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How to Unlock New Costumes in Tales Of Graces F
How to Equip Costumes in Tales Of Graces F
Some games in Stories the series feature selectable costumes and outfits, but Stories of Thanks f probably has some of the best and most varied collections compared to other entries. There are original costumes and throwbacks to fan favorites Stories games and characters. For example, there are dresses from Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny 2 and Tales of the Abyss, among others. Additionally, original drawings by Japanese artist and illustrator Mutsumi Inomata are also included.
Unfortunately, it may seem confusing How to unlock and change costumes Tales of Thanks f remastered. For those who aren't sure what the process entails, here's a detailed explanation of what's required.

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How to Unlock New Costumes in Tales Of Graces F
A fixed point for the Stories the series is gaining new abilities across titles. In Tales of Thanks f remastered getting new titles also unlocks new costumes for each character. If you have unlocked the bonus content via the Vote Store, you will have access to some legacy costumes from the past Stories games and new designs. Use the following steps to activate a title:
Open the menu screen.
Select Titles.
Scroll through the list of icons and select the ones that look like a cat.
Equip the title and any SP earned in completed battles or for completing requests at inns will eventually unlock costumes in the list. You will be notified of unlocked abilities and costumes after each battle or during exploration.
How to Equip Costumes in Tales Of Graces F
Once you have unlocked costumes earned through titles, you can equip them by following the steps below:
Select State.
Then, select the character with the new costume.
Press right or left to change categories and find the list of unlocked costumes.
Select the desired costume and click it.
How to equip accessories
You can also equip accessories that will change the appearance of your characters by following the steps below:
Select State and the characters you chose.
Change the category until you find the Attachment menu.
Now you've done it three slots open to add attachments to characters. Most of the accessories are fun, like a cardboard box, bunny ears and more.
Select Remove everything if you want to get rid of these attachments.
The costumes and accessories in Tales of Thanks f remastered they are purely cosmetic; they do not change the party's statistics or performance in battle. Additionally, costumes and accessories will not be visible during skits or in some story-related cutscenes. More costumes and accessories will be unlocked as you progress through the main story.

Action RPG
- Released
January 17, 2025
- Developer(s).