Should Aaron Take A Dive Or Not In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

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While roaming around Dogtown in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, you get a message from Coach Fred. In the base game, he helped you with boxing. Now, he requires help from you. Well, it isn’t specifically him who needs assistance.



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He wants you to lend a hand to an up-and-coming boxer called Aaron. You may assume he needs help with boxing, but that is not actually the case. He has a bigger issue that involves personal matters. This is the premise for the No Easy Way Out side job. Here is a complete walkthrough of that quest, including the consequences of the choice you make at the end of it.

Meeting Aaron

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Bookie

When you reach the meeting spot with Aaron in the middle of Dogtown, he will be in a fight. It’s not a duel on the street. It’s a boxing match.

You can speak to the bookie in front of the makeshift ring to find out which of the fighters is Aaron and place a bet. This is all optional, though.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Player Speaking With Aaron On Bleachers

Once the fight concludes, Aaron goes to sit on the small bleachers. Talk with him to hear about what he needs help with, then agree to assist him. You must meet him again later.

Head To Terra Cognita

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Aaron Sat On Car

Meet Aaron at Terra Cognita and follow him for a little bit until he wants to talk. In the conversation, Aaron reveals everything. He tells you about how his gang was fixing his fights and using the chip in his head to do it. You’re there to help him reach the ripperdoc that can remove the chip.

However, getting there means passing through a large building filled with enemies. You can do this by sneaking through or going all-guns-blazing.

The stealth approach is a tricky one, as there are a lot of people to sneak past.

How To Get Inside The Building

If you aren’t being sneaky, you can just kill the guards at the main entrance to get inside.

The stealth approach is more complicated, though. You will want to use the scaffolding near the main entrance to find a stealthy way in. This means getting past a laser mine, turning left, climbing a box, going up a ladder, heading through a hole in the wall, getting past a few more lasers, and opening a hatch. Then, you’re inside and have to deal with the several guards in the entrance area.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Split Image Of Terminal and Distribution Box

The next obstacle is an alarmed security door. If your intelligence is high enough, you can hack the panel, or you can go upstairs to find a distribution box behind the shelf and use your technical ability to switch off the alarms.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Code Above Terminal

Yet, the easiest way is to hack the cameras and switch to the one on the other side of the security door. From here, look at the terminal next to the gate to find the code for it.

Alternatively, if your body level is high enough, you can force open the door at the top of the stairs to avoid the security gate completely.

Reach The Clinic

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Statue and Stairs

The clinic is up on the top floor, in the far back corner. There are many foes between you and there, though. Only the best stealth players will be able to make it up by not alerting anyone. You will need to be patient and watch for cameras.

The guns-blazing method is much easier, but it does mean you have to kill everyone before reaching the clinic.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Broken Stairs

Either way, you can use various sets of stairs to reach the top, including the one a few floors up that is broken.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Bridge With Two Missing Glass Panels

Speaking of broken, shortly before reaching the clinic, you need to make it over a walkway that is missing a few panes of glass. So, make sure to jump over them.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Hallway Outside The Clinic

Once you reach the clinic, Aaron will get the ripper to open the door, and they’ll talk.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Wait Logo On Wheelchair

Then, they’ll get on with the procedure. You can take a seat in the nearby wheelchair to wait for it to end.

Deal With Angie

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Player Talking To Angie

After the operation, Aaron’s former boss, Angie, will arrive. She is the one who used to force him to take dives in his fights.

Aaron is still unconscious, so you have to talk to her.

She says she still wants him to take a dive in what is supposed to be the fight of his life. And she wants you to agree to it.

There are a few different ways this scene can go, and each one leads to the end of the quest:

Get Angie To Leave

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Angie Walking Out Of Clinic

You can convince Angie to leave the room by selecting the ‘threaten’ dialog option, which is “Got a better idea.” This spooks her a bit, so she leaves without things getting violent.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Aaron Waking Up

Aaron then wakes up, and you must inform him about his old friend’s visit. Despite you scaring them away, Aaron believes it’s only temporary, and they’ll still cause problems for him. So, he asks you whether he should throw the fight anyway.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Aaron Message About Coaching Kids

If you say, “Yeah, throw the f****n fight. Safer that way,” or “Angie told me everything,” he will take a dive. But it won’t be all bad, as after he informs you about what happened, he also says that he’s relieved his boxing career is done. And he has even began coaching some kids.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Aaron Message About Street Fighting In Costa Rica

Alternatively, if you tell him to “F**k the Animals. Don’t throw it,” he will take your advice but still lose the fight. Yet, his career isn’t over, as he moves to Costa Rice to do some street fighting. He’s happy that he chose his own path.

Kill Angie

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of V Aiming At Angie

If you think the best way to deal with the situation is to kill Angie, then select the “A deal? With you? Gotta be kidding” dialog option. This will make her and her goons attack you.

Get behind some cover and gun them down. Watch out for Angie, as she’s swift.

Once she’s down, you can loot a cool weapon off her body.

After the fight, Aaron wakes up. So, talk to him and walk out together.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Showing The Dream Gig Bar Map Location

A few days later, you will hear that Aaron still lost the fight, and he’ll want to meet you at the Dream Gig Bar.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Dream Gig Bar Server

When you get there, ask the server about Aaron. He will inform you that you weren’t the only one looking for him. Two other guys came to see him, and they went from a smoke in the alley.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Aaron Corpse

Head around the back of the bar to find Aaron’s corpse lying beside the trash. Talk to Johnny about the situation to bring the quest to a close.

Make A Deal With Angie

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Angie Looking Toward Aaron

Angie offers to give you a cut of the winnings when Aaron takes a dive. Naturally, this would mean betraying the boxer.

If you’re okay with that, select the “Fine” dialog option and leave the building.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Angie Meeting Point On Map

Later, Angie will text you and tell you to meet her at the place where you first saw Aaron.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Screenshot Of Angie On Bleachers

So, head over there and find Angie on the bleachers. She tells you that the plan went perfectly and offers you your cut. You can accept it or not, but she hands the eddies over anyway.

NEXT: Cyberpunk 2077 Complete Easter Egg Guide

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