THE Star Wars Jedi games have always been, intentionally or inadvertently, close-knit in how their stories are told and how their events would actually impact the larger IP umbrella. Cere Junda would never have killed Darth Vader during their encounter on Jedha Star Wars Jedi: Survivor because Darth Vader lives to the end Return of the Jedifor example, and Cal Kestis has not yet been mentioned in later mythology Star Wars Jedi games. No matter how shocking it may be that he is a phenomenal character, ending Cal's story with a third and final Star Wars Jedi the game now feels appropriate if you never heard from it thereafter, and Respawn has kept its character arcs clean and tidy so that hopefully nothing is left as a loose thread that it failed to tie.
If Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorFollowing Cal's goal of hosting the Hidden Path on Tanalorr, it will be interesting to see what becomes of Kata Akuna, Bode's daughter. Surely Respawn wouldn't have dropped a child in Cal and Merrin's lap if there wasn't some meaning to her and that relationship, perhaps with Cal and Merrin acting as parental guardian figures. Fortunately, Star Wars Jedi it doesn't keep players guessing about what that dynamic might look like as it plays out quite naturally and expansively Survivedthe game's final post-credits exploration: a bit of narrative elaboration that players may completely overlook.

The final chapter of Star Wars Jedi has a roof to shatter with BD-1
Star Wars Jedi will be busy completing the gameplay in the final chapter and hopefully won't sideline Cal Kestis' beloved droid companion.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hides its most fascinating recruit Stinger Mantis behind the completion of the story
Anyone who has had enough Star Wars Jedi: Survivor by the time they roll the credits they will likely have missed out on a lot of satisfying and rewarding content, assuming they didn't choose to do most of it before reaching a point of no return. Players are gaining new skills and equipment they need to fully accomplish everything in the game until the end of the story, and while exploration on massive planets like Koboh and Jedha is tempting as soon as it becomes available, it's probably more worthwhile to wait until the players have everything they need and will no longer be locked behind inaccessible passages.
Why Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's planets and maps are more overtly expansive and also allow for quick travel to meditation spots, backtracking isn't as tedious as it can be in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Orderwhich also has far less substantial side content. Regardless, if players still have side quests or exploration to pursue after completing the story, they will have a much different experience than players who don't because they will be able to talk to Kata and hear her interact with Cal, Greez Dritus, and Merrin aboard the Stinger Mantis and in some docking bays.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Post-Credits Exploration Teases Kata Akuna's Future Meaning
Kata is an end-game Stinger Mantis recruit who actually joins the crew for whatever adventure they go on in the game after defeating Bode and securing Tanalorr. Therefore, Kata will accompany players as they travel around the galaxy and will have dialogue to share while departing or landing.
This is crucial and lovely, even if all Kata exchanges are optional interactions that players may miss out on entirely, as it gives the player much-needed time to develop a bond with Kata. Chances are SurvivedThe next sequel could have a time jump similar to the five year jump Order fallen AND Survivedand the Kata would realistically be very different if that were the case. Survived it's probably the only time players will see her at such a young age, and as such it's great that Cal, Merrin, and Greez get to spend as much time with her as the player spends on endgame and post-story content.
It will be interesting to see if Kata decides to have new and conflicting feelings about Cal killing her father, but she seems to have a good head on her shoulders and may have already come to terms with how distant and dangerous her father was. . This could be a convenient way to move the story along and have her immediately accept Cal, Greez, and Merrin as her family; either way, it would be more awkward if he joined them the entire time players explored the galaxy Survived and he harbored unbridled resentment towards them.
His conversations with the Mantis crew demonstrate that he's happy to be with them, and Cal and Merrin's private conversations about Kata make it clear that they've suddenly assigned themselves guardian roles—a fitting page to turn as they've recently become explicitly romantic . Merrin, however, lets them both off the hook, saying that “she will determine who she becomes, not [them].”
This partly suggests that they may not have as much influence in raising Kata, but it also suggests that they will take on the responsibility of raising her regardless. It's hard to imagine how Cal and Merrin might not feel even a little responsible if Kata potentially turns to the dark side of the Force, assuming she inherited Force sensitivity from her father, and what Kata's role will be in the final chapter of the series. Star Wars Jedi the series is made intriguing based on these optional end-game conversations.