Ironically, Helldivers 2's FRV is better suited away from where it debuted

There is no denying that the speed and firepower of Helldivers 2's M-102 fast reconnaissance vehicle is useful against the enemy Illuminate faction. However, it is as good as the new FRV stratagem Helldivers 2 is used to fight against the Illuminati in the urban environments of the new city planets of the Super Earth colony, the FRV is ironically at its peak on the more open planet types that do not have paved roads.

The FRVs that naturally spawn on Super Earth colony planets are a sweet surprise, but, unfortunately, this Stratagem is not naturally available on other planets which are probably much more accessible for Vehicle Stratagems. It remains to be seen if more vehicle stratagems will be added in future updates Helldivers 2although when it comes to exploring the new city environments, the Jump Pack probably has the FRV pace.


Helldivers 2's spear and staff hint at a sad truth about future melee weapons

While finally having proper melee weapons in Helldivers 2 knocks a big item off players' wish lists, the future of these weapons doesn't look bright.

Because the new Helldivers 2 FRV is more suitable for off-road use

Helldivers 2's Super Earth colony cities are too crowded for vehicles

One of the main reasons why FRV struggles to shine Helldivers 2of the urban planets of the Super Terra colony is that the interior of the cities is littered with obstacles that make navigation with the FRV problematic. These obstacles range from large structures such as buildings, to smaller objects such as fire hydrants and abandoned civilian vehicles.

The FRV can be purchased from the Ship Management Terminal as a permanent stratagem for 25,000 Requisition Receipts.

The tall buildings inside Helldivers 2Super Earth's colonial cities make it difficult to identify points of interest on the map, and their scattered placement is difficult to predict and navigate without multitasking and paying close attention to the minimap while driving. There's also the issue of the outer walls surrounding each city, making it difficult to get in and out of the city quickly. On more open planet layouts, points of interest are generally much easier to spot and get to directly, making it difficult to collect collectibles like Super Samples in Helldivers 2 a much more efficient process.

As for smaller obstacles in Super Earth colony cities, many of these obstacles can damage the FRV when players encounter them, especially civilian vehicles which explode when damaged. From the management of the new FRV in Helldivers 2 it is by nature rather sensitive, crashing into an obstacle and breaking one or more wheels of the FRV severely limits its usefulness.

While almost all objects and buildings in Helldivers 2Super Earth's colonial cities can be destroyed with support weapons and high-powered stratagems, this can take a lot of time and ammo, meaning it's not a useful solution. Considering how many obstacles there are in the cities of Super Earth's colonies, carefully navigating tight city curves or clearing a clear path can often be slower than traveling on foot, while these problems generally don't exist on more open planets. .

The Helldivers 2 Jump Pack overcomes the FRV in the Super Earth colony cities

When it comes to efficiently navigating the cities of the Super Earth colony, the LIFT-850 reactors
Stratagem probably has the FRV rhythm. Players can use the Jump Pack to travel from rooftop to rooftop, all the while staying out of reach of enemy Enlightened units within Helldivers 2 like those without a vote. The Jump Pack can also be used to jump over the city's outer walls without having to find or create an entry point. However, when it comes to flat, wide-open planetary layouts, these planets are where FRV really shines, which is especially ironic considering that these planets don't have paved roads or naturally generating FRVs like Super Colony city planets do Earth. .

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