How to get Rockagong fur without dying in Tales Of Graces F Remastered

Once the Rockagong situation in Strahta is resolved, things improve Tales of Thanks F remastered they're back to normal… slightly. There are still a whole host of problems evolving in the world, but at least the Rockagong is back to its usual peaceful self and free to roam the deserts of Strahta.



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You're not done yet, though. A certain researcher from Zahvert needs to present the Rockagong as soon as possible and has no physical object to show to his fellow scientists. He can't achieve anything on his own, but maybe Asbel and his friends can help him.

How to get Rockagong fur

Asbel and his friends talk to a researcher who wants some Rockagong fur in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

This side quest becomes available once you are in the chapter Fendel's Infiltrationand you have reached the Fendel plateau areaimmediately after the Fendel pass.

As soon as you get there, you can talk to a researcher who will ask you if you can get him some Rockagong furso you will have to do it return to Strahtaspecifically the Strahta desert area (east)..

When you're there, head north from the central part with the Desert Cottage and the Transport vendor Turtlez until you reach a new area, Strahta desert cliffs.

Malik finds himself on the edge of the Strahta desert cliffs and decides to challenge the Rockagong in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

Go to the limit and use Check to display two options: Summons the Rockagong OR Challenge the Rockagong.

Summoning the Rockagong will take you back to Inside The Rockagongwhere you can explore that area again and find the newly discovered Golden Smile in the southwestern corner of it.

The Rockagong is a special fight, and at the point in the game where you get this mission, it will be definitely too strong for you really fight, ea a single attack will hit even the tankiest characters like Sophie and Asbel.

Your only option will be to steal Rockagong's furand you will I need Sophie or Asbel to do this.

How to unlock stealing items from enemies

Title menu for Sophie showing Eagle Dive Adept and the skills learnable from it in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

First, you'll need Sophie to have it he has mastered his A-Art, Eagle Divefrom a title like Amnesiac or Initiate Of The Fist, which you will probably have already unlocked, and for Asbelhe will have to have it learned Wolfwindfang as an aspiring knight, Art ApprenticeOR Initiate of the Sword.

Next, you will have to do this get one of the Adept titles for Eagle Dive or Wolfwind Fang using that A-Art at least 100 times in battlemanually or by having Sophie or Asbel use them automatically if they are not your active character.

You can change their strategy to incentivize the AI ​​to use Eagle Dive and Wolfwing Fang more; set Balance to Heavy, Style to Offensive, and Defense to Rare.

Equip one of the applicable Adept titles as soon as it is unlocked, e learn Eagle Dive or Wolfwind from the first level. This unlocks the A-Artes ability to steal items from enemiesincluding the Rockagong, and is the fastest way to assign this attribute to it.

You can attempt to steal Rockagong's fur from Rockagong now, but you can further increase your chances to do it learning Elegant Flash with Sophie, get it Elegant Flash Adept titleand learning Elegant Flash from his first level.

This will also give Elegant Flash the possibility of stealing objectsgiving you three possibilities to get the fur during the battle.

How to Steal Rockagong Fur

When you're ready, save to save point in the Strahta Desert (east) or the one inside the Rockagongso go to Strahta desert cliffsand insure Sophie is the leader of your party. Use the flute to challenge the Rockagongand as soon as the battle begins, wait near the edge with Sophie.

You will have to do it wait until the Rockagong's head is lower to the ground otherwise your attacks won't connect to it properly.

We leave Rockagong swipe and kill whoever tries to get close firstthen run ahead with Sophie or Asbel. Start alternating between Eagle Dive and Elegant Flash onlyor just use Wolfwind Fang as Asbel.

Anyone who still survives can support you and heal if necessary, and you will want to do so keep your CC so you can use those attacks as much as possible before his next attack.

Sophie uses Eagle Dive to steal some Rockagong fur from the Rockagong during the battle in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

Keep doing this until you do steal Rockagong's fur from himrepeating the process as needed in case one or both of you get killed, or you don't get it soon enough. Once obtained, run to the edge of the battle arena until you escape.

Equip a title that you want to master or that requires a lot of SP to level up before completing the Rockagong Fur request to make the most of the SP bonus you receive.

Back to Zahvert e go to the Zahvert Inn near the entrance to the cityand talk to the person at desk on leftwith a yellow sign with a crescent moon inverted on it.

Requests Menu at the Zahvert Inn focusing on the researcher's request for Rockagong fur in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

Check the requests and at the bottom of the list you will see one for the Rockagong fur. Send the item and you will have a nice surprise 5,760 Gald as a rewardalong with a huge SP bonus of approximately 2,800 SP.

You'll get one last one filmed with the Researcherand at the end, the The Towering Figure title will be unlocked for Malik.


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