Liu Kang Facts And Trivia


  • Liu Kang is one of the original Mortal Kombat characters and the main character of the original game.
  • With this iconic status, there are things about Liu Kang that every fan should know about.
  • As one of the most powerful fighters in the franchise, he’s made multiple appearances across games, movies, and TV series, so there’s always more to learn about him.



Mortal Kombat is one of the few video game series that has successfully been adapted into other mediums, such as comics and movies. While the fighting and lore of Mortal Kombat are some of its most appealing features, its fantastic roster of memorable characters and their relationships with each other are truly the heart of the franchise.


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One of Mortal Kombat’s most recognizable fighters is Liu Kang, a humble hero with a heart of gold. Whether you’ve been playing the games from the beginning or just getting into the series for the first time, here are some things you might not know about one of Earth’s greatest warriors.

Updated December 13, 2023 by Kyle Chamaillard: With the release of Mortal Kombat 1, we now know more about Liu Kang and his role in the new universe. We’ve gone ahead and updated this article to include more trivia and tidbits about one of Mortal Kombat’s most iconic characters.

12 He’s One Of The Original Mortal Kombat Characters

Fighting since the beginning

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info Kung Lao

The Mortal Kombat roster has grown exponentially over the game’s 30-year history. While the roster of playable characters expands with each new entry, the original arcade game only hosted seven playable fighters, with Liu Kang being one of them.

The martial arts master enters the Mortal Kombat tournament to save Earthrealm from opposing worlds. Not only was Liu Kang one of the original contestants, but he is the canonical main character of the original game.

11 Liu Kang Has A Brother

Somebody Remind Him

Liu Kang and Chow Kang shake hands in a dark temple

Liu Kang rarely speaks about his family in the Mortal Kombat games, but his younger brother has been referenced a couple of times in other settings. The hero reminisces about his memories with his brother in the 1995 Mortal Kombat novel, and the character appears in the live-action movie from the same year – but as an illusion cast by Shang Tsung.

Not much is known about Chow Kang except for the fact that he went missing after Liu Kang’s family immigrated to America. It’s eventually revealed that Shang Tsung killed the young warrior and took his soul during the original timeline, but his whereabouts in subsequent reboots are never answered. After becoming a Fire God in Mortal Kombat 11, it’s strange that saving his brother wasn’t one of Liu Kang’s priorities.

10 Liu Kang Was Mortal Kombat Champion Four Times Running

An Unstoppable Force

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info

While newcomers to the series should know that Liu Kang is a formidable fighter, it’s not likely they’ll understand just how good he is until they look at his statistics. Before NetherRealm reset the timeline with 2011’s Mortal Kombat reboot, Liu Kang was the reigning champion of the tournament four times in a row.

No one could stand up to this kombatant, and those foolish enough to try would suffer humiliating defeats. Even the biggest and most ferocious creatures from the other realms couldn’t stand a chance against the likable protagonist.

9 In The Alternate Timeline, He Only Wins Twice

The Darkest Timeline

Liu Kang prepares to bow in a dilapidated city

After NetherRealm refreshed the narrative of Mortal Kombat with a reboot in 2011, Liu Kang’s undefeated record was essentially wiped from the timeline. He might not have as many wins under his belt as he used to, but this version of Liu Kang is still one worth rooting for.


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From being abandoned as an orphan to becoming a fully-fledged god!

Currently, he holds two titles as the champion of Mortal Kombat. Please make no mistake, though; he’s still just as lethal as he was in his arcade days. This doesn’t necessarily mean he is weaker than his previous iteration, instead, everyone else is just a little bit more capable of taking down the former undefeated champion.

8 Liu Kang Had Tamer Finshers In Mortal Kombat 1

A Little Less Brutal, Still Very Fatal

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info Sub Zero

Because Liu Kang was considered the protagonist in the original Mortal Kombat, he was a far less violent fighter than the rest of the roster. He was actually the only fighter in the game with fatalities that didn’t involve gore. His moves were far more subdued and boasted his benevolent nature as a disciplined martial artist.

Liu Kang’s fatalities are just as brutal as anyone else’s these days, sometimes even more so. While he is still the humble warrior we’ve always known and loved, he probably knows that he’ll need to get his hands a bit bloody to defeat enemies like Goro and Shang Tsung.

7 He Appears In Every Mortal Kombat Game

No Liu Kang, No Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info

With each new Mortal Kombat game, the roster shifts and grows. Playable characters from past games often vanish in future releases, while obscure fighters from previous entries are often re-introduced with bigger roles. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but one character that always shows up – besides Sub-Zero – is Liu Kang.

This martial artist has appeared in every Mortal Kombat game to date and is only unplayable in Deadly Alliance. It’s one of the perks of being the series’ original protagonist. At this point, having a Mortal Kombat without Liu Kang would be like an Animal Crossing game without Tom Nook.

6 Mortal Kombat 1 Is The First Time He Appears In The Box Art

It’s About Time

Mortal Kombat 1 Fire God Liu Kang standing over the new logo, now burning

Despite being a central character of the series since the first game, Mortal Kombat 1 is the first time Liu Kang has been featured on the box art for a mainline entry. While the warrior and his good friend Kung Lao appeared in the box art for Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, that game is a spin-off focused on the duo’s journey to save Earthrealm.

Aside from the iconic logo, the only characters to ever appear on the box art before Mortal Kombat 1 were Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Goro, and Raiden. After the ending of Mortal Kombat 11 and his important role in Mortal Kombat 1’s story mode, Liu Kang’s appearance here is both appropriate and well-deserved.

5 The Shaolin Order Adopted Him

Recruiting A Warrior

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info

Liu Kang is no stranger to hardship, and this is true in and out of the arena. Early in his life, he was an orphan. With no one to watch over him, the Shaolin Order took him in and trained him in the arts of battle. He would not only endure their training but thrive under their tutelage.


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With years of difficult training honing his mind, body, and spirit for battle, it’s no wonder why this Shaolin Monk became an essential defender of Earthrealm. Despite the tragic backstory of losing both his parents and eventually his brother, Liu Kang can focus on his training to become one of the best fighters in the universe.

4 Liu Kang Trained Under Bo’ Rai Cho

A Caterpillar Becomes A Butterfly

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info Animation

Every student deserves an excellent teacher, which is just as true for Liu Kang. Master Bo’ Rai Cho, master of the Drunken Fist, took both Liu Kang and Kung Lao under his wing and helped mold them both into great men and fighters.

This Outworlder chose to side with Earthrealm residents, honing the skills of some of its most talented fighters. He may be a portly man, but looks can be deceiving. He’s as skilled as those he trains, and those who underestimate him will regret it.

3 Shang Tsung Is His Nemesis

Enemies Until The End

Mortal Kombat Liu Kang Info

Few forces in the Mortal Kombat universe can threaten the series’ most skilled kombatant, but Shang Tsung is absolutely a force to be reckoned with. This soul-stealing sorcerer has a rich history in the series dating back to the first game’s release and has always been a thorn in Liu Kang’s side.

He was an unplayable final boss, and because Liu Kang was the protagonist, the two were canonically opposed to each other. Even today, Shang Tsung wreaks havoc in the world of Mortal Kombat, finding ways to irk the forces of good. The two couldn’t be less different, which makes them the perfect pair of rivals.

2 Liu Kang Became A Wraith In Mortal Kombat X

The Fall Of A Hero

Liu Kang Belly of the Beast in Mortal Kombat 11

After Raiden accidentally kills Liu Kang, Quan Chi uses his magic to turn him into an undead puppet. By manipulating Liu Kang’s soul, Quan Chi creates a wraith that will do anything he says. Wraith Liu Kang is an emotionless puppet with no morals or values. He retains all his combat knowledge, skills, strength, and techniques even as an undead kombatant.

His time as a force for evil would put any fighter on edge. He is just as strong as the original Liu Kang and without an ounce of good in him, he is merciless in kombat. While he is eventually stopped, the wraith version of Liu Kang is a memorable villain that made Mortal Kombat X and 11 much more compelling.

1 He Becomes Fire God Liu Kang After Fusing With Raiden

Fulfilling Destiny

Fire God Liu Kang's First Appearance MK11

After the launch of Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath, the epilogue introduces a new, more powerful form for this powerful fighter. When Liu Kang and Raiden join forces, Liu Kang transforms into Fire God Liu Kang. This newborn deity retains his pyrotechnic abilities after transformation instead of using Raiden’s lightning-based attacks.

He gains a handful of new abilities during this transformation, including taking a person’s energy and converting it into fire for his attacks. It’s a sizable upgrade for an already powerful fighter, one that undoubtedly has reclaimed his title as the most powerful member of the Mortal Kombat universe.


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