Monarchs who may appear in solo levels: Rise From The Shadow


  • Solo leveling
    Season 2 features new monarchs such as Jinwoo, Baran, Rakan, Sillad.
  • Baran, the White Flame Monarch, will challenge Jinwoo in the Demon Castle.
  • Sillad, monarch of frost, is cunning with ice powers and wears makeup on his sleeve.

The second season of Solo levelingtitled Solo Leveling: Get out of the shadows, is scheduled to premiere in January 2025. There will be a lot of interesting things to see in the new season, but the one thing that most fans are eager to know is, of course, the Monarchs. Will there be monarchs? Solo leveling Season 2? The answer is yes, but it's unclear how many of them will appear.


Solo Leveling: What to Expect from Season 2 According to Manhwa

Solo Leveling Season 2 will follow Jinwoo's rise to power, progress, and the global hunter community's reaction to the threat of dungeons.

The first season adapts the first 45 chapters of the webtoon into 12 anime episodes. If the new season also adapts the same number of chapters, we will probably only see two Monarchs. However, if we get 26 episodes for the second season, which means adapting the story up to the Japan Crisis Arc, then we will see 7 out of 10 known monarchs. Since there is no official announcement regarding the number of episodes that will be released in the second season, let's take an optimistic approach and talk about the 7 monarchs that could appear Solo Leveling: Step Out of the Shadows, in the order of their appearance.

7 Sung Jinwoo

The current Shadow Monarch

Sung Jinwoo

  • Alias: Korea's tenth S-rank hunter
  • First appearance: Episode 1
  • Story arc: D-rank dungeon arc

The first and most obvious Monarch is Sung Jinwoothe current Shadow Monarch. When Jinwoo is selected by the system, he simply sees it as a neat and convenient way to level up his fighting skill, which in turn also increases his Hunter Rank. But everything changed when he gained the title of “Shadow Monarch” at the end of the Job Exchange arc, which is the last episode of the first season.

As the ruler of shadows, Jinwoo gains the ability to resurrect dead enemies/allies as shadow soldiers. As time goes by, this unique ability will become more powerful, which will allow him to add more shadow soldiers to his repertoire and his chance of awakening strong subjects will also become higher and higher. However, when he interacts with another monarch, which will happen in the second season, Jinwoo quickly realizes that the title Shadow Monarch comes with a lot of responsibility.

6 Baran

White Flame Monarch

monarch of the white flames

  • Alias: King of demons
  • First appearance: Chapter 85
  • Story arc: Return to the Demon Castle Arch

Baran he is the first monarch that Jinwoo will meet in the second season. If the new season ends up only lasting 12 episodes, then Baran will be the only monarch other than Jinwoo. As part of his attempt to gain more strength to protect his loved ones, Jinwoo challenges an S-rank dungeon called Demon Castle.

As the name suggests, it is a multi-level hellish dungeon with countless powerful demons ready to tear out Jinwoo's heart at every level. The boss of this brutal fiery dungeon is none other than the White Flame Monarch, Baran. Needless to say, it will be the toughest battle Jinwoo has ever faced. However, the rewards for defeating the Demon King will also be extremely valuable.

5 Rakan

Tusk Monarch


  • Alias: King of animals
  • First appearance: Chapter 107
  • Story arc: Jeju Island Arc

The Monarchs will only appear from this point on if season 2 has 26 episodes. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for them to appear in season 3. Rakan he is one of the first monarchs to openly attack humanity. Without giving away the whole story, just know that Rakan and Sillad will have a one-sided fight with an S-rank hunter from the West.


The Shonen trap awaiting solo leveling

There's a common trap in Shonen that Solo Leveling could fall into with its next season.

As the monarch of the tusks, Rakan is the personification of a ferocious beast. With his long, shaggy hair, muscular body, bones around his neck, and animal skins covering his body, Rakan looks like a caveman ready to attack anyone in his vicinity. As if that wasn't enough, Rakan can tear a monster apart without breaking a sweat. In fact, he doesn't even need to use his unique ability to do so. Use only pure muscle power.

4 Sillad

Frost Monarch

Frost Monarch

  • Alias: King of the Snow People
  • First appearance: Chapter 107
  • Story arc: Jeju Island Arc

Sillad is another monarch who will appear alongside Rakan towards the end of the Jeju Island arc. Appearance-wise, Sillad looks like a pale old elf, the exact opposite of Rakan. She has a slim build, long white hair, and a sleek, elegant white robe. This appearance is deceiving, because Sillad is one of the most difficult monarchs to fight.

Two things make Sillad such a problematic fighter. The first is his cunning personality. He will use anything that can give him an advantage in a fight; no tactic is too dirty for him. The second is his power on the ice. Sillad can freely generate and manipulate ice and snow. He can use this ability to lower the temperature of his surroundings, cover an entire city block in ice, or create all kinds of weapons to use in combat.

3 Yogumunt

Monarch of the Transfiguration

Yogumunt solo leveling

  • Alias: King of the Demon Wraiths
  • First appearance: Chapter 111
  • Story arc: Ahjin Guild Arc

Yogumunt he is by far one of the most mysterious monarchs in the world Solo leveling, not because he deliberately chooses to hide his power and identity or anything like that. The reason is simply because he doesn't get much exposure in the original webtoon. Furthermore, he rarely appears in the story alone. Whenever readers see him, it's usually in the middle of a conversation with the other monarchs.

What is known about him, however, is his ugly personality. Even more than other monarchs, Yogumunt despises humanity. For him, humans are inferior creatures to insects. As monarch, he certainly has the power to uphold this disturbing vision. He doesn't have the chance to go all out or even show off his unique abilities in the webtoon, but his brute strength is known to be greater than that of an S-rank hunter.

2 Ashborn

The first shadow monarch

    the monarch of the appearance of the shadow in the leveling of the suns

  • Alias: King of the dead
  • First appearance: Chapter 128
  • Story arc: Double dungeon arc

Ashborn is the name of the original Shadow Monarch. Without discussing Ashborn's true origin, because that's a big spoiler for a major part of the story, it's worth noting that, although he bears the title of Monarch, he is fundamentally different from other Monarchs. That's why he rarely, if ever, sees eye to eye with them. It's not even an exaggeration to say that they despise each other.


Solo Leveling: Guilds, Explained

Guilds are an integral part of the Solo Leveling world. Here's a closer look at how they work.

Just like Jinwoo, the current Shadow Monarch, Ashborn can also awaken dead allies/enemies to become his shadow soldiers. The main difference between the two is their fighting style. Ashborn is similar to a knight who fights proudly with his long sword, while Jinwoo is more like an assassin who prefers to kill secretly and always fights with a dagger in both hands.

1 Legia

Monarch of the beginning

leveling legy solo

  • Alias: King of the giants
  • First appearance: Chapter 137
  • Story arc: Arc of the Japanese crisis

Compared to other Monarchs, who are usually quite direct, Legia he is a walking contradiction. Appearance-wise, he is easily one of the most intimidating monarchs on this list, with his long hair, thick beard, blood-red eyes, and imposing, muscular body of a giant. In a way, he's a scarier version of Rakan.

However, he is also one of the most talkative and cunning monarchs on this list. In fact, the first time he meets Jinwoo, the first thing Legia does is lie and try to manipulate him, just like a more despicable version of Sillad. Legia also wields enormous muscular strength befitting the King of Giants. However, just like Yogumunt, he doesn't have the chance to show his full strength due to his limited appearances in the webtoon.

These are the seven monarchs who could appear Solo Leveling: Get out of the shadows. There are three more monarchs who will appear after the Japanese Crisis story arc, so depending on the length of the second season, we might see these three in the third or fourth season of Solo leveling.

solo leveling

Release date
January 7, 2024

A-1 Images


Number of episodes

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