How Persona 6 could take school clubs to new levels of involvement

It would be nice to see Person 6 bring back school clubs, but with them it can go even further than in previous games. While Person 6The main plot of will have to be its main priority, fleshing out the rest of the world in the game will greatly enrich the experience. If the game returns to a school environment, this will of course include school clubs and anything associated with them. Letting the protagonist join school clubs is an obvious move. At the same time, Person 6 he can go the extra mile and make sure his clubs deliver more than before.

When planning social connections of Person 6developers have many potential avenues to take. In the last three games, one of the biggest sources of social connections has come through the respective game school. Since every protagonist since Social Links debuted has been a student, it makes sense that they would form bonds with some of their classmates. Of course, each game also included several characters from outside the school in their Social Link and Confidant lists. It only makes sense if Person 6The school of is once again full of important connections.


The argument for Persona 6 changing its Social Link Arcana

While the next evolution of the Confidant system is expected to be a major aspect of Persona 6, its use of the tarot deck is expected to progress accordingly.

Several social links in the series, such as Person 4's Strength Link, are the result of the protagonist joining school clubs or other functions. Since school clubs are a common part of many Japanese students' lives, they are a reasonable source of information Person games to draw from. School clubs can encompass many areas, from sports teams to drama clubs to student government. This was especially notable in Person 3where many of the social ties involving other students on both tracks were tied in some way to school clubs. Now, it's very likely that Person 6 this trend will continue.

Persona 6 school clubs can reward good participation

Person 6School clubs can have a greater impact, especially if Person 6 it shakes up its formula in a noticeable way. Because school clubs are such an important part of school culture, Person 6 may change to reflect this instead of simply having it as another name in the player's social links list. For example, constantly frequenting clubs could provide bonuses to the upgrades the protagonist gets from them, because it shows his dedication, while players who only frequent clubs occasionally will only get the normal bonuses. It would give players something more to take into account when planning their days.

Since school clubs are a common part of many Japanese students' lives, they are a reasonable source of information Person games to draw from.

School clubs could also lead to some more unique bonuses for the player. While some of Person 4The social connections of are changed depending on which club the player chooses and which clubs might impact Person 6 in another way. Joining certain clubs might lead to a club event being included in the game calendar, such as a school play or a major sporting match. Not only that, but if the player has been diligent in club meetings and has increased the appropriate social stats, they may find themselves with a reward at the end of the scene. On this side, Person 6School clubs could have a bigger impact.

School clubs intervened Personthe lives of the protagonists of Social Links since the debut. When it comes to Person 6of this social connection structure, could become a more important factor than ever. Historically, school clubs have done little more than provide the player with another social connection. Person 6 can make its school clubs a much more interesting part of its protagonist's life. Person 6 he will have many social connections, but his school clubs will have the chance to stand out from the crowd.

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