Should You Spare Or Kill Headlock In Starfield?

Mob Mentality is a side quest in Starfield that takes place in Neon. A city dominated by crime, drugs, and ruthless corporations, Neon is no place for the novice explorer. There’s always something shady going down, and like Tevin Anastas, you can’t rely upon Neon Security to keep you safe, no. Neon is the wild west of space.



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Tevin Anastas is the shopkeeper of the Emporium found in the Neon Core Bayu Plaza high street. His wares may be a load of old junk, but helping him deal with his problem with Headlock can give you a big payout of credits.

How To Start The Mob Mentality Side Quest

Emporium Neon Sign and Tevin Anastas sweeping his store

To start the Mob Mentality side quest, you’ll need to travel to Neon, a city on Volii Alpha of the Volii system. Wandering the high street of the Neon Core, you’ll overhear that Tevin is having trouble running his shop and being terrorized by Headlock, a new Seokguh gang member.

You can go straight to the Emporium on the Neon Core high street and ask Tevin about his problem with Headlock, where you’ll be able to select the “I’ll handle this Headlock thug for you” dialogue option, prompting the Mob Mentality quest to start.

When questioned about Headlock, Tevin will explain that Headlock can usually be found roaming the streets somewhere in Ebbside near Frankie’s Grab ‘N Go.

Ask Frankie About Headlock

Frankie's Grab 'N Go storefront in Ebbside

Now that you have a lead on where Headlock could be, enter the ebbside off the main high street in Neon and follow the marker to Frankie’s Grab ‘N Go.

Digger Zemin will warn you about the area and explain that the Disciples gang will jump you. Digger will then ask for payment for the tip; however, do not give him money and instead reply, “I knew you had an angle, not this time.” Digger will then leave you alone.

When you finally reach Frankie’s Grab ‘N Go, talk to Frankie and explain that you’re not looking for trouble but for Headlock. Frankie will deny that she knows anything until you either persuade her or pay her 500 credits.

After you persuade or pay Frankie, she will reveal that Headlock can be found in Warehouse 04. Moreover, she will question you on why you’re looking for him. You can role-play this however you like, as it has no impact on the story.

Confront Headlock At Warehouse 04

Confronting Headlock in Warehouse 04

All that’s left is to confront Headlock in Warehouse 04, found on the edge of the city. You’ll find Headlock, along with a few gang members. Bear in mind that they will attack you if you attack Headlock.

You have two options for how you approach Headlock:

  1. Kill Headlock and the other gang members.
  2. Persuade Headlock to stop bothering Tevin.

Should You Kill Or Spare Headlock?

Shooting Headlock with a Novalight

There are no consequences for killing Headlock as it will not impact your pay or your companion’s opinion of you. Killing Headlock and the gang members in Warehouse 04 gives you the opportunity to loot them.

It’s possible to persuade Headlock to earn ten XP and kill him and the gang members in the warehouse, optimizing your XP and loot. You’ll earn the same reward from Tevin, no matter if you kill or persuade Headlock.

If you’re role-playing a paragon character, then it makes sense to spare Headlock. However, you will miss out on the loot.

Return To Tevin At The Emporium

Returning to Trevin at the Emporium to collect reward

No matter how you dealt with Headlock, return to Tevin at the Emporium to collect your 3000 credits and 100 XP reward.

Next: Starfield: Back To The Grind Quest Walkthrough

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