How to restore the Virtuous Treaty in NieR: Automata

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The beginning of NieR: Automata drops players at the start of one of 2B's missions. Once you land your flying unit and start fighting with your melee weapons, you'll have access to a one-handed sword and a two-handed sword.

The two-handed sword is the Righteous Treatise, a fairly powerful weapon that you will lose shortly after finishing the prologue. While the weapon may be lost for now, you will be able to retrieve it as quickly as possible once free roaming is unlocked in the next chapter.


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Where to find the Virtuous Treatise in NieR: Automata

This is the first additional weapon you can get in the game if you go straight to it, and it's not far from where you'll first spawn after leaving the bunker for the surface. Once you land in the city ruins and jump to the lower area, look left side to see a highway just above the closest access point. Head head-on towards the highway to jump onto the ruins to climb and run along the main highway road. This will take you back to where the factory is.

Jump down to the factory and follow the grassy path towards the main structure. Hidden along the left side will be another access point along with a set of stairs leading to the upper area. In the upper area, look left to see the destroyed bridge where you fought the Goliath-class enemy. Run to the edge of the destroyed bridge to find the Righteous Treaty sticking out of the ground where it can be picked up and brought back.

Just beyond the sword on the right is yours old body that can also be looted to recover all consumables from the prologue.


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Virtuous Treaty Basic Stats in NieR: Automata

The virtuous treatise on the menu

  • Attack: 300-330

  • Combo: Lt 2 Hv 2

Like most two-handed weapons, this sword focuses on wide-ranging attacks that hit many enemies causing a lot of damagealthough overall it has a slow attack speed. Through upgrades, this weapon can potentially have some of the highest damage in the game, as long as you can make the slow attack speed work. You can also combine this two-handed weapon with another using a heavy attack while fighting with a faster weapon. This won't allow you to get a full combo out of this weapon, but a short attack into a faster combo to make up for its slow attack speed but still take advantage of its high damage.

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