How To Play As Havik In MK1

As you begin playing and dive into Mortal Kombat 1, you will encounter several iconic characters making a return as playable options after years. Among them, you will discover there is Havik, whom you can choose to play as, following his appearance on the MK roster from years ago.




Mortal Kombat 1: How To Unlock Havik

Yes, unlocking characters by playing the game is still a thing.

With Havik’s return as a playable character, you will discover that he gives some challenges to play as. To master him, understand the mechanics that make him formidable, and explore the best Kameo recommendations for pairing with him. Spend some time to learn all the tips to elevate Havik to a higher level.

Havik Overview

Havik after getting his face burnt off in Mortal Kombat 1.

With Havik’s return as a playable character, he provides a limited number of special moves, yet these moves complement each other. This advantage in the fight allows each move to seamlessly lead to another, serving as openings for combos.

As you get closer to your opponent’s face, you will see that Havik provides pressure on them. His special moves, even projectiles, will help you apply more pressure.

Even though Havik provides useful projectiles, it’s essential to know when and where to use them. Mastering the perfect combos elevates these projectiles to a whole new level.

Havik Special Moves

Havik, photo mode in Mortal Kombat 1.

Each special move that Havik pulls off becomes crucial as he approaches the opponent. Take the time to master and understand how to execute each special move and determine which one fits best into your combo.

Special Move


What It Does


Back, Forward, 1

This move involves shooting a neoplasm from Havik’s body, which then spins around him once before being thrown at your opponent.

Enhanced Neoplasm

Back, Forward, 1, Block

Similar to the regular Neoplasm with some differences, this version will spin once around Havik’s body, moving from the back of the screen to appear behind the opponent. It continues to spin once around the opponent’s body until it hits them. This will require one bar of Meter.

Helping Hand

Down, Back, 1

Havik will tear his arm and use it to hit the opponent. When Havik gets a hit, his move undergoes a slight change.

Enhanced Helping Hand

Down, Back, 1, Block

Similar to the regular move, this one adds armor, and you will use Havik’s arm to hit the opponent overhead, causing them to fall. It requires one bar of Meter.

Blood Bath

Back, Forward, 2

You will see Havik rolling towards the opponent, grabbing them, and then Havik will tear off his lower jaw, unleashing a spray of blood at the opponent.

Enhanced Blood Bath

Back, Forward, 2, Block

This move requires two bars of Meter to deal the same as a regular move. Additionally, Havik connects to the opponent by a string. Then you have an opportunity to use Corpse Taunt.

Corpse Taunt

Back, Forward, 2

You can only use this move after the opponent has been hit by the Enhanced Blood Bath. Then you will snap the opponent’s neck. Causing them to fall down.

Seeking Neoplasm

Back, Forward, 3

In this move, Havik will tear open his neck, throwing a neoplasm that flies in a zigzag pattern until it hits the opponent.

Enhanced Seeking Neoplasm

Back, Forward, 3, Block

Just like the regular Seeking Neoplasm, but this time, you will throw two projectiles instead of one. This will require one bar of Meter.

Twisted Torso

Down, Back, 4

Havik literally spins his torso by tearing himself in half, and as his legs walk towards the opponent, he hits them.

Enhanced Twisted Torso

Down, Back, 4, Block

It requires one bar of Meter to deal more damage while keeping the same properties as the regular Twisted Torso.

The universal input label is useful to avoid confusion. This will help you to implement inputs on various controllers.

Forward = Toward the opponent

Back = Away from the opponent

Havik Tips

Havik on the left an Mileena on the right, in Mk1 fight into.

When you’re playing as Havik, you must depend on your projectile moves, like Seeking Neoplasm, to create openings. Use Seeking Neoplasm strategically from a distance, making it tricky for your opponent to dodge. This move can be confusing for them, while you move forward to grab them.

As you approach your opponent’s face, you will have two powerful moves at your disposal, Helping Hand and Twisted Torso. The enhanced version of Twisted Torso can be a big deal, allowing you to deal even more damage.

With Havik, using projectile moves up close can be a more powerful tool, allowing you to extend combos and deal more damage while preventing your opponent from having any chance. For instance, you can begin with Back, 2, 2, then execute the Neoplasm and further extend it with, Back, 2, 2, 1, 3.

While Havik does have powerful projectile moves, depending on them too much may offer your opponent more opportunities to punish you.

In this game, depending on the Kameo is crucial, especially for characters like Havik. You will discover that Kameo is the best choice to offer you more opportunities and advantages to extend your damage or pressure your opponents.

For example, you can use Cyrax to provide more pressure on your opponents, such as executing, Back, 2, 2 + Kameo + Helping Hand + Jump, 2, 1, 2 + Forward, 1, 2, 2.

When you play as Havik, taking advantage of just one opportunity allows you to inflict formidable damage. So, patiently wait for the perfect moment to prevent your opponent from avoiding the consequences.


Mortal Kombat 1: Shang Tsung Guide

Now, you can learn how to steal not only the forms of your opponents but also the victory in the fight.

Havik Kameo Tips

Havik is holding his heart while he is next to Sareena in Mortal Kombat 1.

To choose a Kameo for Havik, you must try each Kameo to find the perfect choice that works for you. The goal of Kameos pairing with Havik is to apply more pressure and create confusion for your opponent. To achieve these goals, consider trying the following recommendations: Cyrax, Sub-Zero, and Kano.

  • Choosing Cyrax as a Kameo complements Havik well. When you start launching attacks, you will notice that Cyrax, with his horizontal attacks, adds extra pressure and deals more damage. Additionally, using his Cyber Net creates opportunities by freezing your opponent’s movements.
  • Sub-Zero is a good choice for Havik as he provides solid armor for defense against projectiles. Additionally, his Kold Shoulder serves as an invincible attack that cannot be easily avoided. Lastly, Sub-Zero gives you more advantage by allowing you to extend your combos by freezing your opponents.
  • Another choice is Kano, allowing you to apply more pressure and be aggressive alongside his moves. The invincible ball attack throws your opponent, creating an opportunity for you to attack or even use it as a finishing move for your combos. Additionally, his Knife Toss, a back attack, adds extra pressure, serving as a tool to extend your combos.

Keep in mind that to find the right Kameo that fits your playstyle, you must try each one. Each Kameo offers a solid advantage tailored to complement your playstyle alongside playing as Havik.

Havik Fatalities

Havik holds someone's heart in Mortal Kombat 1.

When playing as Havik, you have the option to perform two close-range fatalities. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the inputs for each fatality you want to execute.




Fatality 1 ( Atomic Heart)


Down, Forward, Down, 4

Fatality 2


Forward. Back, Down, 2


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