 showed that first person action and the Wii MotionPlus adapt perfectly to the aesthetics of the Cowboy-Samurai game.


Zelda's legend: Skyward Sword

A legendary controlled movement from movement

Link raises the sword in the sky with Fi and Ghirahim on both sides.

More than a decade from its launch, the jury still feels out on the implementation of Wii Motionplus in the legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. While some people loved the sword player one to one and other movements based on the movement, others found them at the best of deceptive and semi-Romiced.


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Skyward Sword is an iconic voice in the Legend of Zelda series, and these moments of the game are the reason why.

However, wherever you fall on the infatuation of Skyward Sword with the Wii MotionPlus, there is something appropriate in having a main Zelda game on the Wii that blends its design so heavily with the movement controls. Because when everyone clicks together and works, Skyward Sword absolutely flies.


Wii Sports Resort

The best still

Head of the island of Wuhu in the Wii sports resorts.

If the original Wii Sports was the ideal proof of the conceptual video game for the basic movement controls of the Wii, the Wii Sports Resort has absolutely provided the same results for Wii MotionPlus. Surprisingly, but perhaps surprisingly, given the fact that few games have been developed exclusively for the accessory, Wii Sports Resort has never been eclice in terms of Wii MotionPlus implementation.

Know the minigames. Swordplay, table tennis, wakeboard … each wisely made cartoons that have made a strong case to the one-to-one precision of the Wii MotionPlus and helped to inaugurate a new era for the Wii as a whole.


6 games that would have been better with movement checks

From Bioshock to plants against the zombies, this eclectic titles mix has one thing in common: they would be perfect for the controls of the movement.

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