Every Possible Ending For Minsc In BG3

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  • Stands Against The Dark Urge
  • Destroying The Elder Brain

There are many pathways in the story of Baldur’s Gate 3. Every choice you make can drastically alter the course of the storyline of the game – including the stories of both your own playable character and the companions they travel with.



RELATED: Baldur’s Gate 3: Every Possible Ending For Jaheira

Among the ten companions in Baldur’s Gate 3, Minsc is the one you obtain the latest in the game during Act Three. Despite entering into the game during the last third of it, Minsc still has a handful of different endings available to him, depending on what actions you take – especially involving Jaheira and her own questline.

Killed By Your Hand

Minsc holds Boo The Hamster in his hand after being recruited in Baldur's Gate 3.

Off-screen, Minsc was taken and infected with a Mindflayer parasite, just like many in your party. However, since he is not protected by the Emperor inside the Mysterious Artefact your playable character carries around, he is under the Absolute’s influence and does its bidding.

When you find Minsc, he is taking orders from a Jaheira imposter – the real Jaheira being a friend he traveled with in previous Baldur’s Gate games. There are two separate ways for this interaction to go down.

If You Have Jaheira

If the real Jaheira is in your party, she will try to convince Minsc of the sabotage. He refuses to listen, believing the imposter Jaheira to be the real one. He and the group he travels with will attack your party.

If you knock Minsc out with a non-lethal attack, you can recruit him into your party after you convince the Emperor to extend the Artefact’s protection to Minsc. However, if you kill him in this fight, he will die permanently, and Jaheira will leave your party for the rest of the game to take him back to his homeland for burial.

If You Don’t Have Jaheira

Should Jaheira not be in your party when you find Minsc (be it because she was not recruited or killed in Act Two), he will be enraged when you kill the imposter Jaheira, believing you killed the real woman. Even if you hit him with a non-lethal attack, he will not be able to be recruited, and his story will end there.

RELATED: Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Recruit Minsc

Stands Against The Dark Urge

Baldur's Gate 3 Dragonborn Dark Urge

This ending is only available if you play as the Dark Urge Origin character.

Inside the Temple of Bhaal, the Dark Urge will stand off against fellow Bhaalspawn Orin. Once you are victorious, you have the option to lie down and forfeit your life or to become a champion of Bhaal.

If you become Bhaal’s chosen, Minsc (and Jaheira) will immediately leave your party permanently and exit the room with Minsc lamenting to his hampster Boo that their friend is no more. Once you walk out, both Jaheira and Minsc are waiting with Jaheira’s Harpers.

No matter what you say to the two, it will always end in a fight (with both having dealt with Bhaalspawns in previous Baldur’s Gate games). Since Minsc is infected with a Mindflayer tadpole, you can succeed in a Wisdom check (25) to command Minsc to kill Jaheira before the fight begins – throwing Minsc into a rage before he is killed in the fight afterward.

Destroying The Elder Brain

Baldur's Gate 3, Minsc holding Boo while talking to the player

If you recruit Jaheira into your party in Act Two and complete her companion quest in Act Three to save Minsc – he will join your party. He is a Ranger who can summon his hampster Boo in battle.

Unlike your other companions, Minsc does not have his own personal quest – with the closest being Jaheira’s companion quest, as rescuing him is the end goal. However, he can still be present during your final battle with the Elder Brain.

After you defeat the Elder Brain, Minsc does not have any special cutscenes in the ending. He is not romanceable, so there is no special dialogue for you either.

Next: Baldur’s Gate 3: Who Is Minsc?

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