Is chapter 1138 the largest in recent memory?


  • Chapter 1138 of a piece reveals enormous traditions on the empty century and on the existence of three worlds.

  • The chapter suggests a last war involving Luffy and his allies against IMU and celestial dragons.

  • Despite the enormous revelations, Oda leaves the fans more questions, making chapter 1138 one of the best in the series.

Since the beginning of the long -awaited Elbaf Arco, Oda has really blessed One piece Fans by publishing incredible chapters that are often better than those before them. Everyone always had incredibly high expectations for when the straw hats would have reached this light island, but so far, despite the fact that the arch was only at the beginning, he has already delivered the hype.

All this has arrived in chapter 1138, which gave fans one of the greatest double spors in the history of One piecePushing many to call him the greatest chapter that Oda has published for the series in many years. In this article, we break down what has been revealed exactly in this chapter and look if this is actually one of the greatest chapters of the entire series or if the fans are assuming it a little too much.


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Reveals the massive tradition of chapter 1138

Huge reveals on the history of the world

Chapter name

One pieceChapter 1138, “Harley”

Debut date

February 3, 2025

Arch of history


Since the straw hats arrived on Elbaf, there have been some remarkable and important things revealed not only on the current state of the world but on its history in general. Some chapters ago, Jarul revealed a huge secret of which fans had no idea for over 1100 chapters; That there were two iterations in the world before the current one and that they were both destroyed.

This has changed everything, since the fans were always aware of the elusive empty century and wanted to know more, but now Oda revealed that there is even a more vague and mysterious time before even the empty century began. The only section of connection that all the “3 worlds” have is the legendary god nika devil fruit sun. From this revelation, fans have theorized as a madman for what it could mean.

According to the “Harley” texts, the world has already been destroyed twice before and the name of Sun God Nika has been invoked after each request.

However, chapter 1138 puts at rest very of showing Franky reacting to the wall massif engraved on the Adam tree that vaguely showed the history of the previous worlds as understood by the residents of Elbaf. All to do with this mural is purely speculative, but there are some clear parallels to be made. The right side of the mural has shown what many assume the first world, with a monarch that apparently governs on others in an oppressive way, similar to the government system that prevails today in the world.

Surprisingly, he also showed something called “The Serpent of Hell”, which previously was unheard of in the series and is something that fans know nothing about. Registration for the first world suggests that people started using the Devil's fruits to earn enough power to fight against those who were oppressing them, that the “god of the earth” was furious. This made them convene the serpent of hell to maintain the status quo, which many believe is an allegory of the red line that divided the world.

The second world is the time of Joyboy and the empty century, which suggests the story of how Joyboy was finally defeated and how the residents of the 20 ancient kingdoms defeated the god of the sun and saved to become themselves, which is the way the dragons Celestial and the world government has become. This mural has confirmed a theory of fans who affirm that there are several “fruits of God”, as suggested by the gods of the earth, forest and sea.

The most important of these seems to be the part of the mural on the left, which probably describes the third world and the final war against the forces of the IMU. If this is really the case, then it shows Ruffy with his many allies who unite to defeat IMU and celestial dragons. The forces of the heroes seem to show Luffy, Loki, the giants, the fish, the Mink, the Laboon and the Lunar, among many others. On the opponent's side, there is a pinch of the true power of IMU and the other celestial dragons.

Apparently, slaves in ancient times believed in a legendary warrior who in the end would come to save them! They called him “Sun God” Nika!

This is perhaps the most important and larger drop in traditions that fans of the series have ever obtained, showing that there is so much of the history of the world that has yet to be revealed. In a typical ODA way, while this gives some answers to what fans know, it only raises more questions regarding the state of the world and how it has been for all these years. However, it reveals a lot of information not only on the empty century and on time before, but also on the final war at the end of the series.

While this has rightly detected the thoughts of the fan base, there was also a vision of Loki conversation with Shamrock and Gunko. After definitively refusing their offer to join the knights of the gods, Shamrock reveals its unparalleled power with how its (probable) supreme degree sword has eaten the legendary zoano fruit of Cerberus, making it look even more overwhelmed than before. Not only was this an extraordinary revelation that almost killed Loki, but also denied one of One piece Older theories regarding Barbanera!

Here, Shamrock differs from the twin brother as it also seems to have the power of a fruit of the devil next to what will probably be one of the most powerful haki of conquering the series. It is quite clear that the series is accumulating towards the possible clash between the two brothers, but in such an altercation, it seems that Shamrock would have the upper hand, due to the fact that he had an incredible haki of conqueror because of the fact that it was the Leader of the gods' Knights, his supreme degree sword who has mythical zoani powers and she too has both arms.


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Is it one of the best chapters?

Are the feelings of the fans justified?

In the event that there are doubts about it, the answer is yes, chapter 1138 is by far one of the best singular chapters in the history of One piece. This is a franchising known for its length and slow stimulation, so the drops of enormous traditions are generally few and distant from each other. Although Elbaf had already revealed a lot of details on the world, chapter 1138 was a huge chapter despite this because of the pure length and brevity of everything he showed.

Although many revelations have been made here, they have still been done in a way that Oda is very familiar with the presentation since other questions have presented themselves together with the answers that have been provided. What exactly happened in the previous 2 worlds? Who was the first Nika? How old is IMU exactly? These questions are synonymous with One piece Series as a whole, so to speak that there are still tons of things to see in the world is something that fans continue to look to the future.

One piece It can be streamed on Crunchyroll.


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One piece

Release date

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV

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