The best updates to be obtained first for the Synduality garage: Echo of Ada

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The garage is your home Sinduality: Eco di Ada. You may not have the freedom to move alone, even if the various areas you will visit will still reflect your updates. It is something more than only visual, since many aspects of your garage open new game mechanics as it is reorganized.


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However, it takes time, since each repair takes place in real time. It is worth it, both for the new mechanics and to stop living in a moldy and uncultivated garage. So here's how to start putting your garage in perfect shape and where you should first concentrate your efforts.

How to unlock each area of ​​the garage

Synduality Eco of Ada which describes how to enhance the structures.

From the beginning, You will have three areas in which to direct your effortsAnd you will have to examine them one by one before they start expanding. Starting from the production space, then from the Fossa space and finally from the living space, you must reconstruct the floors, walls and ceiling of each. This first phase lasts only ten secondseven if it starts to lengthen for more advanced updates.

Once finished in all three areas, the rest of the relative enhancements will be unlocked. Except for the living space, where Most of its structures are blocked by subsequent updates. We will arrive there in time. However, most of the areas will now be available for updating. Let's see what are those to pay your attention.

However, in some structures further updates to the floor, walls and ceiling for subsequent updates in some structures will be needed do not provide any additional advantage in themselves Beyond the images.

The best areas to update first

Once these areas have opened, you will not simply want to throw around materials and money at random, since both are rather scarce. Instead, Choose your priorities to get the most and unlocks the remaining game mechanics as soon as possible.

Make sure to use the wish list function so that your magus highlights all the objects required for you while you are on a mission.

Production space

The production space is the place where most of your creation efforts will take place, as well as repairs. There are Two additional updates here you can getAnd both are equally important. Here's what they do:

  • Artisan station – Unlock another creation slot, allowing you to create multiple objects simultaneously.
  • Restorer – allows you to perform repairs on your equipment at a lower cost with each update.

These two structures will be fundamental for your exploration, therefore invest in them immediately. You can choose first what you prefer, even if we recommend the craft station.

Unlike crafting, you can have as many structures under construction at the same time As you wish.

Fossa space

The pit space is based on your cradlecoffin and its supplies. His Where do you keep all the materials collected And where your mech is between one mission and another. It is your preparation area and your warehouse. And this is where you will focus your updates.

  • Articles warehouse – This increases the amount of objects you can keep with each update.
  • Transport lift – It offers you a random assortment of objects and money once a day. Each update increases the number and quality of objects.

The articles warehouse is the number one prioritySince you will quickly reach the limit of 100 objects originally foreseen by the game. The first update doubles it up to 200, which gives you much more breath. However, the lift for transport is not so essential have guaranteed resources Entering is of great help.

In a frustrating way, the only way to check how many items are present in the articles warehouse is to do so Go to the Objects Shop in the Sortite menu and check which objects you can sell.

Living space

The living space is where your magus (and you, presumably) relaxes between one mission and another. There are your beds, your personal collection of things and all the other comforts you could hope. That's why he has far the greatest number of updates, even if we only focus on some.

  • Insurance payment receiver – reduces the time necessary to wait for the payment of the destroyed equipment insurance.
  • Piggy bank – Allow your magus to save money in real time, which you can collect at any time. Further updates increase the money that can be stored and how much you earn.
  • Bath – Allows you to clean your magus when dirty because it has been lost during a mission.

To unlock all these enhancements, you must first enhance the living space. In the end you will receive a Request that asks you to improve your sleeping area. Once this activity is completed, the rest of the Living Spaces structures will be available for updating.

The bathroom will be unlocked along the routeAnd there is no need to improve it further unless you want your magus to have a more luxurious bathroom. THE Insurance payment receiver This is what you should aim later, since you can be sure that you will receive abundant insurance payments with the frequency with which you will be destroyed in synduality. Finally, there is the piggy bank. First you need to update the tables.

Once all these, you will have a fully functional garage! However, there are many other updates to sink your teeth they are prohibitively expensive and require some rare materials. Give him some time and you will have a garage that will envy every Ramingo on the surface.


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