The Best PS4 Games Of All Time

When compared to the Xbox One and the Wii U, it was clear that the PlayStation 4 had the strongest library of its generation. While the console launched in 2013, it is still being supported over a decade later, and has a library of games that is growing alongside the next generation.




8 Best PS4 Adventure Games

Each of these PlayStation 4 games will take you on an exciting adventure.

When looking at the best games that you can play on this console, it is hard to narrow it down with so many genre defining and massively celebrated titles all housed on one console. However, this list narrows down some of the best experiences you can have on the PlayStation 4, no matter your preferences.

10 Death Stranding

Sam Porter Bridges holding a baby in Death Stranding

Upon launch, Death Stranding was definitely a divisive game, with one of the issues people had with it being; not knowing what it is. But, when you actually sit down and play it, all the pieces fit together to create an unmatched and unforgettable gaming experience.

Why Death Stranding Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

The detailed exploration of Death Stranding’s open world, paired with the engaging delivery system, makes Death Stranding a game that’s hard to compare to anything else. If you feel like all the games you are playing are merging together, try Death Stranding to get something completely new!

9 Dragon Quest 11

dragon quest 11 Luminary in combat against Slimes

Dragon Quest 11

September 4, 2018

JRPGs can be a hard genre to get into, which is why Dragon Quest 11 is so impressive for how accessible and enjoyable it is for all players. The game’s world design hasn’t aged a day since it launched, and building your party of loveable characters to complete the tale told, is a well-paced and polished experience.

Why Dragon Quest 11 Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

While the definitive edition of the game was not officially launched on the PS4, it is still available digitally, and at an accessible price too. The definitive edition of Dragon Quest 11 available on PlayStation 4 refines the game to a level unmatched by any similar games, and makes it a beacon within the Dragon Quest series.

8 Nier Automata

2B android in NieR Automata

With its multiple endings, and ever-changing gameplay style, Nier Automata is going to keep you guessing all throughout your multiple playthroughs. The story of this unconventional game is told to completion throughout the different endings, and will encourage you to keep playing its engaging action and RPG mechanics until you have solved the game’s mysterious narrative.


8 Best Games That Don’t Fit A Particular Genre

These games don’t quite fit into traditional genres, which is what makes them so great.

Why Nier Automata Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

While the gameplay loop of Nier Automata might seem recognizable at first, the way it evolves throughout your different playthroughs and dependent on your decisions will keep it a refreshing experience until the end.

7 Persona 5 Royal

Ann and Yusuke Posing With a Sword and a Parasol

While the initial launch of Persona 5 was considered a masterpiece by its own merit, it somehow became even better with the Royal re-release. This is one of the longest games available on the PlayStation 4, but living through the life of your character and exploring the stylized world will keep you enjoying the game until credits.

Why Persona 5 Royal Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

The balance of life-simulation with turn-based combat is what made the Persona games gain their loyal fanbase, and this gameplay loop is made its most refined and accessible in Persona 5 Royal, making it a perfect entry point for new fans.

6 Marvel’s Spider-Man

Spider Man holding up the peace sign as he takes a selfie above city

Marvel’s Spider-Man is now a game responsible for one of the most successful trilogies in modern gaming, with its direct sequel and Miles Morales spin-off being some of the best games on the PlayStation 5, but the quality of the original title on PlayStation 4 is worth not forgetting.

Why Marvel’s Spider-Man Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

The concise story told throughout Spider-Man is a fun adventure to complete, with its refined traversal and deceptively simple combat. While it is not required to play the later games, it is something you will definitely want to come back to.

5 Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Cloud in his worst possible dress in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

While hardcore fans of the Final Fantasy series will debate whether the Remake or the original Final Fantasy 7 are better, it doesn’t change that by its own merit, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is one of the best RPGs you can play on PlayStation 4.

Why Final Fantasy 7 Remake Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

The start of Cloud’s adventure is told with beautiful detail throughout Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It is a great starting point for those looking to get into Final Fantasy, with most titles in the long-running series available on PlayStation 4, making it the perfect console for playing through almost every entry.

4 God Of War (2018)

God of War 2018 - Magni & Modi

God of War (2018)

April 20, 2018

Action , Adventure

While the original God of War games became iconic for the generation they launched in, the 2018 reboot of the series was the perfect way to entice both new and old fans with a high-quality action-adventure epic. The action is responsive and still looks amazing on the PlayStation 4 over half a decade after launch


God Of War: The 15 Most Epic Boss Fights, Ranked

God Of War is one of the best game series out there, and one thing that makes it great is the bosses. Here are the most epic boss fights, ranked.

Why God Of War (2018) Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

God of War is a masterclass on how to reboot a video game series on the brink of stagnation, with the series successfully revitalized after a title that enraptured so many PlayStation 4 owners. The adventure is accessible being long enough to sink your teeth into, but not too long that it feels like a full-time commitment.

3 Bloodborne

Bloodborne the hunter fighting an enraged Ludwid the Accursed


March 24, 2015

From Software

Almost all of Fromsoftware’s Soulsborne titles are available to play on PlayStation 4, but perhaps the title that serves as one of the best entry points, while also defining the PlayStation 4 generation, is Bloodborne. The title retains the challenging combat of the Dark Souls series, but starts its own lore with its own detailed but grotesque setting.

Why Bloodborne Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

Your first Soulsborne game is sure to be a challenge no matter what title you choose, but with the amount of customization you get with Bloodborne, paired with its engaging story, ensures that you will want to keep coming back no matter how many times your character may fall.

2 The Witcher 3

A screencap of Witcher 3 showing Geralt of Rivia slaying a beast

While it is the third entry in The Witcher series, The Witcher 3 is still an accessible entry point to Geralt’s story, with plenty of resources available to catch you up to this relatively self-contained story arc. The world is expansive yet still full of detail, and the combat is rewarding without getting bogged down in genre traditions.

Why The Witcher 3 Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

You can engage with the world of The Witcher 3 as little or as much as your want, making this a great time whether you want to focus your time on the core narrative or lose yourself in every available sidequest and story the stunning world has to offer.

1 Hades

Zagreus standing against a picture of his father Hades.


September 17, 2020

Action RPG

Hades is impressive for how many people it managed to introduce to the ever divisive Roguelite genre and convert into fans. Zagreus’ escape from the Underworld might seem like a repetitive challenge from an onlooker’s perspective, but when you actually get to play it, the game is one of the most engaging titles you can play on the PlayStation 4.

Why Hades Is One Of The Best PS4 Games

The DualShock is one of the best controllers to work through Hades’ rendition of the Greecian Underworld, and with how well voice-acted the expansive cast of characters are, you will want to experience everything this adventure has to offer!


7 Best Open-World Games On PS4

These PS4 games provide you with interesting sandboxes to explore.

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