Zach Cregger is writing and directing a new one Resident Evil Film, interest in Sparking study.
The film should be faithful to the original material of the games.
Fans hope for success due to recent popular video games adaptations.
Zach Cregger, director of the Horror-Colpito film of 2022 BarbaricIt is confirmed to write and direct an imminent live cinematographic adaptation of Resident EvilGiving the way to a restart of the cinematographic presence of the iconic zombie franchise. Resident Evil It is considered by many of the best horror series of all time, and Hollywood is ready to resurrect the beloved video game franchise again with a new promising direction due to a kind concession of cregger.
Giving way to what would become a historical presence in the history of the horror of survival, Resident Evil He made his debut when the first game of the series was launched in 1996. It quickly became one of the most popular games of the 90s and since then it has risen to the legendary status in the kingdom of zombies' horror. While the franchise has been previously adapted to the big screen, Zach Cregger is ready to give life to its unique taste for horror with a new mint Resident Evil Movies.

The leader shares the bold forecast for the resident Evil Zero remake
A longtime Capcom leaker shares a bold forecast for the resident Evil Zero remake, which has been said to have been in progress for some time.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Zach Cregger is destined to write and direct others Resident Evil Film, unleashing a war of offers among the main studies. Cregger went up to celebrity with his 2022 film Barbaricgaining reliable comparisons with other horror filmmakers such as Jordan Peele, Ari Aster and Robert Eggers. Cregger's Resident Evil The restart will be produced by Costantin Film, the same study that has made the six Resident Evil Film adaptations with Milla Jovovich. Despite the conflicting reactions by fans of the games, Jovovich's films found success at the box office and Capcom's recent remakes have proved incredibly popular. As such, the big names including Warner Bros. and Netflix are now in the running for the right to distribute the opinion of Cregger on Resident Evil franchise.
New Resident Evil movie that will be directed by Zach Cregger
The current privileged sources at the Hollywood journalist suggested Zach Cregger Resident Evil It will be more faithful to the material material of the games, although the details on the history or the temporal sequence of the film remain unconfirmed. Fans have already started to express their excitement for a Resident Evil Project led by Cregger, with many who hope that the success of the Resident Evil The game remakes will encourage the offers of the studies on the project to provide Cregger a generous budget.
The recent success of live-action adaptations as video games such as The last of us on HBO E Fall On Amazon Prime they have many fingers crossed their fingers that a new interpretation Resident Evil The longtime fans of the illustrious franchise will decrease while attracting in spectators for the first time. Zach Cregger's reputation has already attracted the attention of the distributors, which in turn has given hope to the public. Interested fans will want to stay tuned for official details on Cregger Resident Evil The film is revealed.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Resident Evil
Capcom's survival Horror Franchise.