How To Get S Rank In Ready Or Not

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  • Complete All Hard And Soft Objectives

Want to join the elite club of S-rank achievers in Ready Or Not? The tactical first-person shooter rewards those who approach each mission with finesse, strategy, and precision. By adopting a non-lethal mindset, mastering objectives, and ensuring the survival of your team, you’ll maximize your chances of achieving the elusive S rank.




Ready Or Not: How To Use The Optiwand

Because peeking under doors is the new knocking.

It’s the true pinnacle of success, and to help you reach that status, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to ensure you navigate each mission correctly to secure it. So put down that trigger-happy mentality, pick up your beanbag gun, and let’s dive in.

Don’t Kill Anyone

Player arresting a suspect in Ready or Not

Remember, the only thing you’re murdering here is your previous B+ performance. The key to securing an S rank is adopting a non-lethal approach. Killing suspects or civilians will significantly diminish your chances.

Equip yourself with non-lethal gear such as the beanbag gun, flashbangs, gas, stingers, tasers, and pepper spray. Utilize these tools to subdue suspects without resorting to lethal force.

If you opt for flashbangs, remember to equip anti-flash goggles. This prevents you from inadvertently blinding yourself during the operation.

Instead of killing your suspects, you will need to arrest them. After you subdue them non-lethally, use the ‘F‘ key to yell out the surrender command, demanding suspects to surrender peacefully.

Collect All Weapons

secured weapon on the floor in Ready or Not

You’re not just a SWAT officer; you’re a weapon hoarder. Make sure you secure all dropped weapons from the suspects as evidence. They drop them when they die or surrender. It’s like trick-or-treating, but instead of candy, you get felonious evidence.

Sometimes, after a suspect surrenders, they may jump up again and attempt to kill you with a secret second weapon. Be sure to secure that weapon as well.

Complete All Hard And Soft Objectives

soft objective to report server farm in ready or not

Completing the hard objectives is essential for mission completion, but achieving an S rank demands more. If you want an S rank, you must complete the soft objectives as well. These are secret objectives around the map that are not denoted on your tablet at the start.

Don’t Die

2 players in ready or not outside

Remember the Bee Gees? Well, they were onto something. Staying alive is not just a classic disco anthem; it’s your anthem for securing that S rank. Maintain a flawless score by making sure neither you nor your teammates meet an untimely demise.

Employ strategic positioning, effective communication, and tactical awareness to keep everyone alive and secure that coveted S rank.


Ready Or Not: Multiplayer Guide

Your coordinated victory in the chaos awaits.

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