Monster Hunter Wilds News Is Coming This Summer

Capcom has confirmed that we’ll be getting our next update on Monster Hunter Wilds later this Summer, which should make the long wait until 2025 a bit more bearable.



Although Monster Hunter Rise certainly made a big impact on fans of the series, it’s no secret that most players have been waiting for a long time to see a new entry in the series that’s on the same scale as Monster Hunter World. After years of anticipation and rumours, Capcom finally gave us all what we’ve been waiting for when it announced Monster Hunter Wilds at The Game Awards last month.


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As great as it was to finally get confirmation that a new Monster Hunter is on the way, the announcement did come with one big caveat – we won’t be getting Wilds until 2025. That’s not too long of a waiting time from the announcement, but as GTA fans have just experienced, it does feel a whole lot longer with such an anticipated release.

Monster Hunter Wilds not releasing until some point in 2025 had some fans thinking that we wouldn’t be hearing about the game much until we’re closer to release, but it looks like the wait isn’t going to be quite so painful. Over on the official Monster Hunter Twitter, a video message was shared by series producer, Ryozo Tsujimoto, which has him talking about what’s in store for the series in 2024.

Although the message is more about what’s happening for the series this year, Tsujimoto actually kicked things off by talking a little bit about Monster Hunter Wilds. Tsujimoto says that the team has seen a lot of positive reception to the announcement and thanked them for it. He then says that the team is “deep in development” and working to get it ready for 2025, but that we can expect the next announcement for the game at some point in “Summer 2024”.

That means that we’re only half a year away from finding out more about the long-awaited sequel, which makes the wait seem a lot less longer. Considering the “Summer” timing, it’s likely that we’ll see Wilds at Summer Game Fest. Capcom also regularly hosts its own showcases, so it could pop up in one of those.


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