Everything you need to know about the distant spatial station in Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector

Quick connections

The distant spatial station will be the second position in which it expresses Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector. After reaching the distant spindle, you will see that the export was only warming you, since the distant spindle has much more ongoing. There are more contracts, new crew members to recruit and a lot of units that will follow you some simple skills points.


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This guide will take you through everything. This includes showing you how to unlock every position, which should help you identify a suitable job for your class faster. There is a lot to cover, but this guide will help you work everything.

Every position of the distant spindle and how to unlock them

The spring of doing shinde.

Once you reach the distant spindle, there will be four positions that you can visit: the Pinnacle Docks, THE Core of the spindle, Beneding's BayAND The underestimated. Of those four, three of them are real places, while Bless's bay is more a timer than anything else.

Pinnacle Docks

The peak of the distant spindle

If you go to the upper part of the distant spindle, you will reach The Pinnacle Docks. It is here that you will find a couple of jobs (it is one of the two positions initially available (together with your space vehicle, that is). You will have unlocked a new position every two points you earn in “Pinnacle Explorer“Objective. The first two points will unlock the spring tide, the two next ones will unlock the signal station and the last two points unlock the Beltborn company.

The push will activate after gaining two points in Pinnacle Venture. Once you have activated, a timer will begin. I am specific to warn you because you may not want to start downloading your dice in this position in the right way. Take a look at the Springtide section below for more information on why.




Risk level

Pinnacle Docks

Wander for the docks



Study the posters



Signal station

Pinnacle Explorer

Interpret the signals



Align array




Pinnacle Explorer

Venture Bar Shift

Involve the interface



The friend of the gambler

Venture Bar Shift



Winning the Venture Capital bar will slowly build the The friend of the gambler meter. Once that meter is filled, you will still be able to gamble, but a new counter will appear: the dormant suspicion meter. This too will fill up while betting successfully.


After investing two points in the goal of Pinnacle Venture, the Springtide will become available. The moment he does it, he will begin to lose precious water in the void of space, you want to prevent water loss. So, try to activate the Spring rope while you have four dice (ideally, you would wait until you have four high rolls at your disposal). After completing the goal, you will complete the “Secure The Springtide” unit and you will get a point of skill. You will also talk to Malik and you will earn another contract.




Risk level


Pinnacle Venture

Repair leaks



Redirect the flow



Core of the spindle

The core of the distant spindle spindle

THE Core of the spindle It is the other area available from the beginning. The first two points in the core of the spindle The goal will open Gyre Di Gaia (which is a good place to recharge the energy and is where you will recruit Yu-jin). The next two points will unlock the Commercial room of the spindlewhere you will buy fuel and supplies. The completion of the lens of the mandrine core will unlock the Strlo Express, which is the source of multiple units.




Risk level

Core of the spindle

Explore the nucleus



Chat with the crews



Gyre di Gaia

Core of the spindle

Order a Wrack

4 Cryo

Buy algae cakes

12 Cryo

Commercial room of the spindle

Core of the spindle

Buy fuel

5 Cryo

Fill the fuel

25 Cryo

Buy Supplies

15 Cryo

Fill supplies

75 Cryo

Be laid around

By ordering a wrack four times, you will complete the goal of obtaining. This will begin an interaction with Yu-Jin. This will complete the unit “finds potential crew”, earning a point of skill. In addition, a new unit will provide you, “Yu-Jin recruit” and a contract.

The stripline Express




Risk level

Strlo Express

Core of the spindle

Safety of the scope

Available after 2 cycles




Available after 2 cycles



Once completed the Core of the spindle Objective to the nucleus of the spindle, you will unlock the Strlo Express And he meets a curious character named Kadet. After two cycles, Kadet will find you and while recovering a disc. Once you did it (from both Cut OR Safety discovery), you will come across Kadet again. He will give them the album and she will tell you that he will take him in dispersion. This is where you will have to go for the next part of its recruitment. This will also complete the Kadet Drive help, scoring another point of skill. You will also get three Engine components.

The underestimated

The underestimated distant spindle

The underestimated He will reward you with another option every two points that invested in life under the goal. The first two points will bring you the cuisine of Nemba, the two points later will make you access the edge of the Spindler and the last two points will unlock the scraper ship.




Risk level

The underestimated

Help residents



Wander for the subtle



The cuisine of Nemba

Life below

Earn a meal



Spindler's Edge

Life below

Shift Stioting



Shift scrapper

Life below

Shift scrapper



Buy waste components

22 Cryo

Elaborate rough scrap

2 Cargo

The completion of the goal of Nemba's kitchen will unlock the “Nemba Help” drip. To complete this drive, you will have to travel out of the world, go to the Greenbelt space station and acquire the spores by paying a fee of 40 Cryo. Once you have them, it returns to the cuisine of Nemba and deliver the spores. Completing this unit will follow you a point of skill and another unit: “Connect Nemba and Aki”. Now, go back to the green belt, give to Aki the spores and ask them to meet Nemba. He agrees to bring them Nemba, then go back to the spindle.

Apart from this search, mushrooms will start growing on your ship. You can choose to let off steam or keep them.

Each member of the distant melted crew and how to recruit them

Yu-Jin standing in front of the distant spindle station

There are two crew companions available to be recruited on the distant spindle station: Bliss and Yu-Jin. All you need to know to acquire these two new recruits is listed below.

Acquisition of bliss

The recruitment of bliss is quite easy. After four cycles have passed, they will offer to join your crew. Just defend them and you will acquire this talented engineer.

Acquisition of Yu-Jin

Get Yu-Jin will ask you to do three things …

  • First of all, you will have to do it Drink four wracks to Gaia's Gyre

  • Subsequently, you will have to do it Complete the hidden wreck contract

  • Finally, once the hidden wreck contract is completed, you will have to do it Go easily with Yu-Jin, defend it from Sarafin and welcome him to your crew.


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