The best sequels of souls arriving in 2025


  • Season 2 of my happy marriage focuses on romanticism and overcoming obstacles.

  • The solo leveling follows the travel and perseverance of Sung Jin-Woo.

  • Spy X Family Season 3 merges action, comedy and romance in a moving family history.

If you are a fan of souls, you know how difficult it can be to wait a year (or twenty) for the next season of a show that will come out. Some arrive rapidly, like Ranma ½, but others can use a excruciating period of time, as the fruit basket has done. Whether you are obsessed with crunchyroll or attacks you in Netflix and Hulu for your soul needs, you have many choices.


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Of course, there are tons of souls who come out in 2025, but some sequels have saliving us with excitement. There are some souls who grabbed our hearts and have claimed our complete and total attention. Some have followed diligently for years, while others have found their way in our hearts in 2024. Continue reading to get to know the program for the anime you want to see more.


My happy marriage (season 2)


Kiyoka Kudou has her eyes closed in my happy marriage.

To look at

Release date


January 2025

The first season of the happy wedding was released on Netflix during the summer of 2023 and fans became quickly obsessed. The show surrounds Miyo, an abused girl who lives with her family who remained in an organized wedding. His family expects him to fail, but actually thrives with his new spouse.

The epic part of this show is the way love really conquers everyone. There are many novels that have twisted plots, but my happy marriage brings romance back to the root of what was an old anime. The show surrounds the wedding and the way in which it improves both characters, and every obstacle that occurs is faced by them together. We are anticipating a season 2 that stands heartbreaking.


Solo leveling (season 2)


To look at

Release date

Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime

January 2025

The solo leveling is an anime rich in action that takes place in a world where hunters with magical skills fight against mortal monsters to keep humanity afloat. The story follows a sole weak hunter named Sung Jin-Woo who fights to stay alive.

This show thrives on the perseverance of Sung Jin-Woo. It is almost as if it were allergic to failure; He works more hard than anyone else to face new challenges, get unique powers and become stronger. Soul fans love a loser, and Sung Jin-Woo is the Ultimate a.


Apothecary Diaries (season 2)


To look at

Release date


January 2025

Apothecary Diaries is a much loved anime that was released for the first time in winter 2023. The show speaks of Maomao, a girl obsessed with the poison that is forced to work at the Imperial Palace. When saving the life of a real child, she is assigned a new job as a poison tester. Through his vast knowledge of pharmacists, herbs and poisons, he works with those higher in the building to solve the mysteries.


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Maomao is one of the coolest protagonists and with the head lasts for a while. He is completely unaware of those who are romantically interested in her and focuses exclusively on her obsession with poison. Since there are so many aspects of the show, including the learning of pharmacy objects, mysteries and a touch of romanticism, the show is one of the most compelling souls that appear over the years.


One piece (season 22)


To look at

Release date

Netflix, crunchyroll

April 2025

One piece is considered one of the best souls of all time. He is at his 22nd season and fans still don't have enough. It is particularly praised for the construction of the world and complex characters. It is a unique show that takes place on the sea. Luffy, the protagonist, begins to find a treasure called a piece to become the king of pirates.

The best part of this show are the mysterious points of the plot. The world is so twisted and interesting and each character has an in -depth background. You can't help but attack yourself even to the worst characters. And, of course, if you play a lot of attention, you will see callbacks constantly in the first points of the plot, which is so fun to be careful.


Fire Force (Season 3)


Shinra using her firefighters in the soul firefighters.

To look at

Release date

Crunchyroll, Disney+, Hulu

April 2025

If you think this show is just to fight the fires, you are wrong. Fire Force is a series that surrounds a group that works against pirokinetic monsters that threaten Tokyo. There are infernal attacks that must be stopped and conspiracy around corruption. The show is twisted, which is one of the reasons why it is so popular.

You can't help but be a sucking for an exceptional team like that of fire. Each character has a unique and well -deceived personality and merge well. In addition, the visual effects in this show are first -rate and make you come back for more every week.

This season will be the last one, and is divided into two parts. The first part will be released in April 2025 and the second part will be released in January 2026.


Windbreaker (Season 2)

Action and adventure

Twenty souls two screenshots side by side.

To look at

Release date

Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime

April 2025

Some fans consider the wind the best show that will be released in 2024. The show follows Haruka Sakura while working to become the best fighter in his school. It ends with the fans and the support of both his classmates and citizens and struggle to accept praise after a life of being considered an marginalized.


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They were bad, but they had a reason for this.

Fans appreciate the mix of healthy and full action scenes that this anime brings. With a show like this, you do not always expect the main character to be so humble and adorable. You are really cheering for him in every exciting battle and I can't wait to see what he does later.


Dandadan (Season 2)

Comedy of action

An image of Ken Takura and Momo Ayase run away.

To look at

Release date


Summer 2025

Dandadantook the world with assault in 2024. The series follows two young teenagers with different supernatural powers while working to fight against Yokai. They meet new friends, collaborate with family members and even have some romantic moments.

The show has some graphic scenes, but overall it is a rather healthy team with great fights, interesting enemies and a general goal. The most beautiful thing about this show is the way in which the drama, comedy and science fiction blends so perfectly. The characters are eccentric and easy to love and the story is really well written.


Spy x family (season 3)


To look at

Release date


October 2025

The Spy X family has something for everyone. There is an adorable girl with psychic powers, a romantic will, non-non-not-maisterial and epic fights. The show revolves around a family made up of a spy, a killer and a mental reader. They gather as a disguise, but in the end they start to really love us like a family.

This show is fun, well written and to be frank, absolutely adorable. Even when Yor, our “mother” and the killer, is killing people and the blood flies everywhere, spectators are cheering for her. The Spy X family takes the term 'family gimmick and reinvents it in the most beautiful way. This is an anime that transcends the genre: everyone can find something they love.


My Hero Academia (Season 8)


To look at

Release date

Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+

Autumn 2025

My Hero Academia has been going on for years and has always been a favorite by fans. The show is an age story about a boy who wants to be a superhero but has no powers. He meets someone who can transfer power and make him the best superhero that is there. He joins Ua High School, meets friends and fights against incredible bad guys to go to the top.

The best and unique part of this show is how great the cast is. Everyone seems to have a favorite character and there are many online changes and fanarts that surround each one. Fans are even obsessed with the bad guys and enjoy how much background we see each character. Even if you don't easily attack the characters, each character has a unique ability that is captivating to look at.


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