Every Version Of Cid, Ranked By How Likely He Looks To Yell At Me In Final Fantasy


  • Cid’s character varies across different Final Fantasy games, but he often gives off a gruff and potentially intimidating vibe.
  • While Cid may appear mean or angry, he usually has good intentions and may resort to detention or diplomatic approaches instead of yelling.
  • Different versions of Cid have unique traits and roles, ranging from evil to jolly, but they all possess a distinct energy that impacts their interactions with others.



The Final Fantasy series is filled with dozens of awesome characters, but one with the most history in the series is none other than Cid. Making an appearance in nearly every mainline Final Fantasy game, Cid is kind of a big deal, even when he doesn’t have the biggest role to play.


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The thing is, Cid tends to have a few particular ways of being characterized, and quite often, he just looks like he’d yell at me until I was left weeping in a corner. Cid’s absolutely a great guy with good intentions, but he also looks like a mean uncle, and no one needs that kind of energy in their lives.

15 Final Fantasy 8

Cid and Quistis speak

Final Fantasy 8


Yoshinori Kitase


Kazushige Nojima


February 11, 1999

In Final Fantasy 8, Cid appears as Cid Kramer, the headmaster of Balamb Garden and the founder of SeeD. While many versions of Cid appear rather grizzly, this one is much cleaner and happier.

Not being one of those angry engineers, this version of Cid strikes me as the kind of guy who would cheer you on instead of absolutely tearing into you. Would I get on his nerves? Sure, but I think he’d just give me detention instead of yelling at me; the guy’s time is just too valuable.

14 Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantasy 13 Cid Raines L'Cie Form

Cid Raines in his l’Cie form in Final Fantasy 13

Final Fantasy 13


Motomu Toriyama


Daisuke Watanabe, Motomu Toriyama


December 17, 2009

Interestingly, while Cid is often a good guy in Final Fantasy, he takes on a much more villainous role in Final Fantasy 13. Appearing as Cid Raines, a Brigadier General responsible for the Lindblum airship, this version of Cid is younger, a touch more evil, and yet much less likely to yell at me.

He may ultimately be evil, but something about him just makes me feel like he’d rather be diplomatic than yell in my face, which I can appreciate. He’d probably be too busy expositing all over the place to yell at me anyway, so we’ll leave him in this infamous hallway of a game and move on.

13 Final Fantasy 2

Final Fantasy 2 Cid

Final Fantasy 2


Hironobu Sakaguchi


Hironobu Sakaguchi, Kenji Terada


December 17, 1988

Final Fantasy 2 was Cid’s first official appearance, and this game (and its pixel remaster) keeps his role fairly simple. He really just seems like the kind of guy who’d help you out in a jam, with just a hint of the possibility of being yelled at.


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That’s right. This version of Cid is the equivalent of your dad working on some home project while you’re holding a flashlight for him. If something goes wrong, you might get yelled at; you’ll just never know.

12 Final Fantasy 14

Cid in Final Fantasy 14

Final Fantasy 14


Naoki Yoshida


Kazutoyo Maehiro


August 27, 2013

Cid Garlond from Final Fantasy 14 honestly just looks like a happy old guy who wants to share his passions with the world. That may or may not describe him accurately for you, but regardless, this Cid stands out as one of the more approachable.

Realistically, this Cid could have topped the list as the least likely to yell at me purely because I have no desire to get sucked into MMORPGs, but this place on the list will do.

11 Final Fantasy 3

final fantasy 3 cid casts fire

Final Fantasy 3


Hironobu Sakaguchi


Kenji Terada, Hironobu Sakaguchi


April 27, 1990

Cid finally begins to take on a bigger role in Final Fantasy 3, this time appearing as a much older man. Rather than looking like an angry old man, he looks much more like a happy inventor you’d want to befriend.

If what Doc Brown does to Marty in Back To The Future is considered yelling, I think I’d be okay with this Cid because he definitely gives Doc Brown energy.

10 Final Fantasy 15

Final Fantasy 15 Cid

Final Fantasy 15


Hajime Tabata


Saori Itamuro, Akiko Ishibashi, Takumi Nishida


November 29, 2016

Cid Sophiar in Final Fantasy 15 honestly looks like that old person who becomes your best friend at that job you hate. He’s got that gruff edge, but the kind of gruffness that makes him endearing.

Who wouldn’t want to work on a car with this Cid? I’d be happy to hold his flashlight for him because I know he’s not going to yell – although I might end up with one of those angry scowls for my trouble.

9 Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 5 Cid

Final Fantasy 5


Hironobu Sakaguchi


Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase


December 6, 1992

Cid Previa from Final Fantasy 5 is an interesting take on the character despite keeping with the old-man trend. He seems more like a determined knowledge seeker than an angry old guy.

Being paired with his grandson, Cid Previa is able to show off the family-oriented side of the character, which is a bonus for him not yelling at me. He also looks like he’s getting up there in age, so maybe he’d think I was his grandson anyway, something that might keep me extra safe.

8 Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 6 Cid

Final Fantasy 6


Yoshinori Kitase, Hiroyuki Ito


Yoshinori Kitase, Hironobu Sakaguchi


April 2, 1994

While Cid may not play an overtly important role in Final Fantasy 6, he is instrumental to the game and a key part of Celes’ story. He may seem like a reliable grandpa, but he also looks as if he’s ready to blow at any moment.


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Just look at the funny outfit he’s got on – Cid looks like he confused a hazmat suit for a jacket and just rolled with it. You know he’s just waiting for something small to snap at, and I don’t need that energy in my life.

7 Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9 Cid

Final Fantasy 9


Hiroyuki Ito


Hironobu Sakaguchi


July 7, 2000

Now Cid Fabool seems like a pretty jolly guy in Oglop form and arguably just as nice a guy in his human form. The issue is that this Cid is much more regal than many of the other versions, and you just can’t trust someone with that kind of power.

He might help the party, but just look at that mustache; this Cid is one more bad Oglop day away from becoming the Final Fantasy series’ Dr. Wily.

6 Final Fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16 Cid using his lightning powers

Final Fantasy 16


Hiroshi Takai, Kazutoyo Maehiro


Kazutoyo Maehiro


June 22, 2023

Cidolfus Telamon has become one of the more interesting versions of Cid, thanks to this excellent RPG on PS5. Feeling much more youthful than other Cids, Cidolfus honestly feels more like he’d end up like a disappointed dad than an angry old man.

His sarcastic nature might keep people from being yelled at for too long, but I could see him breaking out his inner Bakugo and letting some yelling explode out if he spent a bit too long with me.

5 Final Fantasy 11

Final Fantasy 11 Cid

Final Fantasy 11


Koichi Ishii (1999–2003), Nobuaki Komoto (2003–2008), Koichi Ogawa (2008–2010), Akihiko Matsui (2010), Mizuki Ito (2010–2016), Yoji Fujito (2016–)


Nobuaki Komoto, Masato Kato


May 16, 2002

This version of Cid might seem like one of the nicer in the series, but he still manages to look like he’d yell at me at the drop of a hat. Look at the man; he doesn’t even need a shirt, just a simple apron.

If he’s that level of man, you know he’d be ready to yell at me through that rugged beard and shockingly trendy haircut.

4 Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10 Cid

Final Fantasy 10


Yoshinori Kitase


Kazushige Nojima, Daisuke Watanabe, Motomu Toriyama, Yoshinori Kitase


July 19, 2001

It’s easy to look at this version of Cid and assume he might be a bit kinder than some others, but Final Fantasy 10’s Cid is anything but kind. He’s fiery and proud, always willing to fight for the Al Bhed.


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I would never speak down on people with tattoos, but when someone has a tattoo on their head, I’m just going to assume they’re going to spend all their time yelling at me. That sounds like a safe assumption to me.

3 Final Fantasy 12

Final Fantasy 12 Cid

Final Fantasy 12


Hiroyuki Ito, Hiroshi Minagawa


Daisuke Watanabe, Miwa Shoda, Yasumi Matsuno


March 16, 2006

When it comes to Final Fantasy 12, Cidolfus Demen Bunansa is one of the more interesting characters you’ll come across. Believe it or not, despite being a major villain, he still isn’t the most likely to yell at me.

Being evil and a little bit out there doesn’t equate to yelling at everyone. This Cid looks like he’d want to make me into a lab rat, although he’d probably just yell at me while testing on me.

2 Final Fantasy 7

Original Final Fantasy 7 Cid lighting dynamite with a cigarette

Final Fantasy 7


Yoshinori Kitase


Yoshinori Kitase, Kazushige Nojima


January 31, 1997

With how often Cid Highwind lets the swears go flying, I can only assume he’s ready to unload on everyone he meets at any moment.

Despite being kind and goal-oriented, Cid would be just as likely to hit me with one of his spears as he would be to yell and swear at me. Honestly, I think I’d rather have the spear; I’m a sensitive soul.

1 Final Fantasy 4

Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy 4 smiling with his mouth wide open.

Final Fantasy 4


Hironobu Sakaguchi


Takashi Tokita, Hironobu Sakaguchi


July 19, 1991

Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy 4 is one of the best Cid’s from the series and his over-the-top personality is a big part of that. Rather than the angry Kratos brand of yelling, this Cid looks like he’d yell at everyone for any reason.

Being an excited and chaotic person with a big heart, this airship genius would probably have the majority of a conversation in the form of yelling. Something about him just reminds me of a mixture of Hercule from the Dragon Ball series and Mr. Torgue from the Borderlands series.


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