How to get Hexolite armor in Palworld

In Palworldyou will encounter tough friends, tower bosses, alpha bosses, predator friends and many other dangers. While relying on your friends is usually the best strategy against these threats, you should always be prepared for battle and support your friends.


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In addition to needing the best weapons, don't just expect to deal damage to your targets – be prepared to take a lot of damage, too. Therefore, to minimize the damage you take, we recommend having the best armor. If you seek perfection, the armor you should craft is none other than the Hexolite armor.

How to get Hexolite armor

The player checks the Hexolite Armor recipe in Palworld.

The Hexolite Armor is one of the best armor you can get. With 580 defense and 1750 health, This armor can protect you even in the toughest battles. To get it you need to reach level 57. Once you unlock his blueprint at level 57, all you have to do is create it al Production assembly line II
workbench. However, making it requires a lot of materials:

The player is checking out a research topic to reduce the cost of armor material in Palworld.

If you have access to the Pal Research Laboratory, some of Handiwork's research subjects can reduce the amount of materials needed for armormaking it possible to craft hexolite armor by paying more materials.

Furthermore, you can create a better version of the Hexolite armor by finding its pattern. However, keep in mind that your chances of finding the pattern are low. You can find the pattern in two ways:

  • Small chests on the level 60 oil rig

  • Golden chests or supply drops on Feybreak Island

If you want to have the best defense, don't rely only on your armor. By crafting the Hexolite Helmet and Advanced Shield, you can become highly resistant to damage.

How to get the materials needed for esolite armor

The player prepares to create Hexolite with the giant furnace in Palworld.

If you're having trouble finding Hexolite armor materials, here's how you can get them:


How to get it

50 exolites

To get 50 Exolites, you will need 250 Chromite, 600 Exolite Quartz, and 1,000 Ore. After getting these materials, you should use the giant furnace to produce exolites. To obtain chromite and quartz exolite, visit Feybreak Island. Chromite is found underground and cannot be seen with the naked eye, but you can find it using a metal detector or Smokie's partner skill. For Hexolite Quartz, you can explore Feybreak Island, but places like Scorched Hill are full of it. At coordinates -1065, -1429, you will find three exotic nodes and setting up a base or farming in that area could be very beneficial for you.

30 Plassteel

For 30 Plasteel you will need 150 Crude oil
150 Paldium fragment
and 300 Mineral
. At this level, Paldium shards and ores shouldn't be a problem for you. To obtain crude oil, establish a base near crude oil deposits on Sakurajima Island or the Astral Mountains it is the best method. Alternatively, you can aim to obtain crude oil from oil rigs, but this can be difficult and time-consuming.

20 high quality cloths

The easiest way to get high quality fabrics is assigning to Sibelix
to yours Ranch
. It will continuously produce high-quality fabrics for you, making it the most reliable way to harvest this material. Furthermore, you can also produce high-quality fabrics using Wool
. However, you will need 200 wool to craft 20 high-quality fabrics.

Exotic armor variants

The player is checking the Hexolite Light Armor recipe in Palworld.

You may also want to craft other versions of the Hexolite Armor. In addition to the standard Hexolite armor, there are three variants:

Armor name

Required level

Required materials


Heat resistant Hexolite armor


  • 50 exolites

  • 30 Plassteel

  • 20 high quality armor pieces

  • 30 Flame organ

  • 600 Defense

  • 1750 Health

  • Cold resistance level 1

  • Level 2 heat resistance

Cold-resistant Hexolite armor


  • 50 exolites

  • 30 Plassteel

  • 20 high quality armor pieces

  • 30 Ice Organ

  • 600 Defense

  • 1750 Health

  • Cold resistance level 2

  • Level 1 heat resistance

Light exolite armor


  • 100 exotics

  • 30 Plassteel

  • 20 high quality armor pieces

  • 600 Defense

  • 1750 Health

  • Cold resistance level 1

  • Level 1 heat resistance

  • Level 2 maximum load capacity

Honestly, instead of making the Hexolite Armor heat or cold resistant, using an accessory like the Multi-Climate Undershirt would be a much more efficient choice. These two Hexolite Armor variants only provide 20 additional points of defense over the standard version, which is a relatively small increase and not really worth the resources.

A better option would be to craft the light armor out of hexolite. Not only does it offer 20 extra defenses, but it also increases your maximum load capacitymaking it a much more practical and beneficial choice in the long term.


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