The mission structure in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake is not like many modern RPGs, which go to great lengths to guide players through their narrative. Instead, DQIII Remake puts a great deal of trust in the player, which is refreshing in most cases, but can sometimes lead to confusion over what to do next. The remake does include a very loose system of quest markers, which the player can switch on and off in the menu. With this in mind, this guide will list every main mission in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, with a focus on pointing out the best order of completion.
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A complete guide to earning every trophy or achievement in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.
Complete Main Mission List – Dragon Quest 3 Remake
As mentioned previously, Dragon Quest 3 Remake‘s mission structure does not adhere to the more formulaic structures of many modern games. Even when you turn quest markers on, the information you receive is extremely limited. Those players that have a great deal of time to invest will likely find this refreshing, but for those players that may be looking for a helping hand, this guide will point you in the right direction.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake doesn’t feature traditional missions, so it can sometimes be hard to know what is a ‘main mission,’ and what is side content. For this guide, we will classify any task that pushes the player towards the end goal as a ‘main mission.’ There are no official mission or chapter names, so we will create our own mission groups based on the game’s major goals.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake Part 1: All Keys & Ship
Mission 1 – Prologue: Character Creation & Party Recruiting
- Select name, look, & gender
- Personality Quiz
- Wake in Aliahan – speak with family, then head to Aliahan Castle
- Recruit party members from Patty’s Party Planning Place
Mission 2 – The Thief’s Key
- Leave Aliahan and head to Reeve.
- Head to Promontory Passage
- Complete the Dreamer’s Tower dungeon and collect the Thief’s Key
Mission 3 – The Magic Key
- Return to Reeve with the Thief’s Key and get the Wrecking Ball
- Follow the Path of Promise to leave Aliahan Island
- Romaria – complete the King’s Crown/Robbin ‘Ood side-quest at Skyfell Tower (optional)
- Head east through Asham and Nordy’s Grotto
- Complete the Pyramid dungeon and collect the Magic Key
Mission 4 – Getting A Ship
- Visit Portoga next – speak to the King who requests Black Pepper
- The King will trade Black Pepper for a Ship
- Head to Baharata, then the Kidnapper’s Cave dungeon.
- Return to Baharata, then visit Alltrades Abbey to collect Black Pepper.
- Return to Portoga and collect the Ship
Mission 5 – Merchantburg & The Ultimate Key
- Now that you have a Ship, head to the northeast Quest Marker and establish Merchantburg – hire a Merchant and bring them with you, leaving them to establish the new town, which will be shown as ??? at first. The town’s name will eventually be: (your Merchant’s name)-burg. For example, ours was Doughboyburg. The town grows over time, so it’s best to start it as early as possible. You will be notified when it is time to return. Make sure to visit every time.
- Now, head out to collect the Ultimate Key
- Head to Lanson and purchase Fading Jenny
- Visit Edina, use Fading Jenny to get by the front-gate guards. Complete the Edina Rock Puzzle to get the Bottomless Pot
- Use the Bottomless Pot at the Shallows Shrine, collect the Ultimate Key inside the shrine.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake: How to Forge the Sword of Kings
Help the Swordsmith in Kol forge the Sword of Kings in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake Part 2: Orbs, Ramia, & Baramos
Mission 6 – Collect the Red Orb
- Head to the Pirates’ Den at the southeast corner of the eastern continent.
- Outside the den, interact with the Captain’s Statue
- Enter the secret area and collect the Red Orb
Mission 7 – Collect the Blue Orb
- Return to Lanson
- Use the Ultimate Key to unlock the shrine
- Complete Gaia’s Navel dungeon and collect the Blue Orb.
Mission 8 – Collect the Purple Orb
- Visit Jipang on the southeastern edge of the western continent
- Locate Yayoi in the western basement
- Visit Orochi’s Lair, the cave to the east of Jipang
- Defeat Orochi in the first fight, then follow it to the palace in Jipang.
- Defeat Orochi in the second fight and collect the Purple Orb
Mission 9 – Collect the Green Orb
- Visit Theddon at night
- Use the Ultimate Key to open the jail cell on the northeast side of town.
- Interact with the NPC in the jail
- Defeat the Dying Flames and collect the Green Orb
All Mini Medals in Dragon Quest 3 Remake (& Where to Find Them)
Where to find every Mini Medal in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.
Mission 10 – Collect the Yellow Orb
- As noted above, you should have gotten several Merchantburg notifications while progressing through the Orb quests.
- On the fourth visit, the Merchant has been overthrown. Speak to them in jail, and they will reveal the location of the Yellow Orb, which is behind the couch in their former home.
Mission 11 – Get the Mod Rod
- Head to Manoza and learn of the king’s suspicious behavior. Try to speak to the King and allow yourself to be arrested.
- Complete the Manoza Cave dungeon to collect Ra’s Mirror
- Return to the King’s chambers at night and use Ra’s Mirror
- Defeat the Boss Troll to receive the Mod Rod as a reward.
Mission 12 – Get the Boatman’s Bone & Lover’s Locket
- Take the Mod Rod to the old man at Hermitage
- He will give you the Boatman’s Bone, which will allow you to sail into the bay containing the Ghost Ship.
- Complete the Ghost Ship mini-dungeon to find the Lover’s Locket
Mission 13 – Collect Mountaincleaver
- Head to the Shrine of Shackles, which is found on an island in the same bay as the Ghost Ship.
- Collect Mountaincleaver from the skeleton in the jail cell.
Mission 14 – Collect the Silver Orb
- You will now be able to reach the Volcano.
- Defeat the Garboyle and toss Mountaincleaver into the Volcano, causing an eruption.
- Follow the lave flow to the Maw of the Necrogond
- Complete the dungeon and visit the Necrogond Shrine to collect the Silver Orb
Mission 15 – Unlock Ramia the Everbird, Collect the Sphere of Light
- With all six Orbs now in your possession, visit the Shrine of the Everbird
- Place the orbs on the pedestals, and watch the Everbird egg crack open.
- Head to the Castle of the Dragon Queen to collect the Sphere of Light (This can be done anytime before entering Zoma’s Citadel)
- You can now fly around the map, and can access Baramos’s Lair.
Mission 16 – Baramos’s Lair
- Fly over the mountains and land in front of Baramos’s Lair
- This is a massive fortress, filled with a large amount of loot. Take the time to explore it all.
- Defeat Baramos to close out Part 2.
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A complete overview of the new Monster Wrangler vocation in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.
Dragon Quest 3 Remake Part 3: Alefgard & Zoma
Mission 17 – Descent into Alefgard
- After defeating Baramos, you’ll realize that is not the end. The game will instruct you on how to enter the Pit of Giaga and enter the realm of darkness known as Alefgard.
- You will arrive in a small port west of Tantegal
- There are several locations in Alefgard, but there are only a limited number of items you’ll need to move on. We will note here that it is worth exploring, not only for the loot, but for the level increase that will result. Zoma, the final boss, is incredibly challenging. Make sure you are not underleveled before approaching.
- From Tantegal, you will set out to collect the items needed to form the Rainbow Bridge.
Mission 18 – Collect the Sunstone
- Visit Tantegal Castle
- Collect the Sunstone from a chest on the second floor
Mission 19 – Collect the Staff of Rain
- Visit the Shrine of the Spirit south of Cantlin
- Speak to the Faerie at the shrine to receive the Staff of Rain, the first item needed to create the Rainbow Bridge.
Mission 20 – Collect the Faerie Flute
- Head to Kol
- Locate the Faerie Flute just south of the hot springs.
MIssion 21 – Free Rubiss & Scared Amulet
- Visit the Tower of Rubiss on the northern islands in Alefgard
- At the top of the tower, defeat the Soul of Baramos and use the Faerie Flute to free Rubiss
- You will now have all three items needed to make the Rainbow Drop
Mission 22 – Zoma’s Citadel
- You can now form the bridge that leads to Zoma’s Citadel.
- This is the final main mission of the game, which concludes with the final fight with Zoma.