Marvel Rivals: how to get assist

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Rivals marvel He has made waves from his exit and fans love the experience that the game offers so far. However, since its beginning, many questions and confusion have been created regarding some mechanical details of the game.


Marvel Rivals: 7 characters who should be polished in season 2

Season 2 of the Marvel rivals would be an appropriate time to help these bad and heroes giving them a small (or greater) passionate.

The assistance system is one of these. Unlike most other games, get assist Rivals marvel It is not just about achieving a success or two on an enemy before taking them out; There are many other ways, in particular using strategists.

As the assistants work in the Marvel rivals

Getting assistance to Marvel rivals

Assists in Rivals marvel They are not limited to inflicting damage to an enemy while an ally fixes the killing. Furthermore, it is not limited to providing a debuff like a slow or a stunning for the targeted enemy. The mechanics are a little different in this game.

In Rivals marvel, Providing effects such as care and buffs damage to teammates and slows down or stories to enemies are the only ways to obtain an assist. Damage deal and having a teammate receiving the final blow does not count as assist. These are counted as eliminations. You can distinguish between a elimination and an assist during a game through the elimination icon that appears when you get one. It is different from the very large and flashy elimination or by the KO icon.

The scoreboard scores also keeps track of your team statistics, which include assistance counts.

The best tips to get assist in Marvel rivals

Marvel Rivals gameplay

First, Playing a strategist gives you a better chance to hit multiple assists. Since these characters are essentially healers, helping a teammate who eliminates an enemy taking care of them counts as an assist. This is the easiest way to cultivate assist in the game. The strategists with healing with lower or null cooldown are even better for this. For example, Adam Warlock's healing is in a recovery time, making him not the most efficient character for the collection of assist.

Another character who can easily grow assistance but who is not a strategist is Storm. His “Meteorological control“The ability increases all the allies in its vicinity with a movement of movement or damage. If his teammates get eliminations while they have these buffs, they count for the total assistance of Storm.

Here is a list of characters who have certain buffes and healing without cooldown who can be quite effective while agriculture assists:

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