Lego Horizon Adventures follows Aloy's journey to save her village, pitting her against challenging mechanical mini-bosses, especially on higher difficulties. Among these enemies, the Ancient sticky monsteralso called the Bringer of deathstands out as the most formidable. Adapted from Dawn of Horizon ZeroThis final boss features an alien twist and a prolonged battle with its wide range of devastating attacks. The boss appears after completing all chapters of the game and culminates the story.
The encounter requires patience, as the Deathbringer can only be harmed at specific times when it becomes vulnerable. For those who are having difficulty, here are some strategies that can help you defeat the final boss Lego Horizon Adventures.
LEGO Horizon Adventures review
LEGO Horizon Adventures has some things going for it, but it's a boring game that doesn't measure up to other LEGO or Horizon titles.
How to defeat the ancient sticky monster in Lego Horizon Adventures
The Ancient Goop Monster has a significant health reserve and can quickly deplete the health bar, especially on the highest difficulty. Its most frequent attacks include the Missile clusterwhich marks the targeted area, and the Shock wavecovering almost the entire arena.
THE Minigun the attack, firing large projectiles, is easier to avoid and can be blocked using the Shield Gadgets.
As the boss's health decreases, it spawns mechanical enemies that must be eliminated quickly to avoid being overwhelmed. His most powerful attack, the 360 laser beamcreates a circular danger zone marked in red. Try to stay out of this area to minimize damage. Periodically, the boss's legs will glow blue, signaling an opportunity to attack all four. If successful, the boss falls, entering a stun phase, ideal for dealing significant damage.
Lego Horizon Adventures: which path to choose?
In each mode, players will encounter split paths. Here's how to decide which path to take in Lego Horizon Adventures.
The Deathbringer will fall multiple times, making the battle longer than other fights. Make sure you get the Elemental Drone Gadget in the arena if dropped; deals substantial damage during the boss's stun phase. Fans of cooperative Lego games can use this to gain an advantage and achieve an effective victory.
Teersa isn't ideal for the final boss fight, as dropping her grenades onto the Deathbringer's legs can sometimes be difficult.
The defeat of the boss marks the conclusion of the main story. After that, you can venture out Shippingprovided you have completed the Hunting grounds in the corresponding area. Expeditions mode greatly simplifies the process of completing community jobs.
- Released
- November 14, 2024