Frank Lapidus, a pilot, initially missed flying Oceanic 815, but later joined Widmore's team on a freighter and helped the Oceanic Six escape the island.
Daniel Faraday, a physicist, arrived on the island by cargo ship and his bond with Widmore, Eloise and Desmond made him crucial in understanding the island's phenomena.
Richard Alpert, a 19th-century crew member of the Black Pearl, gained immortality by asking Jacob for a wish to live forever and served as an advisor to the island's protector.
It doesn't take long for the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 to realize that they are not alone on the island. Besides the Smoke Monster, there are other inhabitants and so on Lost advances, others also arrive on the island. Some of these other characters end up being just as important to the show as the first season's survivors.
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This list will name some of the best characters on Lost who arrived on the island but not in the same way as the survivors. However, it contains major spoilers for all six seasons of Lostso proceed with caution.
Updated December 28, 2024 by Ashely Claudino: While the initial cast of Lost was mostly made up of people who were on the plane, this quickly begins to change as the season progresses. This list has been updated and now includes two characters who arrived on the island by other means: Eloise Hakwing and Danielle Rosseau.
Frank Lapidus
First appearance: Season 4, Episode 2
Frank Lapidus was supposed to fly Oceanic 815 on the day of the accident, but because he overslept, another pilot had to go. He immediately realized that the plane found on the ocean floor was fake and began to voice it. Not long after, he was recruited and joined the rest of Widmore's team on the cargo ship.
He was in charge of piloting the helicopter used to fly between the island and the ship. At the end of the fourth season, he helps the Oceanic Six escape the island's capture. Luckily, this isn't the last we see of Lapidus. He returns to the island later, piloting the Ajira Airways flight.
Eloise Hawking
First appearance: Season 3, Episode 8
Throughout the show, we see various depictions of Eloise Hawking, as the Mian group time travels through the years. This makes his familiarity with the island even more evident, considering that he lived there for many years together with Charles Widmore.
The knowledge he gains will be crucial to the group later on, as he will guide some characters, such as Daniel Faraday and Desmond Hume, and then help the Oceanic Six and Ben return to the island. While he isn't one of the most likable characters on the show, he is one of the most important.
Daniel Faraday
First appearance: Season 4, Episode 1
Daniel Faraday is a very intelligent physicist who arrives on the island on Widmore's merchant ship. His true intentions are difficult to decipher when he first arrives on the island, but it becomes clear that he is nothing if not fascinated by its scientific implications.
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No, the Lost characters weren't dead throughout the series.
Farady is important because not only is he able to explain many of the phenomena that occur on the island after the fourth season, but he also has a special connection with Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking, and Desmond Hume.
Daniele Rousseau
First appearance: Season 1, Episode 9
Danielle Rousseau is one of the first characters off the plane we meet Lostand it's very interesting. After losing her entire crew, this mysterious French woman has remained on the island for the past 16 years, searching for her daughter, who was taken from her when she was a child.
Even though Danielle's participation in the show diminishes significantly as the seasons go by, it's satisfying to see how she finally gets closure, even if she doesn't get to be with Alex for long, and how we finally get to see what happened to the crew . when the main cast goes back in time.
Riccardo Alpert
First appearance: Season 3, Episode 7
Richard Alpert arrived on the island with the Black Pearl in the 19th century. The Black Pearl was a slave ship that landed on the island; the group returns several times during the show to get the dynamite.
Alpert is seen multiple times throughout the show and always looks exactly the same despite the date. He works as an advisor to the island's protector, who was initially Jacob. In exchange for this, Jacob granted him a wish; he asked to “live forever”, which prevented him from growing old and being able to take his own life.
Juliet Burke
First appearance: Season 3, Episode 1
Although she was initially an Other, Juliet slowly makes her way into the hearts of viewers. After her first flashback episode, it becomes clear that she is just another person stranded on the island and would like to return to her normal life. However, Ben keeps tabs on her through his sister and keeps her there.
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It can be difficult to see past her actions at first, but as viewers' trust in her grows, she becomes more and more likable and even develops a rather sweet relationship with an unlikely character.
Benjamin Linus
First appearance: Season 2, Episode 14
Benjamin Linus is a character that most fans will likely dislike for much of the show. He constantly lies and manipulates people, especially John Locke. He envies how the Island and the Others seem to think of Locke as special; the island healed Locke while sickening Ben, and the Others quickly began to follow him as their leader.
While Ben might have had a redemption arc, he always seemed to return to his old ways in constant selfish acts to gain leadership of the island and compete with Charles Widmore. Despite his evil ways, he is one of the best characters in the series Lostand one of the major plot points throughout much of the show.
Desmond Hume
First appearance: Season 2, Episode 1
Desmond Hume is one of the best characters in the series Lost. He's such a great character that it feels like something is missing when you go back and rewatch the show and notice there's an entire season without him.
Not only is Desmond an important character because he has a unique relationship with Charles Widmore due to his romance with Penny Widmore, but he also gains a unique ability when the trapdoor implodes, which makes his involvement in the plot that much more significant . Besides that, in season 6, he helps his friends figure out what's going on during the flash sideways.
- Release date
September 22, 2004
- Main genre
- Seasons