The Best Timeless Cards In MTG Arena

Timeless is Magic: The Gathering Arena’s fully eternal format. If there is a card on the client, it is legal to use in Timeless decks. The format does not use bans, instead restricting problematic cards to one copy per deck. Meanwhile, cards that have been digitally rebalanced and have regular printings are reverted to their original text, but cards released into Alchemy that have been rebalanced retain their changes.




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Due to the giant card pool, there are many powerful cards available in the format. The best cards for Timeless are the ones with the most powerful effects in the game, many of which have been banned in other formats.

10 Dragon’s Rage Channeler

3/3 With Ease

 Dragon's Rage Channeler

Dragon’s Rage Channeler is a staple in any red deck in Timeless as a way to control the top card of your library and get in for damage. The card is primarily played in decks casting a lot of noncreature spells, letting you surveil with most of your spells and set up your graveyard for delirium.

Since Timeless has both fetchlands and Mishra’s Bauble, it is easy to get two of the four card types needed into your graveyard to turn Dragon’s Rage Channeler into a 3/3 flyer. It only costs one mana, so Dragon’s Rage Channeler can start making an impact as soon as the game starts.

9 Lightning Bolt

Everyone’s Favorite Burn Spell

MTG Lightning Bolt card and art background

The most iconic burn spell of all time, Lightning Bolt is also one of the best cards in Timeless. Short of control decks, if you are playing with red cards, you are playing with max copies of Lightning Bolt.

Lightning Bolt is so good in Timeless because it can hit many of the best creatures in the format to remove them. If there are no creatures, dealing three damage to your opponent directly can help you close out games. In decks with a low mana curve that want to cast a lot of spells, Lightning Bolt is also a signature piece of the strategy.

8 Lurrus Of The Dream-Den

The Banned Menace Returns

MTG Lurrus Of The Dream Den card and art background

If a card had to be banned (not restricted) for Vintage for power-level reasons at one point, you know it’s good. Lurrus Of The Dream-Den is the main reason the companion rule was nerfed because of how strong it is. In Timeless, Lurrus Of The Dream-Den is both amazing as a companion and inside the deck itself.


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Many strong decks have a low mana curve for its permanents. Lurros Of The Dream-Den lets you recycle cards like Mishra’s Bauble for free, giving you a free draw engine for as long as Lurrus is on the battlefield. It also brings back all your creatures that had gotten removed.

7 Deathrite Shaman

Graveyards As A Resource

MTG - Deathrite Shaman

With how many cards go to the graveyard in Timeless, Deathrite Shaman is one of the best cards in the format. It is a graveyard hate card that can also help to play a midrange strategy by gaining you life and burning your opponent.

Notably, Deathrite Shaman can target cards in either player’s graveyard. As such, in grind games when your opponent’s graveyard is empty, you can use cards in your own graveyard to take advantage of Deathrite Shaman’s effects. It’s also great in a fetchland format as it gives you a versatile mana dork that can swap to one that affects life totals.

6 Necropotence

No Draw Step? No Problem!

MTG Necropotence card and art background

Necropotence is a card so good it’s banned or restricted in all non-Commander formats, so it being at four copies in Timeless is a big deal. While you do skip your draw step, you can ensure you never have less than seven cards in your hand with its effect. You can combo it with March Of Wretched Sorrow so if you have to discard for hand size you can exile black cards to discount it to gain more life and deal damage to a creature or planeswalker.

While you do lose life and regular drawing, this doesn’t matter when you put all the answers to your opponent you might need into your hand. Life is a resource after all.

5 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer

Dash Into Ramp

Ragavan Nimble Pilferer

Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer is one of the best one-drop creatures ever printed, giving you a ton of value if it ever connects for combat damage. It gives you a Treasure token to help you ramp and potentially snipes a powerful card from your opponent that you can cast thanks to the Treasure you make so you always have the color you need.

Its dash ability is also great as it helps to dodge removal if your opponent is tapped out and keeps it safe from a board wipe if you suspect your opponent may have one.

4 Mishra’s Bauble

Draw For Free

MTG Mishra's Bauble card and art background

Mishra’s Bauble is a way to turn your 60-card deck into a 56-card one. This is because it costs zero mana and immediately replaces itself in your hand once your opponent starts. It also pairs well with decks that want multiple cards in their graveyard quickly.

Mishra’s Bauble also gives you information on the deck your opponent is playing by looking at the top card of their library. This helps you plan your future turns and play around their strategy and alter yours so you don’t play into certain spells.

3 Orcish Bowmasters

Punish All Draws

Orcish Bowmasters by Maxim Kostin

In formats with Brainstorm legal, Orcish Bowmasters is always going to be a threat. If you see two mana open with one being black, you always have to be wary about drawing cards as Orcish Bowmasters could be around the corner. It’s especially good against Brainstorm, as it turns that spell into three damage to any target and a 3/3 on your battlefield.


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Orcish Bowmasters ensures your opponent can never comfortably draw cards, all while giving you a solid blocker with the Army it amasses. Since it has flash, so long as you have the mana for it, you can cast it.

2 Oko, Thief Of Crowns

Elks Everywhere

Oko, Thief of Crowns MTG Card

Oko, Thief Of Crowns is one of, if not the best planeswalker ever printed, so much so that it’s banned in every constructed format except Vintage and now Timeless. Oko easily gets rid of any problem creature by turning them into a 3/3 creature with no abilities. Since this gives loyalty, it makes it harder for that creature to remove Oko on its own.

Since Oko, Thief Of Crowns only costs three mana, you can start taking advantage of it right away. With how much loyalty Oko can give itself, short of removal spells it’s hard for your opponent to be able to deal with it.

1 Brainstorm

Draw And Replace

MTG Brainstorm card and art background

In formats with fetchlands, Brainstorm becomes the best draw spell in the entire game, and why it’s the best card in Timeless. If you are playing a blue deck, you should have four copies of Brainstorm in your deck.

What makes Brainstorm so good is you draw three cards and put two cards that you don’t want in your hand on top of your library. Afterward, you use a fetchland which shuffles your library so you don’t have to see those cards again. In a pinch you can use it to dig through your deck to find an answer you need for a board state.


Magic The Gathering: Arena: The 10 Best Decks In Timeless

These decks offer some versatile and unique ways to play MTG Timeless.

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