NieR: Automata it has many weapons that each of the protagonists must find and use. Your inventory will be maintained with each match, further incentivizing players to invest time and resources into making their favorite weapons stronger as you will be able to use them throughout the entire game.
One crafting material that players will often need depending on the weapons you choose to upgrade is titanium alloy. While there are a few set locations to get titanium alloy, and you'll find a few throughout the main story, you'll also want to know how to farm them whenever you desperately need them all together; here's how to do it.

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Where to Farm Titanium Alloy in NieR: Automata
The best place to farm Titanium Alloy is unlocked after completing Chapter 3 in the base game, which can only be unlocked with a few hours of gameplay. The location itself is where you fight Adam at the end of chapter 3in the evil machine village in the deep desert. If you haven't been here for a while, the closest fast travel point is the Desert: residential complex position.
Fast travel there and head northwest through the compound and follow the linear path to reach the old machine hideout. Once you reach the bottom of the crater, enemies will constantly spawn in waves, with further spawning only seconds after destroying the ones already there. This is the spawning pit of infinite machinesand it's also a great place to farm XP as the enemies will never stop coming. In the pit you will find the following enemies:
Bipedal Goliath
Medium bipeds
Desert bipeds
We advise you to keep an eye on the Medium bipedsas the name suggests, it will be the medium-sized machines that will spawn in this pit. The item dropped by these enemies who have surpassed level 18 has a ability to drop titanium alloy when destroyedand their spawn rate makes it pretty easy to get a few dozen titanium alloys with just a few minutes of farming.
In this pit, the destroyed machines will respawn the same type of machine just a few seconds later, so simply attack everything but be aware that the spawn rate of the medium bipeds will always remain the same. By using chapter select later in the game you can return to this location whenever you want.
There will be many items dropped by all enemies, so make sure to collect everything so as not to miss any titanium alloys.