The Best Triple Moves In Super Mario RPG

When the Super Mario RPG Switch remake was announced, it was marketed as quite a straightforward graphical upgrade to make the game accessible to a new generation without changing the original meat of the game too much.



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However, there are some subtle and more noticeable changes that have been made to make the game a smoother, more enjoyable experience. One of the most stark differences from the original is the triple moves that can be used when your action gauge has been filled up. So, out of these triple moves, which are the best to use?

7 Toad Assist

Two Active Characters Or Less

super mario rpg mallow about to select toad assist in gauge move menu

Toad Assist is not technically a triple move since it does not use three characters, but it is pulled off in the same way as a triple move, since you need to have the action gauge full to do it. Toad Assist will be triggered if you only have two or less active characters in the active party.

So if you do not have three party members yet, or one active party member is knocked, then this move is available. Its randomized nature makes it more niche in its usefulness, but it is still worth doing if the gauge is full and you cannot revive any of your characters.

6 Spare-Us-All

Mario, Peach & Geno

super mario rpg mario peach and geno using spare us all

Spare-Us-All is the triple move you will active if you have Peach and Geno join Mario in the active party, and while it is definitely useful, it is also the most niche in when it will be useful. The move is simple since it will defend your party from the next attack without any strings attached, but that is it.

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This is useful if you know you can only survive one more attack, or if the enemy is charging a particularly potent attack, but in most of these situations, it will be more useful to use another triple move, or just learn to time a block to ensure you do not get hit.

5 Healing Rainbow

Mario, Peach & Mallow

super mario rpg mario mallow and peach using healing rainbow

Similarly to Spare-Us-All, Healing Rainbow is a more niche triple move when it comes to its usefulness, but it is still more useful than the prior entry. Healing Rainbow is activated when you have Peach and Mallow, the two healers, in your active party with Mario.

The attack will heal every character, on or off field, to full health, heal status effects, and revive fallen team members too. This is useful since it is the most effective way to heal off-field party members, but when this skill would be the most useful, and having your action gauge full, is unlikely to line up often.

4 Clown Car Barrage

Mario, Mallow & Bowser

super mario rpg mario mallow and bowser doing clown car barrage

Out of all of the offensive triple moves, Clown Car Barrage is one of the more niche you can use, but it is still useful, and in most situations you will get good use out of this move. If Bowser and Mallow are in the party with Mario, then the trio will rain down fire, lightning, ice, and one big neutral attack on the enemies on screen.

If the enemy you are fighting is weak to any of these elements, then this move will be useful, but the later you get in the game, the less likely elemental weaknesses are. The more random nature of this attack makes it slightly unreliable, too.

3 Starry Shell Spike

Mario, Peach & Bowser

super mario rpg peach mario and bowser using starry shell spike

Both Starry Shell Spike and the next entry, Star Riders, have very similar effects, but they have slightly different attributes that makes Starry Shell Spike just a little less useful. If you have Peach and Bowser on the team with Mario, then when the action command gauge is full, you can use Starry Shell Spike.

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This is one big attack that will hit every enemy on field dealing a large amount of damage to each. If you are facing multiple enemies, this can wipe a lot of them out, but in a solo boss encounter there is a better option.

2 Star Riders

Mario, Mallow & Geno

mario mallow and geno doing their triple move super mario rpg star riders

Likely the first triple move you will use is Star Riders, since the first three party members you have are Geno and Mallow with Mario. This move is similar to Starry Shell Spike since it deals a large amount of neutral damage, but the different with Star Riders is that it only hits one target on the field.

This makes it less useful when doing random encounters around the world, but in the more challenging boss encounters, this higher single target damage will likely get more use. On top of this, Mallow and Geno are a more common party combination than Peach and Bowser.

1 Shooting Star Shot

Mario, Bowser & Geno

super mario rpg mario geno and bowser using shooting star shot

If you have Bowser and Geno on your active team when your action gauge is full, then you will be able to pull off the most versatile triple move, Shooting Star Shot. This move will deal five random powerful neutral attacks to the enemies on the field and will then buff all three characters in your party.

This is useful against both bosses and multiple targets, since in a single boss battle, all five blasts will hit the boss, and then the buff will help you throughout the rest of the fight. For all three characters to get a buff, you would usually have to waste three turns for Geno, so using this saves a lot of time as well!

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