How to Find and Use Distilled Emotions in Path Of Exile 2

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Anointing is a powerful mechanic Path of Exile 2which allows you to gain the effects of any notable passive ability without being connected to it. While not mandatory, some Anointed can easily improve your build in terms of DPS, defenses, or simple utility.


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You can get permanent bonuses from your character in each Act of Path of Exile if you complete certain objectives. Find out more about them here!

For example, Frazzled is an anointed passive that grants you mana regeneration and a greater amount of shock dealt, which can be very useful on a Stormweaver. Unlike the original POE, in Path of Exile 2 you can only anoint amulets and milestones. Here's how to anoint your items, get distilled emotions, and some of the best anointings in the game.

Path of Exile 2 is currently on the way Early access. There may be some changes or updates to Anoints as the game continues development.

How to find distilled emotions?

An overview of the Currency Exchange where you can purchase all types of Distilled Emotions.

Distilled emotion it's a type of currency introduced in Path of Exile 2, which essentially combine effects of antibacterial oils e Spheres of delirium from the original game. There are ten types of Distilled Emotions in the game:

Here you are all different ways where you can farm Distilled emotions:


How to get

Maps of delirium

The main method of obtain Distilled Emotion is of completing Maps / Milestones with Delirium mechanical. AND indicated by a white icon – not to be confused with Shipping.

In these maps you will notice it Delirious fog all over the area, with a progress bar at the bottomleft corner. Your goal is to defeat as many monsters as possible before the Fog of Delirium dissipates. Once you do, you will get lots of rewardsincluded Random distilled emotions.

Currency exchange or trading website

A much simpler way to obtain Distilled Emotions is to use the Currency exchange OR Commercial website.

Reforging bench

You can too use the reforging bench to enhance your Distilled Emotions. You will need it place three Distilled Emotions of the same type obtain one of the tallest oneslevel.

This is especially useful in the SSF if you are unable to obtain the desired Distilled Emotions.


Completion waves of Simulacrum it can also provide you with some Distilled Emotions. However, it is a ENDaspirational activity of the game this requires a fairly strong construction.

When you cultivate Distilled Emotions, try to have a completelytree of delirium, appropriate precursor tabletsAND Level15 milestones.

How to grease?

Instillation window that can be accessed by right-clicking on any distilled emotion.

Like the original game, The anointing is a simple mechanic in Path of Exile 2. Currently there are two types of articles that you can anoint, Milestones, AND Amulets. The process is a little different, but it's nothing complicated. Here's everything you need to know how to grease each object:


Anointing of an Amulet of Eternal Gaze in Path of Exile 2, which is used in a Spark Stormweaver build.

TO Anoint an amuletsimply Rightclick (Square/X on the controller) on any Distilled Emotion to open the Instillation window. In this menu, place your amulet in the top slotAND three Distilled Emotions below. There are several notable passive abilities that you can anoint.

To check which Distilled Emotions are necessary for a specific Anointing, open the passive skill tree, hover over the desired notable passive abilityAND press Alt (R3 on the controller).

The anointings are completely constructedemployee; therefore, be sure to double check what your build needs. If I ever need it change your Anointingrepeat the same procedure for overwrite your previous Anointing.

At the time of writing, there is there is no way to anoint a corrupted or mirrored amulet. The feature is available in the original Path of Exile, so it shouldn't will take a long time to implement in Path of Exile 2.


Grease a T15 milestone with several emotions distilled in Path of Exile 2.

You can Anoint your Stones of the Way TO add Delirium effects to them. Depending on the Distilled Emotion used, you can gain additional effects such as more monsters, simulacrum shards increased, further currency declinesetc.

Similar to amulets, to anoint a milestone, click on a Distilled Emotion (Square / X on the controller) A open the instillation window. Place your Way Stone there along with the desired Distilled Emotions.

Remember this Anointing a milestone it does definitely more difficult. Therefore, we I don't recommend doing this unless you have it a very strong end game build.

Also, similar to the Amulets, you he cannot anoint a corrupt cornerstone. Here's a suit list of all map Mods that you can achieve by anointing your milestones:

Distilled emotion

Delirious effect


Distilled desperation


You have a chance to get a Increased Simulacrum Shard stack size by 30%..

Distilled disgust


Find it Precursor tablets increased by 30%..

Distilled greed


Rarity increased by 8%. of items found in your maps.

Distilled anger


Maps have 20% additional magical monsters.

Distilled suffering


Unique monsters in your maps (including bosses) you get additional modifiers.

Distilled paranoia


Maps have 15% additional rare monsters.

Distilled guilt


The maps have a Package size increased by 8%.. This directly translates into more loot.

Distilled envy


Find it Milestones increased by 30%..

Distilled fear


Rare monsters in your maps you have a 25% chance of getting additional modifiers.

Distillate isolation


This does not guarantee an additional effect, but it really is useful if you want to farm 100% delusional maps..

Similar to amulets, you will have to use three Distilled Emotions to Anoint a milestone. For example, if you use Greed, DespairAND Insulation, you will get a 80% Delusional Waystone with 30 percent simulacrum shard stack increase and an increase of 8%. rarity of items found.

Best Greasing Skills

Press Alt on Icebreaker (remarkable passive ability) to see the distilled emotions he needs to be anointed.

As mentioned above, the Anointings are largely construction dependent you're playing. However, they are there some Anointings that are quite universal and can work with multiple builds. Here are some Anointings that are useful in a number of end-game builds:

Remarkable passive ability

Distilled emotion 1

Distilled emotion 2

Distilled emotion 3


Deadly swarm




Minions Agreement Damage increased by 15%. AND Critical hit chance increased by 20%..

Charged by the storm




Get Elemental damage increased by 40%. after scoring a critical hit. You also get a 20% critical hit chance..

Prophet of doom




Harbinger abilities gain a AOE and damage increased by 30%..

Parade movement




This gives you Block chance increased by 12%.AND Movement speed increased by 1%. for every time you have stuck in the last 10 seconds.

Widespread shocks




The shocks you inflict have a 50% chance to also shock nearby enemies within a radius of 1.5 metres.

High alarm




While you are at full HPget a Evasion rating increased by 50%. and a Stun threshold increased by 25%..

Vulgar methods




Get +10 Strength, Maximum mana reduced by 10%.AND Critical hit chance increased by 35%..

Endless blizzard




+1 al level of all cold skills.





You make money 100% of maximum ES as an add-on Freezing threshold.

Heavy drinker




This guarantees you Vial effect increased by 30%. Duration, Life recovery increased by 20%. from flasks, and 5% Life recovery when using a life flask with low HP.





Damage increased by 1%. For 1% block chance.

Deep trance




Get a Attack speed increased by 8%. AND Skill cost reduced by 10%..

Remember that you always can hover over a notable passive ability in the skill tree e hold down Alt (R3 on the controller) to see the required Distilled Emotions.


Path Of Exile 2: How to Unlock and Use the Reforging Bench

You might as well toss that extra loot.

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