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How to unlock the Sekhema Trial in Path of Exile 2
How to complete the Trial of the Sekhema
The Sekhema trial in Path of Exile 2 is an offshoot of the Sanctum activity from the first game. It's a decent source of loot in the late game, but can be difficult to complete at first, especially for players who aren't strong enough.
Completing the Trial of the Sekhema may not necessarily be part of the main quests and acts PoE2but it plays an important role in early character progression, and is also a decent source of loot if you can get strong enough. Here's a quick guide that covers some of the most important things you need to know about it.
Path of Exile 2: How to Beat the King in the Mists
The King in the Mists is a mini-boss that players will face in Freythorn in Path of Exile 2. Defeating him is the best way to get +30 Spirit in Act 1.
How to unlock the Sekhema Trial in Path of Exile 2
To unlock this activity, you'll need to defeat Balbala the Traitor, a hidden boss in the Traitor's Passage in Act 2. She can be an annoying enemy to fight at first due to her fast and powerful attacks, but once you get her down, will fall Baria of Balbalaan essential item you'll need for your first Trial of the Sekhemas run.
After beating Balbala PoE2travel to the location of the Trial of the Sekhema from the Ardura travel map (or teleport there via Waypoint) and you'll come to some sort of ruined temple. Balbala will wait for you there not as an enemy, but as an advisor. Place Barya of Balbala at the Relic Altar to begin your run.
Balbala's Barya is consumed after your first successful run. If you want to try again, you need to find Djinn Baryas, who drops randomly.
How to complete the Trial of the Sekhema
The Trial of the Sekhema involves the players a gauntlet consisting of seven roomswith the last one is a boss fight. Each of the first six rooms has different objectives, as well as rewards or penalties. You can choose which room to enter next after finishing the current one, and you will often have the option to choose between two different rooms. Complete all encounters to enter a reward room, where treasure chests await.
The encounters here are all simple and the objectives are written in the quest log. Survive encounters, kill monsters, or reach the end of the current room to proceed. Repeat until you reach the final boss. There are no time limits here, but you may want to find ways to increase your damage or movement speed PoE2 if you want to finish as quickly as possible.
You can ignore enemies in Gauntlet encounters where you have to run through traps and pull levers.
Likewise, you can fly enemies around during Hourglass (Survival) encounters without necessarily killing them all.
Choose room modifiers wisely.
You can exit a trial by creating a city portal.
Be sure to collect the sacred water that drops from enemies.
Equip mobility skills and use your Dodge Roll frequently.
Honor Level
When you access a trial, you'll notice a white bar in the center of the screen. This represents your current honor level – honor is basically a second health bar that is only active during the Trial of the Sekhema. You lose honor when you are hit by an enemy, and how much you lose depends on how strong the attack you received was. If you lose all your honor, you fail the check (fail even if you lose your entire life).
Honor can be recovered only in the environments that contain a fountain specifically intended for the restoration of the Honour. These are quite rare and usually require spending sacred water to heal. That said, you need to avoid getting hit at all costs.
During the trial, you may find keys of varying rarity as random rewards or from encounters. These keys are used to open chests in the reward room after the final boss fight. This room also contains a statue that gives you your first Authority points PoE2.
Future runs of the Trial of the Sekhema will not reward you with additional Ascendancy points, but you will still be able to farm the job for loot. The trial becomes much more difficult (and rewarding) once you reach the end of the game.