Ninja Gaiden 2 Black – Chapter 9 solution and collector positions

The Daedalus flying fortress is the ninth chapter in Ninja Gaiden 2 BlackAnd he sees Ryu mount an attack on a huge plane. This vehicle hosts six collectibles and, although it is not mandatory that the players find them all, some fans will undoubtedly want to do it. This detailed procedure is written thinking of those players and will help them find every collection and complete, and complete Ninja Gaiden 2 BlackChapter 9.

If a player is ever lost in chapter 9, he should stand still and keep RB to point the camera in the right direction.


Difficulty explained options: Ninja Gaiden 2 Black

A complete roundup of each difficulty option in the new Ninja Gaiden 2 Black remake.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black: Chapter 9 Guide

Get jewel of the demon seal

Chapter 9 begins at the top of the plane and players should extract a distance weapon and use it for Destroy the six turrets who are shooting on their position. Once the turrets have exploded, fans of the ninja games should walk towards the previous position of those weapons to trigger a movie that gives them access to Airomobile interiors.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Chapter 9 Walkthrough

After sending the Mech and stopped at the shop, in D1-1, the players should cross the door in the rear wall. Fans are now inside D1-2and they should make his way to his right back cornerkilling any enemies they meet along the way. There is a Chest In that corner, and holds a jewel of the demon seal.

Get the life of the gods #1

Players should now go to rear corner-left of D1-2, stopped by the rescue station and passes through the door near Enter D1-4 and D1-5. After opening the two speakers in these rooms, the players should use the door in the background corner to enter D1-7.

Fans of the character's action games should fight along the catwalk in this room, following the Path around a U -reverse inverse and in the end it reaches a Chest This holds a life of the gods.

Get Crystal Skull #1

Players should now Backtrack a inversionUsing their favorite Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Weapon to send the Mech they meet along the road and cross the door to enter D1-8. THE large square At the center of the floor in this room acts as a lift and the players should ride it up to D2-9.

After defeating the enemy in D2-9, the players should go through the door in the rear wall to enter the control room. Fans should quickly contact the enemies who appear in this room and then Attach the device to the left of the control panel To reveal a crystal skull. Players should collect that skull and save.

Get the life of the gods #2

Players should now return to previous room and send the horde of the enemies that fall from the ceiling, using a ninpo in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black if necessary. Fans can therefore go through the large door to the other side of the room to reach D2-8. There is a large mechanical device in the center of this room and there is a Chest who holds a life of the gods near his rear corner-left.

Get lives of the thousand of

With the last life of the levels of the level in hand, the players should leave D2-8 through the brings to its background corner. Ninja Gaiden Fans should therefore pass through the First door to their rightfight through the glass catwalk and enter the Atomic Machine Room. There are six illuminated panels In this room, and players should attack them until they explode and then return to make the glass catwalk.

At the end of the catwalk, the players should go Right and use the door in the wall to enter D2-3. There is an open room with a Buy and save the station Immediately after the entry to D2-3, and the fans may want to make a short stop there before following the corridor at its conclusion.

When players reach the End of corridor D2-3they should use the door to their left to enter the barracks. There is a elevator On the left wall of the barracks, that fans of the action-adventure games can enter and guide.

The players will now find themselves in a room with another seven panels that can destroy. Once those objects have been addressed, fans should climb the stairs In the corner of the room and go left to access two speakers. One of those chests He holds a life of the thousand of the.

Get Crystal Skull #2

The players are now free to cross the door which is adjacent to the life of the chest of the thousand of the Ninja Gaiden 2 Black enemies they find there. Fans can then use the rescue station in the rear-tough corner of the room before entering a square that is opened in flooring and climb a staircase.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Chapter 9 Walkthrough

After crossing a door at the bottom of that staircase, the players will meet again D1-2. Here, fans should walk right and watch the Small of rubble to their right to find the final crystal skull of the level.

This is the latest collection in chapter 9.

Reach the Chapter n. 1

Players should now continue to follow the D1-2 corridor to reach the door that leads to D1-1. Once again, a series of mech will appear in this room and players should send them and stand big square on the floor DESCEND.

When the race ends, the players should go through the door on their right and use a distance weapon to destroy the Three turrets who are shooting against them. Fans should then cross the door on the other side and make a rescue before entering D2-11.

Players should now fight along the way to reach the atomic machine room. Fans should therefore use the door in right back corner To enter the glass catwalk and trigger a short film.

As soon as the players resume control of Ninja Gaiden 2 BlackRyu, they should use the nearby door to enter D2-6. Fans should then continue along the way, passing through the doors while they appear, to reach a point where they will activate another movie.

At the end of this second movie, the players should cross the glass catwalk, pass through the atomic machine room and use the door in the door in corner in the first right. Fans are now on one path that will lead them to another wingAnd they should again use a distance weapon to destroy the turrets before crossing on the other side. The room that is beyond the wing hosts Genshin, Ninja Overlordand the struggle with this Ninja Gaiden 2 Black The boss will start as soon as the players enter.

Batti boss #1

Genshin, Ninja Overlord is not a particularly difficult boss and players who have reached this point of the game are probably well paid in the strategies they should use to beat it. Having said that, here are some suggestions that fans may find useful:

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Chapter 9 Walkthrough

  • Stay Neighbor In Genshin to reduce the frequency in which he sends an empty sphere. Players should still be ready to evade spheres when they appear.

  • Keep the block And he tries to evade the final attack in Genshin's combo. The boss will often grit when he performs a final attack.
  • Go to attack as soon as the end of the Genshin combo. Short Offensive combo are recommended (such as light attack, light attack, heavy attack), since the boss can punish players to extinguish excessively.

Batti boss #2

After beating Genshin and seeing a short film, the players will find themselves fighting yet another boss: The Fire Armadillo. To defeat this boss, fans should repeatedly hit his tail with their favorite combos in Ninja Gaiden 2 BlackUsing evades to dodge the boulders that fall when necessary. Players can also take into consideration the possibility of hitting the footbed of the Armadillo, even if being close to the tail tends to be safer.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Chapter 9 Walkthrough

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January 23, 2025

Developer (s)

Koei Tecmo Games Co., Ltd.

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