The Feybreak update for Palworld introduced a brand new island, with new types of friends, equipment and resources. The Winter 2024 update also brought exciting gameplay additions, such as expeditions, friend finding, bounty NPCs, and more. Additionally, the level cap has been increased to 60, allowing players to unlock advanced technologies such as the Laser Gatling Gun and Hexolite Armor.
Many of the recently introduced technologies require a new material called Hexolite. To craft it you will need ores and two newly added resources: hesolite quartz and chromite. This guide focuses on chromite Palworlddetailing the best locations to acquire the resource and its uses.

Palworld: How to Get Nightstar Sand
To find this unique black sand in Palworld you will have to venture out after dark to find its splendor.
Best ways to get Chromite in Palworld
Although exolite quartz is scattered throughout Feybreak Island, finding chromite is a little more challenging. Chromite can be located using Smokie's dig, dog! Dig! partner's skills or the Metal detector. The metal detector becomes available at tech level 56, while Smokie, a fox-like friend, can be found in the northern region of Feybreak Island. To use their abilities, craft a metal detector or capture a Smokie and equip it with the Smokie Harness to unlock its partner ability.
After acquiring Smokie's harness or crafting a metal detector, head to Feybreak Island to search for chromite. The resource can be It is found within the caves and dungeons of Alpha Pal located throughout the island.
Chromite farming in the caves of Feybreak Island
Feybreak Island features some caves inhabited by enemy Alpha Pals and Bounties. After defeating the Alpha Pal in a cave, you can use the Metal Detector or Smokie's partner ability to uncover up to four Chromite nodes. For new visitors to Feybreak Isle, the nearest caves are located at the coordinates:
-1037, -1197
-969, -977
Cultivation of chromite in underground areas
Dungeons on Feybreak Isle also contain hidden Chromite nodes. However, unlike caves, nodes in dungeons are more dispersed and not concentrated around the Alpha Pal boss. You will have to search thoroughly in each dungeon to find all the available chromite. Here are the coordinates for dungeons available near the northern coast of Feybreak Isle:
-848, -957
-1000, -1030
-764, -1195
How to mine chromite in Palworld
Once you locate a Chromite node, use a pickaxe or a mining friend to mine it. Friends like Digtoise and Rushoar are particularly good at extracting ore from nodes. Each node produces approximately 25 pieces of chromite.
Other ways to get chromite
Chromite mining can get tedious, especially when you rely on tools or friends' skills. Fortunately, there are alternative methods:
Defeat Silvegis
Silvegis, a four-foot dragon-like Alpha Pal, drops 2-3 chromites upon defeat. Silvegis spawns in a cave at coordinates -987, -1029close to Dragon Shield Tunnel fast travel point. Alternatively, you can hatch Silvegis from the huge dragon eggs found on Feybreak Island. Silvegis Farming allows you to grow eggs and collect chromite by slaughtering newly hatched friends. While this method may not be the most humane, it remains a reliable way to grow chromite.
Shipping friend
Dungeons introduced in the Feybreak update provide Chromite as a reward. Send your friends to these locations:
Feybreak's Dark Cave
Brothers of the black market of the Eternal Pyre
Expeditions in Feybreak last about an hour and yield results 30-50 Chromitealong with other valuable items like Ultimate Spheres, Exotic Spheres, and Giant Pal Souls. If you haven't reached Feybreak Isle, Black Market shipments from the Brothers of the Eternal Pyre provide 15-30 Chromite.

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When it comes to finding all the new crafting items in Palworld's Feybreak, don't be left in the dark on how to get the Dark Shards.
How to use Chromite in Palworld
Chromite is one of three resources needed to create hexolite Palworld. To use Chromite, you need to create a Gigantic furnace (unlocked at tech level 56). Refining Hexolite requires:
Exolite is the primary material for creating the following Smart Objects:
Exotic sphere
Ray sword
Advanced bow
Gatling laser gun
Plasma cannon
Four types of exotic armor
Triple jump boots
Advanced arrows
Plasma cartridge
Advanced shield
Advanced ball assembly line
Large-scale electric egg incubator
Advanced medicine workbench
Advanced chest
Friend Pod
Silvegis saddle
Bastigor's hammer
Collecting chromite is a necessary part of crafting advanced items and progressing Palworld. As the game evolves, this resource may become even more important in future updates.