The Best Marriage Options In Skyrim


  • Aela the Huntress is a prominent character in Skyrim and a member of the Companions guild. Players can marry her and receive Archery training.
  • Mjoll the Lioness is an opponent of the Thieves Guild and can be married after completing her quest. She offers her sword and a house in Riften as benefits.
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver is a mage in Kynesgrove who can be married after completing her quest. She is also a valuable spell merchant.



Throughout the towns, cities, dungeons, and villages of Skyrim, hundreds of NPCs can be encountered on your travels, but only a select few of those characters can be married. After speaking with the priest of Mara in Riften, wearing the Amulet of Mara, and completing the relevant quests, these NPCs can be married.


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Many of these NPCs, depending on their standing, will offer a variety of benefits such as homecooked meals, but also discounts if the NPC in question is a merchant or shopkeeper. This list will explore ten such marriage options, as well as the benefits they bring.

10 Aela The Huntress

“Something Has Shifted In The Moons, Brother.”

A woman dressed in ancient armor and green face paint stares at the camera with green foliage in the background.

Aela the Huntress is one of the more prominent and memorable characters in Skyrim, as you will most likely quickly meet her on the road to Whiterun. Aela is a member of the Companions, a guild for more combat-oriented characters.

Due to being one of the first prominent NPCs you will meet and considering her role in one of the more prominent guilds of Skyrim, Aela is a character many will naturally gravitate towards. Aela is an expert Archery trainer, accessible to those who are also members of the Companions.

9 Mjoll The Lioness

“You’re A Stranger Here Too, Eh?”

Mjoll the Lioness in Riften with another character behind her in Skyrim

Upon entering the city of Riften you will soon encounter a scene involving Mjoll the Lioness where she is established as an opponent of the Thieves Guild, another of Skyrim’s guilds. After this, Mjoll will patrol the city and can be spoken to to access her quest.

Her quest involves recovering her sword, Grimsever, and once this is done Mjoll can be accessed as a follower. Once she is a follower, you will have access to her sword, as well as a house in Riften.

8 Dravynea The Stoneweaver

“No Reason To Stop In Kynesgrove. Keep Moving.”

Dravynea stands on a road in Skyrim

Dravynea the Stoneweaver is a mage who can be found in the village of Kynesgrove south of Windhelm, employed in Steamscorch Mine and an expert trainer in Alteration. After the completion of her quest, where you must bring her a sample of frost salts, Dravynea will be available as a candidate for marriage.


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Additionally, Dravynea is also a spell merchant, making her a valuable resource for characters interested in pursuing many of the schools of magic that are available in Skyrim.

7 Balimund

“Come To See Balimund Perform Miracles With Steel, Eh?”

Balimund hard at work at his forge

In the city of Riften, you can also encounter Balimund, the local blacksmith and owner of The Scorched Hammer, who offers expert-level training in Smithing. His associated quest, Stoking the Flames, involves your supplying him with a stockpile of fire salts for use in his forge.

After completing this quest, he will be an available candidate for marriage. As a blacksmith, Balimund can buy and sell a variety of items, such as weapons, armor, and materials necessary for crafting and blacksmithing.

6 Muiri

“Alain Dufont Took My Life. And Now I’m Taking His.”

Muiri stands in the glow of a tavern

Muiri the apothecary, can be found working in The Hag’s Cure in the city of Markarth. In her quest, Muiri invokes the Black Sacrament to hire the Dark Brotherhood and enact her revenge on a former lover who had betrayed her.

Upon completion of her quest, Muiri can be married if you so wish, and if anything happens to Bothela, the owner of The Hag’s Cure, Muiri will take over the store. In her capacity as owner, she will sell items such as potions, alchemy recipes, and ingredients.

5 Sorex Vinius

“Soft Sheets And Hard Liquor. What’s Not To Like?”

Sorex Vinis looks at the camera inside his tavern in Skyrim.

Sorex Vinius is the son of Corpulus Vinius, owner of the Winking Skeever, an inn located in the city of Solitude. After completing his favor and delving a bottle of rum, Sorex Vinius will be available as a candidate for marriage, and if anything happens to his father, Sorex will take over the inn.


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Due to a bug, he will not offer merchant services after this, though this is fixed as part of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, alongside a plethora of other bugs and unintended behavior.

4 Njada Stonearm

“What Guidance Could YOU Offer Me?”

Njada Stonearm in the headquarters of the Companions

Njada Stonearm is another member of the Companions and can be found located in Jorrvaskr, the headquarters of the Companions within Whiterun. Njada is an expert trainer for the Block skill and is most useful for the fact that she can be encountered relatively early in the game.

After you complete the faction questline and become the Harbinger of the Companions, Njada will be available as both a marriage candidate and follower. More useful as a trainer than a follower, Njada is still a reliable option before finding a higher-level Block trainer.

3 Camilla Valerius

“Well One Of Us Has To Do Something!”

Camilla Valerius standing beside the water in Riverwood

One of the very first quests you will likely encounter in Skyrim is offered by Lucan Valerius, owner and proprietor of the Riverwood Trader, located in the town of Riverwood. Camilla Valerius is the sister of Lucan and one of the first NPCs you will encounter after leaving Helgen.

Upon completion of her quest to return the Golden Claw, Camilla will be able to marry you. If anything happens to her brother, Camilla will take over the store.

2 Vilkas

“You Think You Can Just Wander In Here And Join Us?”

Vilkas stands outdoors with a vista of mountains at his back

Vilkas continues the trend of NPCs who are members of the Companions, being a member of the Circle, a faction within the faction. Vilkas, as with the rest of the guild, is located in Jorrvaskr within Windhelm.

After completing the Companions quest line, he’ll be available as a marriage candidate, but perhaps the most useful aspect of Vilkas is his status as a master trainer for the Two-handed weapon skill. His brother, alternatively, is another option and master trainer for Heavy armor.

1 Ghorza Gra-Bagol

“You’d Think An Apprentice Could Forge A Few Hinges.”

Ghorza gra-Bagol between the crumbling walls of an ancient ruin

Ghorza gra-Bagol is a blacksmith who services the city of Markarth with her store. Her personal quest involves finding her a copy of the book Last Scabbard of Akrash, a skill book that will boost your Smithing skill.

After this quest you will be rewarded with a free lesson in smithing, the ability to access several Orc strongholds located in Skyrim, and also become available as a candidate for marriage. Ghorza is a smithing merchant and also offers Smithing training.


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