How to get the Sage's Stone in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake features so many items and pieces of gear that choosing which to pursue can be overwhelming. In this guide we'll try to make it a little easier by helping you acquire one of the best items in the game: the Sage Stone. This unique item allows you to heal your party without using any MP and will be increasingly useful, especially in the endgame and post-game sections. There are at least two methods of get the Sage Stone Dragon Quest 3 Remakeand although both are late, they are absolutely worth it.


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How to get the first sage stone in Dragon Quest 3 Remake


Both methods to acquire the file Sage Stone occur very late Dragon Quest 3 Remake. The first is found in The Citadel of Zoma, not long before the end of the story, and the second one is found Cloud Gate Citadela hub area encountered relatively early in the post-game.

Reach Zoma Citadel:

The Citadel of Zoma it is the last dungeon of the main story and as such will take a long time to reach. Once you enter Alefgard after defeating Baramos, the main objective of your mission will be to collect the items that create the bridge to Zoma Citadel.

You will need the following items to enter Zoma Citadel:

  • Sunstone: Found in Tantegal Castle
  • Rainstick: Found in the Sanctuary of the Spirit
  • Sacred amulet: Found at Rubiss Tower (Defeat the Soul of Baramos and Rubiss free).

Once you have these items, you will be asked to create the Rainbow Bridge that leads to the citadel. The main path to the dungeon is not complicated; you can follow the path and enter the citadel grounds quite easily once you cross the bridge.

Locating the Sage's Stone in Zoma Citadel:

The objective once entered The Citadel of Zoma is to reach the level B4. While the citadel is full of high-level monsters that can be challenging if you're not properly leveled, there are only two sections of the dungeon leading up to level B4 that can prove tricky.

Dq3-Safe Passage-Zoma-Throne

Some players may have difficulty understanding how to exit B1. What you will need to do is approach the back of Zoma's throne, which is located at the northern end of B1. Make sure you use the Safe passage spell when you approach the throne, or you will take constant damage from the electrified floor. Stand behind the throne and use the “Interact” command when it appears to reveal a secret staircase leading down to B2.


The second delicate area is the arrow tiles on B2. These tiles can be incredibly frustrating if you don't take the time to understand them. In this section, no matter which one you're in, think of the tiles as relative to north and south. Pressing the direction of the blue arrow will always send you north, pressing the yellow tiles will send you south, regardless of which direction you are facing. When the arrows are blue-yellow, down will send you east (right), up will send you west (left). When the tiles are opposite, Yellow – Blue, low will send you west and high will send you east.


When you reach B4check the map and you will see three locked rooms. In the central chamber you will find six treasure chests. There are two chests in the center, with the first Sage's Stone in the chest on the right.

How to get the second sage stone in Dragon Quest 3 Remake


After defeating Zoma, there is an extensive post-game section that begins with an ascent to the sky from Church of the Dragon Queen. This region is labeled as ??? and it's a long journey through several previously visited dungeons. You will arrive at the end of the path Cloud Gate Citadel. While there are many things to do in the citadel, to get the second Sage Stone you will need to find the Bard NPC who will present three puzzles. Solving the third puzzle will give you the second Sage Stone.

Cloudsgate Citadel Puzzles:

The Bard you need to talk to is in the chamber directly east of the King. Talk to the Bard NPC to hear the first riddle.

  • Riddle 1: The solution to the first puzzle is found in the ruins of the church of Theddon. Approach the statue that looks like a pitchfork and interact with the prompt. Here you will find a set of Claws of the beast.
  • Riddle 2: Interact with the flowerbed in front of the western building Cantlin to find the Dark robe and solve puzzle two.
  • Riddle 3: Head to Lozamii and enter the large building on the eastern island. Go upstairs and you will find a large telescope. Walk to the right side of the item, just past the NPC who is using it. You will receive an interaction request, which is where you find it the second Sage Stone Dragon Quest 3 Remake.

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