Mass Effect 4 should look to the original for one feature

Mass effect 4 is still shrouded in mystery, but the strong sales of Dragon Age: The Veil Guard they certainly seem to paint a positive picture of its continued development. Having said that, it is difficult to predict what the content of this fourth chapter will be Mass effect will be similar to the series, as not only has it been nearly a decade since the last installment, but today's BioWare has very little in common, personnel-wise, with the BioWare of the late 2000s and early 2000s 2010, when Mass effect he was at his peak.

Next Mass effect would technically be the fifth entry in the series, but since then Andromeda mass effect is not numbered, it is generally assumed that BioWare treats it more like a spin-off than a main release.

Dragon Age: The Veil Guard it's a significant departure from its predecessors in terms of graphics, tone, and gameplay, but Mass effect 4 could take a different approach. The series has strayed from many of its core narrative and gameplay pillars Andromedawhich wasn't a foray that went very well for BioWare: many consider that game the studio's first major misstep afterInquisition. Which is to say that BioWare might be interested in going back Mass effectsinks its roots with this new entry, and while there are many meaningful ways it can do so, such as through strategy-laden combat design and mature storytelling, there's also a specific aspect of the franchise that should return .


The Mass Effect show has a huge decision to make regarding adapting the games

The recently confirmed Amazon television adaptation of Mass Effect has its work cut out for it when it comes to a major element of the games.

Mass Effect 4 is expected to revisit Mass Effect 1's approach to armor

The first Mass Effect has a traditional gear system

It's no big secret that the Mass effect as it progressed, the series became progressively less interested in classic role-playing game mechanics ME3 AND Andromeda probably has more in common with the action-adventure genre. But the first Mass effect it's pulled from the meat of traditional RPGs, with stat systems and gears that you'd find in most numbers-based RPGs, including those played with pen and paper.

Players can find armor for Shepard and her companions in the various regions of the game, with different types of armor suited to different alien races. These pieces of gear would have unique stats, making them an important part of the crafting and roleplaying experience. In later games, this system, much like the leveling system, is simplified, with far fewer collectible armor options, all with only a minor impact on gameplay. Additionally, in these games armor can only be changed on the Normandy, discouraging experimentation and changing equipment on the fly. Simply put, in these later releases armor has become more about customization than utility.

How Mass Effect 4 can build on Mass Effect 1's armor system

Although it is true that the first Mass effect has a more complex and dedicated armor system than its successors, that doesn't mean it's necessarily good. It's a fairly simple, almost quaint feature, following the basic rules of tabletop RPGs regarding which classes can equip certain types of armor. For example, players can only access heavy armor if they are playing the Soldier class. Aside from this slightly outdated quirk, the armor works as you would expect, with the heavy armor offering greater resistance to physical damage and the lighter armor offering protection against biotic and technological damage. In other words, it's very rudimentary.

Mass effect 4 could include a more modular and robust armor system, allowing players to swap equipment at will like in the first Mass effectbut it also features several equipment slots for chest pieces, gloves, helmets, etc. This sort of compartmentalization will only be presented later Mass effect games, although it's a little disappointing for the reasons mentioned above. Having said that, ME2 AND ME3 armor will often have unique perks, such as a 10% increase in headshot damage, rather than basic changes to core stats, so expanding this system, combining it with the more traditional approach of the first game, could help Mass effect 4The role-playing game has many features.

mass effect

Mass effect

Created by

Casey Hudson

Year of creation



BioWare, Edge of Reality, Demiurge Studios, Straight Right

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