Roblox: Fisch – Overgrowth Caves Bestiary Guide

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Every position in Phish has its own bestiary with unique captures. With its help, you can check whether you have caught all possible fish in a certain location. Furthermore, by completing the bestiary, you will earn a lot of money. This guide tells you about the Overgrowth Caves in bestiary Phish.

Overgrowth Caves is one of the lowest locations in the Northern Summit in this regard Roblox game, so you can fish there as soon as you visit this island without special equipment to deal with inclement weather.


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Where to fish in overgrown caves in Fisch

Fisch Overgrowth Caves

Unlike the other islands, Northern summit it has several secondary locations in different parts of the mountain. Furthermore, finding water bodies in most of these places is a difficult challenge. Luckily, fishing in the Caves of Overgrowth is easy Phish.

This is the first location you will reach after starting to climb the mountain. You should reach the field, in which you can find a frozen blue energy crystal. Then continue until you find a pond in a small cave.

The advantage of this location is that it is quite low on the mountain. Therefore, the temperature and oxygen will not decrease. In other words, you can fish as calmly as you want.


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All fish to catch in caves with overgrowth

Fisch Overgrowth Cave Bestiary

Compared to other bestiaries in Phishthe one in the Overgrowth Caves is not large. It contains only nine catches. But of course that doesn't mean it's easy to complete. Most fish in the Overgrowth Caves area have almost no preference for weather conditions or bait. In other words, you will have to use rods and bait with a high luck stat to catch all the fish in the location.

It is also worth noting that two Glass diamonds it is necessary for players to obtain the Crystallized Wand Phish. Two of these items are used to melt the ice in which this wand is hidden, so you should save the glass diamonds and not sell them until you solve the puzzle.

Fish Rarity Season Weather Time Bait
Ice anchovy Uncommon Winter Clear Day Worm
Frozen salmon Uncommon Winter Anyone Day Worm
Frigid Crab Unusual Winter Anyone Anyone Fish head
Frozen carp Unusual Winter Anyone Anyone Bagels
Frozen tuna Rare Winter Anyone Anyone Fish head
Iced red fish Rare Winter Clear Clear Flakes
Frigid horns Legendary Anyone Anyone Anyone Anyone
Glass diamond Mythical Anyone Anyone Anyone Anyone
Frozen walnut Mythical Winter Anyone Anyone Anyone
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September 1, 2006


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