Alfred Ashford becomes angry that Claire discovers his secrets, developing a hatred in Code Veronica.
A businessman, Frederic Downing, despises Claire after she foils his plan to sell viruses on the black market.
Chief Irons holds strong animosity towards Claire for interfering in his plan to kidnap Sherry.
It's hard to hate the fun and bubbly protagonist known as Claire Redfield Resident Evil universe, though considering her work, it shouldn't be surprising that there are still a handful of characters who are less than fond of her. While Claire is obviously a kind and caring person at heart, not everyone sees her that way, with some seeing her as little more than an irritating troublemaker, a constant thorn in their side, or simply someone who doesn't deserve the recognition she gets. it's up to. receives from others.

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It goes without saying that several characters from this beloved gaming franchise have shown genuine disdain for the fan-favorite protagonist, but what exactly drove them to harbor such a burning hatred towards her? It's time to see who among the Resident Evil the cast could be considered Claire's “haters” and the reasons for their unpopular opinions.
Alfred Ashford
Alfred becomes increasingly annoyed by Claire's existence the more she discovers about him
- Released
February 29, 2000
When Alfred first introduces himself to Claire Code Veronicashe begins casually waving her sniper rifle around the room while taunting her building's intruder, claiming that she won't be alive much longer. However, as the game continues and Claire begins to discover the horrific acts Alfred has committed on Rockfort Island, he begins to become much more frustrated with her presence, especially when she barges in disguising herself as his sister, revealing his biggest secret.
If Claire hadn't caused so much chaos on Rockfort Island, Alfred could have lived his ideal life living alone and obsessing over Alexia. However, with Claire rampaging across the island, Alfred was forced to act and quickly developed a simmering hatred towards the Redfield who had ruined everything for him.
Ron Davis
A senator whose haughty attitude made him despise the legendary Claire Redfield
First appearance: Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
Ron Davis is a cowardly senator who shows up in the Degeneration of resident evil CG film and who meets Claire right at the beginning of the story during a zombie attack at an airport. Although Claire has saved Davis' backside on more than a few occasions, his haughty and self-obsessed attitude means that he always looks down on Claire and can often be seen insulting her, as he also does to Leon later in the film .

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However, what turns this dislike into hatred is the fact that Davis was secretly in cahoots with the film's main villain, Downing, and would have gotten away with a lot of money if Claire hadn't put a stop to his insider trading plans by eavesdropping Culling. Thankfully, Davis eventually gets his due thanks to the combined efforts of Leon and Claire.
Alessia Ashford
Alexia hated the sight of Claire; Half of what she calls the “genetically inferior brothers”
To be honest, Alexia doesn't interact much with Claire throughout the story Code Veronica story, but in the rare instances when she talks to Claire, Alexia makes it very clear that she's anything but a fan. Nowhere is this made more apparent than during a meeting near the end of the game where Alexia refers to Claire and Chris as “genetically inferior siblings”, suggesting that she can't stand how the two try to look down on her and her. Brother.
While Alexia would attempt to restore her family name after returning to the world after a long sleep, it would be Claire, along with a little help from Chris, who would keep her from becoming the maniacal mastermind she had always dreamed of.
Frederick Downing
Claire would be the one to stop Down from becoming a rich, filthy black market trader
First appearance: Degeneration of resident evil (2008)
Although the elegant businessman Frederic Downing tries his best to get closer to Claire throughout the story Degeneration of resident evilthis ends up backfiring on him after she discovers that he is the mastermind behind most of the terrorist incidents that occur in the film. In truth, Downing was secretly trying to sell the viruses to the highest bidders through the black market and cared little about the casualties that accrued in the process.
Once Claire discovers his true intentions after getting to know him a little better, she and Leon intercept Downing at the end of the film, forcing him to surrender and, ultimately, squandering his entire plan. Considering that Downing would come very close to becoming filthy rich and absurdly powerful, it makes sense that he would come to hate Claire after she pieced together what he was really doing, but it's certainly a good thing that he did, considering how much is dangerous. this guy is.
Annette Birkin
Annette would temporarily despise Claire for being a better mother figure than Sherry
With her husband transforming into a terrifying mutant and rampaging through the city, and her daughter nowhere to be seen, Annette comes across as a rather cold and disillusioned character when she shows up in Resident Evil 2. Per Claire's campaign, Annette hates the idea of Claire mothering Annette's daughter Sherry, voicing her complaints on more than a few occasions.

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The Raccoon City incident didn't just create a city full of zombies, but there were also other horrific monsters roaming the streets.
This is despite the fact that Annette herself proves to be a pretty terrible mother figure to Sherry for much of the outbreak, so her hatred for Claire at this time is most likely born out of jealousy. Annette would eventually take a softer view of Claire once she realized she would be the only chance to stop William, but during their first meetings, there was a certain intensity in the air.
Doctor Antonio Taylor
Antonio Taylor's misinformed view on TerraSave led him to express his frustration with Claire in Death Island
First appearance: Resident Evil Death Island (2023)
TerraSave, the anti-bio-terrorism organization that Claire later joins Resident Evil 2he saved thousands of lives thanks to his actions, although not everyone is a big fan of their work, and Antonio Taylor is a great example of this. Taylor introduces himself Resident Evil: Death Island as one of the few survivors still remaining on Alcatraz, but upon learning of Claire and her affiliation with TerraSave, he immediately blames her and the group for instigating the attack on Harvardville Airport seen in the image Degeneration CG movies.
Although Taylor eventually begins to respect Claire a little more after she heals his wounds, he is just one of many people in Resident Evil universe who harbor a hatred for Claire due to their misinformed opinions on TerraSave, which have been framed immorally numerous times.
Chief Irons
Irons hated Claire for desperately trying to stop his plans to kidnap Sherry
- Released
January 21, 1998
- OpenCritic rating
Leon and Claire both interact with several survivors within Raccoon City in their respective campaigns Resident Evil 2. For Claire, one of the key individuals she will encounter is Irons, the violent and frankly disgusting police chief of the RPD who comes to despise Claire because of everything she is willing to do to save Sherry from his clutches.
The truth is that Irons wanted Sherry's locket since it contains a sample of the G-Virus, but he may also have simply wanted to use her as a bargaining chip to ensure his escape from the city. Irons would show a lot of hostility towards Claire for trying to thwart his plans, especially in the remake where it is very clear how much he hates her.

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