Streetlight locations and puzzle solutions

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There are six broken streetlights Infinity NikkiFlorawish and players will receive 30 diamonds and 10,000 jewels every time they repair one. This means fans can earn 180 diamonds and 60,000 jewels simply by repairing broken lamps, and it doesn't take long to fix all the prongs. In fact, players who know the location of the broken street lamps Infinity Nikki you should be able to visit them all in a few minutes, and detailing those places is the precise purpose of this guide.

Players must have the file
Fit electrician skills
before they can fix the broken streetlights. This outfit is crafted at the end of the first chapter in
Infinity Nikki

and fans who have yet to get it should return to this guide after making further progress in the game's main story.


Infinity Nikki: How Eureka Colors Work

Players who are looking to change the colors of their Eurekas in Infinity Nikki can find details on how this mechanic works here.

Infinity Nikki: Locations of broken streetlights

Infinity Nikki streetlight locations

As noted above, there are six broken street lamps in Florawishand their locations have been marked on the map above. In particular, these street lamps shine green if the Infinity Nikki the player has the Electrician's equipment equipped when approaching them, making them quite easy to spot.

Infinity Nikki: Broken Street Lamp Puzzle Solutions

After locating one of the streetlights (and equipping the Electrician skill), players should approach the pole and press the Repair input that appears. Dress-up game fans must now solve a puzzle centered around rotating components to connect two lights together, and the streetlight will be repaired once the puzzle is solved. Specifically, only the components that are on top black backgrounds they can be rotated, and players who have difficulty solving a street lamp puzzle simply need to match the configurations shown in the images below.

Players must occasionally rotate light components to solve streetlight puzzles. Once again, fans will know that you can rotate components if they are on a black background.

Lamppost 1 Puzzle

Lamppost 2 Puzzle

Lamppost 3 Puzzle

Lamppost 4 Puzzle

Lamppost 5 Puzzle

Lamppost 6 Puzzle

After repairing all six broken streetlights, players are free to use the diamonds and jewels they received. This could mean visiting the game's shop and turning diamonds into crystals, which can be used to roll onto Resonance Banners, and that's the recommended use for the currency. Alternatively, fans could use their new diamonds to recharge their life energy Infinity Nikkialthough it is usually best to wait for the resource to fill naturally.

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Infinity Nikki

December 5, 2024

Paper Games, Infold Games

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